The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings

The Ultimate Guide to Persuasive Email CTAs that Boost Sales (Write Better Email CTAs TODAY)




You’ve written a killer subject line and lots of people have opened your email.

Your body copy is engaging, interesting and persuasive.

You hit all the right sweet spots.

But you can’t figure out why no one is clicking your link (or button).

I know why…

It has to do with your email CTA.

You see, you can write amazing email copy, but if your email CTA is weak (or doesn’t exist) you will fail to boost results for your clients.

Let’s fix that for you.

In this post…

I’m going to give you everything you need to write persuasive email call to actions that “force” readers to click your link and buy NOW.


What is a CTA in Email Marketing?

CTA stands for call to action.

This is where you tell your readers what to do next.

What action you want them to take? (Usually it’s to click a link.)

The CTA section is the final few paragraphs + the link/button.

Like this:

You should always add juicy sales copy to trigger response and a link (or a clickable button) that takes readers to your desired landing page.


How Many CTAs Should an Email Have?


There is no set-in-stone number of email CTAs to have.

However, I always close my emails with CTA copy (telling readers what to do next) and a blue link that leads them to my sales page.


It’s best practice to only sell ONE offer per email.

It’s okay to have multiple links but you should only sell one offer to boost response.


Should All Emails Have a CTA?

Only if you want to make money.

Here’s the thing…

Every email you write should sell something.

There’s a lot of hoopla floating around the web about “nurture sequences” and “providing value first with free stuff”.

This “advice” is trash.

If you study the best email marketers (like Ben Settle & Matt Furey) you’ll quickly discover that every email should be selling something.

The more frequently you show up in your market’s inbox, with a persuasive CTA, the more sales you’ll make.

I send DAILY emails to my list.

In every email, I have a CTA telling readers to click on a sales page where I sell a product.

I recommend you do the same.


Where Should Your Email CTA Be Placed?

You can include links throughout your email’s body copy.

However, you should always include at least one CTA in your close (the last section of your email copy where you encourage people to click your link).

Just about every marketing email closes with a CTA and encourages readers to click a link or CTA button.


Email Call to Action Best Practices (With Insider Tips to Help You Boost Response)

1. Clarity and Conciseness

Crafting a compelling email call-to-action begins with clarity and conciseness.

Your audience should easily understand the desired action.

Keep your language brief, direct, and eliminate any potential confusion.

The goal is to make the CTA crystal clear, leaving no room for misinterpretation.


2. Action-Oriented Language

Use action-oriented language to evoke a sense of urgency and prompt immediate engagement.

Choose powerful verbs that inspire your readers to take the desired action.


  • "Shop Now"
  • "Subscribe Today"
  • "Unlock Exclusive Access"


3. Standout Design

Your CTA should catch the reader's eye.

Use contrasting colors that align with your brand and ensure your email CTA stands out from the rest of the email.

Consider employing button designs to enhance clickability, making it easy for your audience to respond to the call.


4. Mobile Responsiveness

In a mobile-centric world, it's crucial to ensure that your CTA looks and functions seamlessly on smaller screens.

Test your emails on various devices to guarantee a positive user experience, encouraging readers to take action regardless of the device they're using.


5. Placement

Strategic placement is key.

While placing CTAs near the beginning and end of emails is common, consider the flow of your content and insert CTAs where they naturally fit.

Additionally, repeating CTAs throughout longer emails increases the likelihood of capturing attention and encouraging action.


6. Personalization

Personalized CTAs can significantly boost engagement.

For example, you can use your readers names or tailor language based on their preferences or past interactions with your brand.

Personalization creates a connection and enhances the relevance of your email call-to-action.


7. Urgency and Scarcity

This is an absolute must.

Inject a sense of urgency or scarcity into your CTAs to drive immediate action.

Phrases such as "Limited Time Offer" or "Act Now" create a sense of exclusivity, motivating readers to respond promptly.

Best ways to add urgency:

  • Limited availability (for products, lead magnets, webinar seats, etc.)
  • Strict deadlines
  • Special discounts

Just make sure your urgency elements are believable.  Add specific dates/times that readers must respond by to get the discount and give a reason WHY you are offering them a discount.


8. Relevance

You don’t want to interrupt the flow of your message.

Ensure your CTA aligns smoothly with the content of your email.

A relevant CTA reinforces the overall message, providing a clear (and natural) next step for your audience.

Make it easy for them to understand why taking action is beneficial to them.


9. Testing

A/B testing allows you to fine-tune your CTAs.

Experiment with different wording, colors, and placements to discover what resonates most with your audience.

Regular testing provides valuable insights that can guide future optimizations.


10. Link Visibility

If your CTA is a hyperlink (like this ADD HYPERLINK), pay attention to link visibility.

Avoid tiny text or inconspicuous links.

Make sure your CTA is easily clickable, especially on mobile devices, to enhance user experience and boost clicks.


11. Social Proof

Build trust and credibility by incorporating social proof.

Share testimonials, user reviews, or relevant statistics that support the value of the action you're promoting.

Demonstrating positive experiences from others can influence your audience's decision to engage.


12. Follow-Up

If your call-to-action involves multiple steps, provide a clear roadmap for what comes next.

Guide your audience through the process, offering instructions and reassurance.

A smooth follow-up can enhance the overall user experience and encourage continued engagement.


7 Tips for Writing Persuasive Email CTA’s that Boost Sales

A few months ago, I created an ultimate guide on how to write persuasive copywriting CTAs.

You should read this post and apply the lessons when writing Email CTAs.

Pay special attention to the 7 CTA tips I give near the end.

How to write a persuasive CTA remains the same for any type of copy.

Simply model after this post and apply the principles/tips to your email call to actions.


4 Call to Action Email Examples to Get Your Writing Wheels Spinning

These 4 email CTA examples are from emails I’ve sent to my list.

Use them as inspiration for writing your own email CTAs.








You now hold one of the most powerful secrets known to email copywriter:

How to write persuasive email CTAs that trigger a direct response.

Use the tips from this post to explode sales.

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings