Want to earn $100+ writing for your very first client… this week?
Want to earn your first thousand dollars writing for a handful of clients… this month?
Want to earn a full-time income as a sought-after copywriter so you can FINALLY leave your depressing job… this year?
I can show you how. To start, you DO NOT NEED...
Dear friend,
If your dream is to become a successful freelance copywriter who works with dream clients, writes from anywhere in the world and works as much or as little as you desire, with total freedom, passion and excitement (even on Monday mornings)… but are struggling like hell to get clients & transition into copywriting full-time, then this letter will show you exactly how…
Here’s the scoop…
In 2019, I gave copywriting a crack.
I read a few books, took some courses and devoured dozens of copywriting videos & blogs.
I felt ready.
Jeremy Mac
Shows struggling copywriters how to achieve their copywriting DREAM LIFE
I felt confident.
But I felt stuck.
I had NO CLUE how to get clients.
Unfortunately, the courses left out this vital information. I desperately needed a "get clients fast" guide with a clear structure to follow…
I didn’t know where to look for clients, what to say when reaching out or how to convince them to give a complete rookie a shot.
This was my biggest challenge…
I desperately needed real-world writing experience, but no one would hire me because I didn’t have any yet.
They all wanted an impressive portfolio filled with glowing samples, testimonials and years of experience.
How could I? I was just starting…
This felt so unfair. Like the game was rigged from the jump...
This made it almost impossible to make any money.
And, whenever I reached out to prospects, I felt very insecure & nervous. I felt like a complete fraud.
I couldn’t escape disempowering thoughts like…
“What if I’m not good enough?”
“What if clients hate my writing?”
“What if I get a bad review?”
“What if I make mistakes?" (I’d feel so embarrassed)
“Why would clients trust me if I have no proof of success?”
Talking to prospects was a complete nightmare.
I remember shaking in fear, stuttering, barely able to complete a sentence.
I did NOT learn how to sell myself over calls.
No one taught me this stuff. I didn’t realize how much thought and preparation went into it. This was a completely different skill from copywriting.
If this wasn’t bad enough…
Scrolling through social media was DEMORALIZING. Seeing so many thriving copywriters living their dream lives, while I was struggling like a dog barely making scraps.
How the heck were they doing it?
After a few months of agonizing failure, I gave up.
I just couldn’t deal with the boulders of stress, anxiety and imposter syndrome weighing on my brain.
Plus, I needed cash FAST.
I couldn’t find enough work to support myself, so I quit and continued my miserable day job.
At the time, I really believed I would never escape the soul-sucking 9-5 rat race and fulfill my dreams as a successful freelance copywriter.
I was dead wrong...
A year later (2020), I gave copywriting another shot.
This time, I broke into copywriting extremely fast…
I FINALLY gained the momentum I needed…
Within a year, I scored 100+ freelance clients, 2 high-paying copywriting jobs and earned close to 6-figures.
Fast forward 3 years later...
I consistently clear 6-figures per year and experience more freedom than I ever imagined possible.
And remember, I started WITHOUT a portfolio or experience and never wrote a single word for free.
This can all be possible for you too…
You just need a foolproof system to fast-track your success...
Here’s the deal…
I’ve created a 3.5 hour online video course called Overnight Clients.
This course is for beginners who have already learned the basics but are struggling to land clients & transition into copywriting full-time.
This step-by-step client blueprint shows you exactly what I did to break into copywriting, extremely fast, with NO portfolio or experience and build a thriving freelance business (don't try to figure it out all on your own... shortcut your success by simply replicating what works.)
After taking this course you will feel confident in your abilities to approach clients and convince them to hire you… and... SHOCK them with impressive results so they write enthusiastic testimonials, rave about you to all their entrepreneur friends and hire you again and again and again.
This course includes...
The 10 main “Overnight Client” methods I've used over the last 4 years to attract a FLOOD of new clients (each method can bring you new clients in as quick as 24 hours).
Several additional sections that cover...
To ensure your success with this program...
I've included exact step-by-step instructions and dozens of proven fill-in-the-blank templates & checklists.
I've made this program fast-paced, stupidly easy to follow and give you lots of actionable, no BS information from a “been there, done that” copywriter who’s learned the hard way.
You can power through this course in one sitting (or on the go, using your phone) and potentially...
Here's a sneak peek of what's in store:
Speaking of mistakes…
I made a TON of nasty mistakes as a naked beginner. Especially when reaching out to clients.
And guess what?
I see soooo many copywriters making these same mistakes too (and a lot more).
So, to help you out…
Throughout this course, I reveal TONS of common mistakes that are butchering your chances at winning new clients, and give you specific solutions to these common problems that copywriters fall victim to on a daily basis.
For example:
It’s no secret…
There are HUNDREDS of ways to get copywriting clients.
But most of them are NOT beginner friendly.
This course was designed to show beginners with no experience how to gain new clients ASAP.
Each method I reveal can get you new clients in as quick as 24 hours.
There are 10 “main” methods I share with you in this program.
However, each method contains several little-known ways for getting new clients.
Here’s a taste of what’s inside:
This course mainly focuses on the business side of copywriting (getting clients).
I do cover some very important copywriting tips, principles and lessons.
They are sprinkled throughout this course and can help you quickly improve your writing skills.
Here are a few juicy copywriting secrets you’ll discover:
I’ll be honest with you…
I tried to make this course as beginner friendly as possible.
I even added some methods that do NOT involve any pitching, prospecting or talking to clients over the phone or in person.
However, the ability to negotiate and sell yourself to clients is HUGE.
So, to help you out, I’ve included an entire section on negotiation and prospecting.
After watching this, you’ll know exactly what to say when sending outreach messages and talking over the phone. Plus, you’ll feel confident in your ability to negotiate higher rates and close more deals.
I reveal secrets like:
This is much more than a “get clients fast” course.
It covers EVERYTHING you need to run a successful freelance business from ground zero.
Including how to price your services, which services to offer, how to grow your freelance business, how to create a copywriting brief and much more.
Here’s a teaser of some of the tips I share:
But that's not all you're getting.
Not even close.
When you order TODAY, you will also receive...
(IMPORTANT: These bonuses will not be available for long. Because as soon as I hit my personal goal for courses sold, you will have to pay the original, full price to access these exclusive trainings.)
Here’s what you can expect as a Copy Kings member:
Each month, you’ll receive a hefty mix of video, audio & PDF trainings sent straight to your inbox (usually 1-2 trainings per week).
You can think of these trainings as no-fluff, mini-courses.
These exclusive "mini-courses" cover the most popular & relevant topics on how to maximize your success & wealth in copywriting.
Filled with valuable copywriting, marketing, sales and lead generation secrets - that I’m currently using in my own business & for clients - to shortcut your exciting journey to a more fulfilling & successful copywriting career.
These actionable trainings are designed to be consumed in one sitting and APPLIED to your freelance business or in-house position, the very same day.
Typically, 1 month's content pays for a full year’s subscription - 2x, 5x, or 10x over (depending on your grit & willingness to implement).
This subscription is an investment.
Each time you apply the secrets, you will likely multiply your ROI.
This is my goal for you:
I want you to be able to click “play”...
Consume each training in one sitting...
And then immediately go and APPLY the information (that same day) to make your monthly subscription cost back… ASAP.
And then, keep reaping the rewards for months (even years) down the road, from every single training I send you.
**You will receive your first month's content for FREE. After, if you choose to keep your subscription, you will be charged $47/month**
If rejection from clients & companies is eating you alive, plaguing you w insomnia and sucking the fun out of your copywriting journey, then this valuable audio training will show you how to rid your fear, power through “slumps” and earn a whole lot more buckolas.
Inside this valuable 23-minute training, I reveal:
Few years ago, I created a product teaching insomniacs how to sleep. One of the lessons I taught in this video course was how to relax in bed and eliminate stress & anxiety. I’ve clipped this section out and tweaked it for copywriters.
It’s perfect for copywriters who stress over things like…
A.I. stealing your clients, the looming recession, social anxiety when talking to clients on sales calls, fear of stiff competition, imposter syndrome, not being able to find enough work to support yourself, and so on…
After watching this mini-course, you’ll have the tools to feel relaxed as a koala… on command!... while kicking major bootay along your exciting copywriting journey.
This video reveals secrets like:
Take HOURS to write a measly 200-word email? Trouble turning “on” your creative side? Struggling to meet fierce deadlines? Can’t get into “hustle mode”?
If so, this short yet super valuable audio recording will show you how to complete more gigs, in less time.
After listening, you'll be able to effortlessly write high-quality copy, even at night, so you can earn more $$$ and spend more time with friends & family.
Here’s a juicy taste of what’s in store
Tired of staring at a blank screen when trying to write?
Believe it or not, I’ve NEVER experienced writer’s block.
It does not exist in my world.
Not when writing my first copywriting gig – not 4 years later.
I reveal why in this QUICK 4:36 minute audio recording.
After listening, you will have the confidence & tools needed to NEVER experience writer’s block again, for the rest of your writing career.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
In my cocky opinion…
If you haven’t yet read these 9 copywriting GEMS, you are not a real copywriter.
And you will certainly struggle to write copy that produces results for your clients.
I’m serious.
You’re putting yourself at a HUGE disadvantage to any copywriter who HAS read, studied and APPLIED these 9 “Mount Rushmore” copywriting books.
These are the EXACT 9 books I read to launch my copywriting career.
I attribute my early success to the wisdom found within the pages of these books (50 clients in under 3 months… 6-month contract at a marketing agency… and… an 82k yearly salary position as an in-house copywriter... all within my first 12 months.)
These summaries can act as a great “crash course” for beginners looking to quickly level up their copywriting knowledge & skills!
Here are 12 of my favorite tips & tricks found inside these summaries:
Want a “behind-the-scenes” look at my portfolio?
It’s probably the simplest, cheapest (100% free) and most effective way to create a portfolio that’ll get you flooded with potential clients reaching out to you and begging you to write for them.
Works for freelance & in-house copywriters.
This takes all the confusion and mystery out of creating an impressive portfolio that gets you instant results.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Here’s the deal:
I normally charge $1,000 for this consulting service.
However, if you order Overnight Clients TODAY, I will critique TWO of your writing pieces.
This consulting package includes:
1 client outreach critique. This is intended for a client outreach message you plan on sending prospects following the methods in this course.
1 copy critique. This is intended for the first (or next) writing project you create for a client after they accept your offer.
For the copy critique, this can be any type of copywriting:
Website page…
You choose.
Also, there is no word limit for either of these critiques.
Simply send me the Word document of the 2 pieces you’d like me to critique (or whatever app you use to write). I will critique the entire piece, line by line, giving you feedback and tips for improvement.
All copy critiques will be screen-recorded and sent back to you via email with the title “Copy Critique”.
This bonus is time-sensitive.
You must send me the client outreach critique within 2 weeks of enrolling in Overnight Clients & the copy critique within 4 weeks. This is to ensure you are applying the lessons taught in this program and are making progress.
I recommend you send both critiques for review BEFORE sending them to clients. This way, I can give you valuable feedback and help you increase your chances of success.
Right now, you can try Overnight Clients for just $497.
But to be brutally honest…
You aren’t paying ANYTHING.
Because I can almost guarantee you will earn your first thousand dollars writing for clients within the next 30 days of using this proven system.
But it only gets better…
This step-by-step "get clients fast" blueprint is designed to help you break into copywriting ASAP & transition into a full-time career as a profitable freelance copywriter.
I used the 10 main methods described in Overnight Clients to gain 50+ paying clients within my first 3 months. Averaging $3,000 per month during this time. Then, leveraged this early experience into 6-figures over the following years.
Which means…
And keep multiplying over the following months and years.
This is an INVESTMENT that keeps growing and growing and growing, month after month, year after year, putting more $$$ into your bank account.
It's an investment to shortcut your copywriting success, so you can escape your unfulfilling day job and start living your new dream life as a top-paid copywriter, as quickly as humanly possible.
All while working less hours & earning more on projects you LOVE. And enjoying waaay more FREEDOM & control over your work (and your life).
I’m so confident Overnight Clients will work magic for you, that if at any time over the next 30 days you feel lost, unable to generate new clients or lack the confidence to sell yourself… just shoot me a quick message and I'll promptly refund your $497 payment in full. No questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
Put Overnight Clients to the test.
Go through the course. Download the bonuses. Attract clients following the proven methods & simple step-by-step instructions.
If you don’t agree the Overnight Clients program is worth at least TWO TIMES YOUR INVESTMENT, simply message me at jeremy@jeremymac.com and I’ll refund your entire cost, no questions asked… anytime over the next 30 days.
Plus, as a way of saying thanks for giving it a shot, the $1,273 worth of bonuses are yours to keep…. EVEN if you decide this course isn’t right for you… for any reason, or no reason at all.
As you can probably agree, with everything included in this course, at a one-time purchase of just $497… you’re getting a true bargain. And with a 100% risk-free guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The absolute worst thing that can happen is you walk away with 8 very valuable resources (worth $1,273) to help you gain more clients, improve your writing skills and grow your freelance business.
Today’s small investment of $497 will be rising very soon.
This program is new.
As soon as I reach my personal goal for courses sold and receive a handful of testimonials, I’ll be taking away the 8 bonuses and raising the price to $1,000 (or much more).
So, if you’re ready to FINALLY get paid like a king to write for brands you love, make sure you grab Overnight Clients TODAY before you miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.
Here’s how to order:
Just click the yellow button below, enter your info and you will gain instant access to this entire video program and the 8 bonuses (digital downloads – a mix of video, audio & PDF files).
Want to earn $100+ writing for your very first client… this week?
Want to earn your first thousand dollars writing for a handful of clients… this month?
Want to earn a full-time income as a sought-after copywriter so you can FINALLY leave your depressing job… this year?
I can show you how. To start, you DO NOT NEED...
Jeremy Mac
Shows struggling copywriters how to
achieve their copywriting DREAM LIFE
Dear friend,
If your dream is to become a 6-figure copywriter who works with dream clients, writes from anywhere in the world and works as much or as little as you desire, with total freedom, passion and excitement (even on Monday mornings)… but are struggling like hell to get clients & transition into copywriting full-time, then this letter will show you exactly how…
Here’s the scoop…
In 2019, I gave copywriting a crack.
I read a few books, took some courses and devoured dozens of copywriting videos & blogs.
I felt ready.
I felt confident.
But I felt stuck.
I had NO CLUE how to get clients.
Unfortunately, the courses left out this vital information. I desperately needed a "get clients fast" guide with a clear structure to follow…
I didn’t know where to look for clients, what to say when reaching out or how to convince them to give a complete rookie a shot.
This was my biggest challenge…
I desperately needed real-world writing experience, but no one would hire me because I didn’t have any yet.
They all wanted an impressive portfolio filled with glowing samples, testimonials and years of experience.
How could I? I was just starting…
This felt so unfair. Like the game was rigged from the jump...
This made it almost impossible to make any money.
And, whenever I reached out to prospects, I felt very insecure & nervous. I felt like a complete fraud.
I couldn’t escape disempowering thoughts like…
“What if I’m not good enough?”
“What if clients hate my writing?”
“What if I get a bad review?”
“What if I make mistakes?" (I’d feel so embarrassed)
“Why would clients trust me if I have no proof of success?”
Talking to prospects was a complete nightmare.
I remember shaking in fear, stuttering, barely able to complete a sentence.
I did NOT learn how to sell myself over calls.
No one taught me this stuff. I didn’t realize how much thought and preparation went into it. This was a completely different skill from copywriting.
If this wasn’t bad enough…
Scrolling through social media was DEMORALIZING. Seeing so many thriving copywriters living their dream lives, while I was struggling like a dog barely making scraps.
How the heck were they doing it?
After a few months of agonizing failure, I gave up.
I just couldn’t deal with the boulders of stress, anxiety and imposter syndrome weighing on my brain.
Plus, I needed cash FAST.
I couldn’t find enough work to support myself, so I quit and continued my miserable day job.
At the time, I really believed I would never escape the soul-sucking 9-5 rat race and fulfill my dreams as a successful freelance copywriter.
I was dead wrong...
A year later (2020), I gave copywriting another shot.
This time, I broke into copywriting extremely fast…
I FINALLY gained the momentum I needed…
Within a year, I scored 100+ freelance clients, 2 high-paying copywriting jobs and earned close to 6-figures.
Fast forward 3 years later...
I consistently clear 6-figures per year and experience more freedom than I ever imagined possible.
And remember, I started WITHOUT a portfolio or experience and never wrote a single word for free.
This can all be possible for you too…
You just need a foolproof system to fast-track your success...
Here’s the deal…
I’ve created a 3.5 hour online video course called Overnight Clients.
This course is for beginners who have already learned the basics and are more than ready to write for clients but are struggling to secure work & transition into copywriting full-time.
This step-by-step client blueprint shows you exactly what I did to break into copywriting, extremely fast, with NO portfolio or experience and build a thriving freelance business (don't try to figure it out all on your own... shortcut your success by simply replicating what works.)
After taking this course you will feel confident in your abilities to approach clients and convince them to hire you… and... SHOCK them with impressive results so they write enthusiastic testimonials, rave about you to all their entrepreneur friends and hire you again and again and again.
This course includes...
The 10 main “Overnight Client” methods I've used over the last 4 years to attract a FLOOD of new clients (each method can bring you new clients in as quick as 24 hours).
Several additional sections that cover...
To ensure your success with this program...
I've included exact step-by-step instructions and dozens of proven fill-in-the-blank templates & checklists.
I've made this program fast-paced, stupidly easy to follow and give you lots of actionable, no BS information from a “been there, done that” copywriter who’s learned the hard way.
You can power through this course in one sitting (or on the go, using your phone) and potentially...
Here's a sneak peek of what's in store:
Speaking of mistakes…
I made a TON of nasty mistakes as a naked beginner. Especially when reaching out to clients.
And guess what?
I see soooo many copywriters making these same mistakes too (and a lot more).
So, to help you out…
Throughout this course, I reveal TONS of common mistakes that are butchering your chances at winning new clients, and give you specific solutions to these common problems that copywriters fall victim to on a daily basis.
For example:
It’s no secret…
There are HUNDREDS of ways to get copywriting clients.
But most of them are NOT beginner friendly.
This course was designed to show beginners with no experience how to gain new clients ASAP.
Each method I reveal can get you new clients in as quick as 24 hours.
There are 10 “main” methods I share with you in this program.
However, each method contains several little-known ways for getting new clients.
Here’s a taste of what’s inside:
This course mainly focuses on the business side of copywriting (getting clients).
I do cover some very important copywriting tips, principles and lessons.
They are sprinkled throughout this course and can help you quickly improve your writing skills.
Here are a few juicy copywriting secrets you’ll discover:
I’ll be honest with you…
I tried to make this course as beginner friendly as possible.
I even added some methods that do NOT involve any pitching, prospecting or talking to clients over the phone or in person.
However, the ability to negotiate and sell yourself to clients is HUGE.
So, to help you out, I’ve included an entire section on negotiation and prospecting.
After watching this, you’ll know exactly what to say when sending outreach messages and talking over the phone. Plus, you’ll feel confident in your ability to negotiate higher rates and close more deals.
I reveal secrets like:
This is much more than a “get clients fast” course.
It covers EVERYTHING you need to run a successful freelance business from ground zero.
Including how to price your services, which services to offer, how to grow your freelance business, how to create a copywriting brief and much more.
Here’s a teaser of some of the tips I share:
But that's not all you're getting.
Not even close.
When you order TODAY, you will also receive...
(IMPORTANT: These bonuses will not be available for long. Because as soon as I hit my personal goal for courses sold, you will have to pay the original, full price to access these exclusive trainings.)
Here’s what you can expect as a Copy Kings member:
Each month, you’ll receive a hefty mix of video, audio & PDF trainings sent straight to your inbox (usually 1-2 trainings per week).
You can think of these trainings as no-fluff, mini-courses.
These exclusive "mini-courses" cover the most popular & relevant topics on how to maximize your success & wealth in copywriting.
Filled with valuable copywriting, marketing, sales and lead generation secrets - that I’m currently using in my own business & for clients - to shortcut your exciting journey to a more fulfilling & successful copywriting career.
These actionable trainings are designed to be consumed in one sitting and APPLIED to your freelance business or in-house position, the very same day.
Typically, 1 month's content pays for a full year’s subscription - 2x, 5x, or 10x over (depending on your grit & willingness to implement).
This subscription is an investment.
Each time you apply the secrets, you will likely multiply your ROI.
This is my goal for you:
I want you to be able to click “play”...
Consume each training in one sitting...
And then immediately go and APPLY the information (that same day) to make your monthly subscription cost back… ASAP.
And then, keep reaping the rewards for months (even years) down the road, from every single training I send you.
**You will receive your first month's content for FREE. After, if you choose to keep your subscription, you will be charged $47/month**
If rejection from clients & companies is eating you alive, plaguing you w insomnia and sucking the fun out of your copywriting journey, then this valuable audio training will show you how to rid your fear, power through “slumps” and earn a whole lot more buckolas.
Inside this valuable 23-minute training, I reveal:
Few years ago, I created a product teaching insomniacs how to sleep. One of the lessons I taught in this video course was how to relax in bed and eliminate stress & anxiety. I’ve clipped this section out and tweaked it for copywriters.
It’s perfect for copywriters who stress over things like…
A.I. stealing your clients, the looming recession, social anxiety when talking to clients on sales calls, fear of stiff competition, imposter syndrome, not being able to find enough work to support yourself, and so on…
After watching this mini-course, you’ll have the tools to feel relaxed as a koala… on command!... while kicking major bootay along your exciting copywriting journey.
This video reveals secrets like:
Take HOURS to write a measly 200-word email? Trouble turning “on” your creative side? Struggling to meet fierce deadlines? Can’t get into “hustle mode”?
If so, this short yet super valuable audio recording will show you how to complete more gigs, in less time.
After listening, you'll be able to effortlessly write high-quality copy, even at night, so you can earn more $$$ and spend more time with friends & family.
Here’s a juicy taste of what’s in store
Tired of staring at a blank screen when trying to write?
Believe it or not, I’ve NEVER experienced writer’s block.
It does not exist in my world.
Not when writing my first copywriting gig – not 4 years later.
I reveal why in this QUICK 4:36 minute audio recording.
After listening, you will have the confidence & tools needed to NEVER experience writer’s block again, for the rest of your writing career.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
In my cocky opinion…
If you haven’t yet read these 9 copywriting GEMS, you are not a real copywriter.
And you will certainly struggle to write copy that produces results for your clients.
I’m serious.
You’re putting yourself at a HUGE disadvantage to any copywriter who HAS read, studied and APPLIED these 9 “Mount Rushmore” copywriting books.
These are the EXACT 9 books I read to launch my copywriting career.
I attribute my early success to the wisdom found within the pages of these books (50 clients in under 3 months… 6-month contract at a marketing agency… and… an 82k yearly salary position as an in-house copywriter... all within my first 12 months.)
These summaries can act as a great “crash course” for beginners looking to quickly level up their copywriting knowledge & skills!
Here are 12 of my favorite tips & tricks found inside these summaries:
Want a “behind-the-scenes” look at my portfolio?
It’s probably the simplest, cheapest (100% free) and most effective way to create a portfolio that’ll get you flooded with potential clients reaching out to you and begging you to write for them.
Works for freelance & in-house copywriters.
This takes all the confusion and mystery out of creating an impressive portfolio that gets you instant results.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Here’s the deal:
I normally charge $1,000 for this consulting service.
However, if you order Overnight Clients TODAY, I will critique TWO of your writing pieces.
This consulting package includes:
1 client outreach critique. This is intended for a client outreach message you plan on sending prospects following the methods in this course.
1 copy critique. This is intended for the first (or next) writing project you create for a client after they accept your offer.
For the copy critique, this can be any type of copywriting:
Website page…
You choose.
Also, there is no word limit for either of these critiques.
Simply send me the Word document of the 2 pieces you’d like me to critique (or whatever app you use to write). I will critique the entire piece, line by line, giving you feedback and tips for improvement.
All copy critiques will be screen-recorded and sent back to you via email with the title “Copy Critique”.
This bonus is time-sensitive.
You must send me the client outreach critique within 2 weeks of enrolling in Overnight Clients & the copy critique within 4 weeks. This is to ensure you are applying the lessons taught in this program and are making progress.
I recommend you send both critiques for review BEFORE sending them to clients. This way, I can give you valuable feedback and help you increase your chances of success.
Right now, you can try Overnight Clients for just $497.
But to be brutally honest…
You aren’t paying ANYTHING.
Because I can almost guarantee you will earn your first thousand dollars writing for clients within the next 30 days of using this proven system.
But it only gets better…
This step-by-step "get clients fast" blueprint is designed to help you break into copywriting ASAP & transition into a full-time career as a profitable freelance copywriter.
I used the 10 main methods described in Overnight Clients to gain 50+ paying clients within my first 3 months. Averaging $3,000 per month during this time. Then, leveraged this early experience into 6-figures over the following years.
Which means…
And keep multiplying over the following months and years.
This is an INVESTMENT that keeps growing and growing and growing, month after month, year after year, putting more $$$ into your bank account.
It's an investment to shortcut your copywriting success, so you can escape your unfulfilling day job and start living your new dream life as a top-paid copywriter, as quickly as humanly possible.
All while working less hours & earning more on projects you LOVE. And enjoying waaay more FREEDOM & control over your work (and your life).
I’m so confident Overnight Clients will work magic for you, that if at any time over the next 30 days you feel lost, unable to generate new clients or lack the confidence to sell yourself… just shoot me a quick message and I'll promptly refund your $497 payment in full. No questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
Put Overnight Clients to the test.
Go through the course. Download the bonuses. Attract clients following the proven methods & simple step-by-step instructions.
If you don’t agree the Overnight Clients program is worth at least TWO TIMES YOUR INVESTMENT, simply message me at jeremy@jeremymac.com and I’ll refund your entire cost, no questions asked… anytime over the next 30 days.
Plus, as a way of saying thanks for giving it a shot, the $1,273 worth of bonuses are yours to keep…. EVEN if you decide this course isn’t right for you… for any reason, or no reason at all.
As you can probably agree, with everything included in this course, at a one-time purchase of just $497… you’re getting a true bargain. And with a 100% risk-free guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The absolute worst thing that can happen is you walk away with 8 very valuable resources (worth $1,273) to help you gain more clients, improve your writing skills and grow your freelance business.
Today’s small investment of $497 will be rising very soon.
This program is new.
As soon as I reach my personal goal for courses sold and receive a handful of testimonials, I’ll be taking away the 8 bonuses and raising the price to $1,000 (or much more).
So, if you’re ready to FINALLY get paid like a king to write for brands you love, make sure you grab Overnight Clients TODAY before you miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.
Here’s how to order:
Just click the yellow button below, enter your info and you will gain instant access to this entire video program and the 8 bonuses (digital downloads – a mix of video, audio & PDF files).
"Jeremy Mac's course is a game-changer! I was stuck in a dead-end job, dreaming of becoming a freelance copywriter but had no idea where to start. This course provided me with a clear, actionable blueprint to break into the industry. Within a week of completing the course, I landed my very first client! If you're serious about transitioning into copywriting, this course is a must. Jeremy's methods work, and his insights are invaluable. I couldn't be happier with my decision to invest in this course."
Eric Thompson
"This course provided me with the confidence and skills to secure high-paying clients even without a portfolio."
Nia Campbell
"I used to be plagued by self-doubt and impostor syndrome, constantly questioning if I was good enough to be a freelance copywriter. Overnight Clients not only taught me the skills to attract clients but also gave me the confidence to believe in my abilities. The step-by-step approach made everything feel achievable, and now I have a steady stream of clients who value my work. This course has truly changed my life."
Jackson Portman
"Thanks to Jeremy's Overnight Clients course, I now have the freedom to travel while working. The strategies for finding clients and managing my business remotely are incredibly effective. I've been able to explore new places without worrying about my income."
Lauren Bennett
"I was skeptical at first, but Jeremy's Overnight Clients course delivered beyond my expectations. The strategies he shared helped me land my first clients almost immediately. I went from struggling to make ends meet to earning a comfortable income from my writing."
Brianna Simmons
"Jeremy’s course helped me escape the 9-5 grind and start living the freelance lifestyle of my dreams!"
Clarence Peterson
"As a beginner, I was terrified of reaching out to clients and didn't know where to start. Jeremy provided safe and comfortable methods tailored for beginners like me. The techniques are foolproof and gave me the confidence to reach out and secure my first few clients. Now, I feel like a boss, capable of providing for myself and my family through my freelance business."
Nick Johnson
"I was stuck in a soul-sucking office job and felt like I would never escape. This course was my ticket out. It taught me how to build a successful freelance business and gave me the tools to quit my job forever. Now, I work on projects I'm passionate about, have a flexible schedule, and enjoy a healthy work-life balance. I can't thank Jeremy enough for this incredible opportunity."
Jessica Williams
"I had so many people tell me that making a living as a freelance copywriter was impossible. Jeremy's course helped me prove them all wrong. The course is comprehensive, easy to follow, and full of actionable advice. Within a month, I had multiple clients and was earning more than I ever did in my previous job. This course is a must for anyone who wants to make their copywriting dreams a reality."
Christopher Davis
"I always felt insecure about my writing skills and worried that clients wouldn't like my work. Overnight Clients changed all that. The course not only improved my writing but also taught me how to communicate my value to clients. I now approach every project with confidence, knowing I have the skills to deliver great work."
Aaliyah Maher
"The freedom and flexibility that come with being a freelance copywriter were always appealing to me, but I didn't know how to get started. This course provided the exact roadmap and structure I needed. Now, I work from anywhere, set my own hours, and enjoy a lifestyle I never thought possible.”
Robert M.
"OMG. He wasn’t exaggerating one bit. I landed my first client within 24 hours of finishing the course!!!"
Anya Fisher
"Before taking Jeremy's Overnight Clients course, I was constantly stressed about providing for my family. 4 months later and I have a steady income and more time to spend with my loved ones. The course taught me how to attract high-paying clients and manage my freelance business efficiently.”
Michelle Wilson
"I used to dread client calls, feeling awkward and unprepared. This program addressed this fear head-on. He provided practical tips, templates and scripts for handling client interactions with confidence. I can now approach client calls with ease, knowing exactly what to say and how to present myself."
Daniel Taylor
"This step-by-step client blueprint was exactly what I needed to build my freelance business and quit my day job."
Marshall Willaimson
"Landing my first few clients felt like an insurmountable challenge until I took Overnight Clients. The detailed, step-by-step methods eased my anxiety and gave me a clear path to follow. Within days, I secured my first client. I feel confident and am excited about my freelance journey."
Jamal Thompson
"This didn't just help me find clients; it also boosted my confidence in my writing skills. The techniques provided helped me refine my craft and present my work with pride. "
Noah Henderson
"Overnight Clients has been instrumental in growing my freelance copywriting business. I've gone from struggling to find clients to having a thriving business with consistent work. This course gives clear structure to build a successful freelance career."
Sophia Peppers
"I always felt nervous about negotiating my rates with clients. Jeremy's course taught me the art of negotiation and how to charge higher prices confidently. The scripts and techniques provided were game-changers for me. Now, I can negotiate better rates and close deals no problem.”
Liam Johnson
"I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available on freelance copywriting. Jeremy's course cut through the noise and provided clear, how-to steps. The course is well-organized and easy to follow, making it simple to implement the strategies. Thanks to this course, I'm now confidently moving forward in my freelance career."
Jasmine M
"I was worried that AI would make freelance copywriting obsolete, but this put those fears to rest. Jeremy provided insights on how to stay relevant and leverage my unique skills. The course empowered me to focus on what makes my writing stand out. If you're concerned about AI, this course is an essential resource."
Kamil Patel
"One of my biggest challenges was figuring out how to market myself and stand out in a competitive market. Overnight Clients gave me the tools and strategies to do just that. The marketing techniques are very effective, helping me attract the right clients.”
Mia Brown
"Jeremy's methods helped me overcome my fear of client calls and confidently pitch my services."
Paul Lee
"Becoming my own boss has always been my goal, and Jeremy helped me achieve it. I now have full control over my work and income. This course is a must for anyone who wants to take charge of their career."
Chinedu Babatunde
"I’m not going to lie, this course sounded too good to be true but it exceeded all expectations. The strategies are realistic and actionable, and the results speak for themselves. I've landed several clients and significantly increased my income. This course is the real deal."
William Garcia
"Overnight Clients isn't just about quick wins; it's about long-term success. The strategies are designed to help you build a sustainable freelance business. I've been able to grow my client base steadily and enjoy a reliable income. This course is an excellent investment for anyone serious about their freelance career."
Elijah Brooks
"I used to feel devastated when clients would ignore or reject me. This course taught me how to handle rejections and turn them into opportunities. The course provided strategies for following up and maintaining a positive mindset. Now I approach client interactions with resilience and confidence.”
Isabella Miller
"I was able to quickly transition into copywriting full-time and finally pursue my passion."
Mark Robinson
"I doubted that I could ever replace my full-time salary with freelance copywriting, but Jeremy's Overnight Clients proved me wrong. The methods he shares are designed to help you find enough clients to make a living. Within a few months, I was earning more than my previous job. 100% recommend for anyone looking to go full-time as a freelancer."
James Martinez
"Balancing my job and personal life was always a struggle until I took Jeremy's Overnight Clients course. The strategies he shared helped me transition into freelancing full-time, giving me control over my schedule. Now, I enjoy a healthy work-life balance and spend more quality time with my family."
Uche Nwankwo
"I love being my own boss and making more money than I ever did in my corporate job. THANK YOU JEREMY!"
Javier Fernández
"I felt stuck in the Catch-22 of needing experience to get clients but needing clients to gain experience. Jeremy's course broke this cycle. The methods he teaches are designed specifically for beginners without portfolios. I quickly secured my first few clients and started building my portfolio."
Daniel Roberts
"I was terrified of selling myself to clients and often stumbled over my words. Overnight Clients course transformed my approach. Jeremy provided practical tips for client calls, boosting my confidence and close rates immensely."
Ava Collins
"I dreaded the idea of coming across as a pushy salesman. Overnight Clients taught me how to approach clients authentically and professionally. The strategies he shares help you connect with clients without feeling sleazy. This course has been a miracle for my business and client relationships."
James Chen
"I needed to find clients fast to support myself, and Jeremy's Overnight Clients course overdelivered. The 10 methods he outlines helped me attract clients within days. If you're looking for a way to quickly build your client base, this course is exactly what you need."
Connie Parker
"The internet is flooded with advice on freelance copywriting, which left me feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. But Jeremy provided a clear, step-by-step path to success. The course cut through the noise and gave me modern strategies that worked.”
Isabella Vargas
"I had so many people tell me I couldn't make a living as a freelance copywriter. Now, I have a thriving freelance business and couldn't be happier."
Natalie Adams
"The methods taught in this course are simple, practical, and they really work to get clients fast!!"
Kevin Brown
"I was desperate to leave my 9-5 job but didn't know how to start freelancing. Jeremy's Overnight Clients trainings provided a clear roadmap for transitioning into freelance copywriting. The strategies he shares work wonders and are easy to follow. Within a few months, I was able to quit my job and start freelancing full-time.”
Zoe Carter
"My biggest fear was not being able to make enough money to support myself through freelancing. Jeremy's Overnight Clients course gave me the tools and confidence to build a sustainable income. The course covers everything from client acquisition to pricing services. Now, I have a steady number of clients and a reliable income. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to achieve financial freedom through freelancing."
Jack Foster
"I always dreamed of having a career I was passionate about, and Jeremy's course made that dream a reality. The course helped me transition into copywriting full-time, allowing me to work on projects I love. Now, I wake up excited to start my day. I couldn't be happier with this new chapter in my life."
Tracy Berkowitz
"I was very skeptical at first BUT this course truly delivers on its promise to help you get clients overnight."
Ella Morgan
"Balancing work and personal life has never been easier since I purchased Overnight Clients. The strategies Jeremy shares allowed me to set my own schedule and prioritize what's important to me. I can now FINALLY enjoy a healthy work-life balance and have more time for my family and hobbies.”
Owen Hughes
"The Overnight Clients course by Jeremy Mac is phenomenal. The strategies for quick client acquisition work great. Within days of implementing the techniques, I secured multiple clients. This course delivers on its promise of attracting clients quickly. Highly recommend!"
Fiona Reyes
"One of the most valuable lessons I learned from Jeremy's Overnight Clients course was how to price my services confidently. It gave me clear guidelines on setting rates and negotiating with clients. I feel empowered to charge what I'm worth and have seen a significant increase in my income. This course is invaluable."
Peyton A.
"Jeremy's Overnight Clients course taught me how to maintain a consistent flow of clients. I never worry anymore about where my next project will come from."
Rebecca King
"Thanks to Jeremy's Overnight Clients program, I've built a thriving copywriting business. His comprehensive approach covers everything from finding clients to managing your business efficiently. I've never felt more in control of my career."
Julian Reed
"What I love most about this course is the practical and actionable advice. Every module is packed with tips that you can implement right away. I landed several clients within weeks of completing the course. Recommend 100 times!"
Mike Turner
"I was worried about transitioning from my full-time job to freelancing, but Overnight Clients made it seamless. The course covers everything you need to know to make the switch smoothly. I now enjoy the freedom and flexibility of freelancing without any of the initial stress. This course is a must for anyone considering the jump."
Jake Scott
"Thank you JEREMY!! I now have the freedom to choose my projects, work from beautiful locations, and enjoy financial independence. Your course is a valuable resource for any aspiring freelancer."
Will Mitchell
In as quick as 24 hours you can earn $100+.
This is what I did to earn my first $100 as a new copywriter. I give this method away at the beginning so you can earn your first client before finishing the course - just to prove how fast it works and that you can get paid to write.
Also, all 10 methods are designed to help you gain PAYING clients in as quick as 24 hours.
This course was created for beginners who have already learned the basics and are more than ready to write for clients but are struggling to secure work & transition into copywriting full-time.
Overnight Clients is NOT for:
❌ Seasoned copywriters who already have a steady stream of clients (these methods are for beginners looking to gain their first handful of clients & launch their career)
❌ Aspiring copywriters who have not yet learned the basics of copywriting. You should have a decent grasp of the direct response copywriting fundamentals BEFORE you buy this program.
❌ Dumb-dumbs who just discovered copywriting & think they can get rich by next Monday. I despise lazy, get-rich-quick idiots who are only interested in copywriting to “make 10k/month”. Yes, these methods work fast, but you still have to put in the work.
❌ Scumbags who take advantage of others – who are border-line criminals and lie their way to sales. (The secrets inside each training are POWERFUL. In the wrong hands, they can wreak havoc.)
❌ Anyone on a tight budget who can’t wrap their heads around investing $497 on themselves right now
❌ Goldfish-brained dopamine addicts who can’t focus or implement. This course will do you no good if you can’t learn… apply… and… most importantly… STICK to it.
After taking this course, you’ll have everything you need to market your services, sell yourself to clients and stand out from competition.
I reveal insider tips that will make you the no-brainer option in your client’s mind.
Over my 4 year career, I have never written a single word for free. Not even for my first client.
If you follow this course, you will never write for free either.
Writing for free has several harmful consequences (even for beginners) that I cover in full detail in this program.
This course is designed for absolute beginners with no experience or portfolio to gain their first handful of clients - very fast.
When I started, I gained my first client within 24 hours.
Then, gained over 50 paying clients over the following months.
I had no portfolio during this time.
I show you how to escape the deadly copywriter catch-22 of “need experience but experience needed” that freezes up so many beginners.
After taking this course, you’ll feel confident in getting clients RIGHT AWAY.
I reveal a few methods that do not require you to get on sales calls with clients.
However, most methods do require this to some extent.
Several sections in this course teach you how to sell yourself to clients in a very comfortable, low-pressure way that almost anyone can handle.
You’ll learn everything you need to confidently reach out to prospects, talk to them over the phone and negotiate with them (with fill-in-the-blank templates).
Because I started as a complete beginner without experience or a portfolio.
I was able to find a way to get clients fast and break into copywriting very quickly which led to lasting, long-term success.
I reveal exactly what I did & how I did it, holding nothing back.
I get REAL with you and share embarrassing mistakes and what I would do differently, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.
In this course, there is a section titled: “The most in-demand, highest paying copywriting services to offer in 2024.” It covers everything you need.
This course gives 10 proven methods for complete beginners to find endless clients. Just one method gained me 50+ clients, a steady stream of clients that replaced full-time salary. You can make a full-time career off of the methods inside this course. Plus, I share my top 3 growth tips for earning 6-figures+ as quickly as possible
Everything is sent online via email. As soon as you complete your order, you will receive an email with a link to the entire course + bonuses.
This will give you access to all digital downloadable files.
You can download these files to your computer, tablet or phone and watch whenever and wherever you like.
Yes. All files can be downloaded and uploaded to your phone. You can watch at your own convenience from the comfort of your home or learn on the go.
You can be 10 or 110, it really doesn’t matter. Seriously, as long as you’re here to put in the work and provide REAL results for your clients, you’ll do just fine.
There are hundreds of successful copywriters to whom English is a second language.
Realize this….
Clients only care about ONE thing:
That you are able to help them grow their business.
If your copy gets them results, the sky’s the limit to your success.
Yes, this course was created in 2024. I used these methods in 2020 to break into copywriting without a portfolio (and continue to use them today). I have revised everything and updated it so that you can experience similar results in 2024 and beyond.
If you are at all unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, or no reason at all, then message me – jeremy@jeremymac.com – and I’ll refund you the entire $497... anytime over the next 30 days.
You can even keep the program and bonuses as a way of saying thanks for giving it a shot.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
With a proven system for attracting, keeping and retaining clients… and… a step-by-step structure to follow for running your freelance business like a pro copywriter… you will experience more freedom in your new, exciting life….
FREEDOM to work 100% remotely from your couch, beach, fav coffee shop…. ANYWHERE.
FREEDOM from soul-sucking office jobs, power-hungry bosses and mind-numbing daily commutes.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Say goodbye to mountain-high debt, over-due bills and scary money problems.
FREEDOM to live wherever you want. Los Angeles. Tokyo. New York City. A cozy secluded bungalow in the woods. YOU CHOOSE.
FREEDOM to work on fun, interesting writing projects that pump your heart with passion and expand your mind with creative expression.
FREEDOM to spend more time with family, friends and loved ones.
FREEDOM to be your own boss, make your own schedule and have total control over your time.
FREEDOM to work with dream clients who treat you with respect and say “no thanks!” to rude, cheap, flakey clients.
FREEDOM to make more money than you’ve ever made before and retire early (or take multiple month-long vacations each year)
FREEDOM to travel the world and check off every dream location on your bucket list.
What are you waiting for?
Put the Overnight Clients program into practice today…
You have ZERO risk, because you’re backed by my 2x Full Money Back Guarantee for the next 30 days.
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
Jeremy Mac © Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
How soon can I start making money?
In as quick as 24 hours you can earn $100+.
This is what I did to earn my first $100 as a new copywriter. I give this method away at the beginning so you can earn your first client before finishing the course - just to prove how fast it works and that you can get paid to write.
Also, all 10 methods are designed to help you gain PAYING clients in as quick as 24 hours.
Who is this for? Is this for me?
This course was created for beginners who have already learned the basics and are more than ready to write for clients but are struggling to secure work & transition into copywriting full-time.
Overnight Clients is NOT for:
❌ Seasoned copywriters who already have a steady stream of clients (these methods are for beginners looking to gain their first handful of clients & launch their career)
❌ Aspiring copywriters who have not yet learned the basics of copywriting. You should have a decent grasp of the direct response copywriting fundamentals BEFORE you buy this program.
❌ Dumb-dumbs who just discovered copywriting & think they can get rich by next Monday. I despise lazy, get-rich-quick idiots who are only interested in copywriting to “make 10k/month”. Yes, these methods work fast, but you still have to put in the work.
❌ Scumbags who take advantage of others – who are border-line criminals and lie their way to sales. (The secrets inside each training are POWERFUL. In the wrong hands, they can wreak havoc.)
❌ Anyone on a tight budget who can’t wrap their heads around investing $497 on themselves right now
❌ Goldfish-brained dopamine addicts who can’t focus or implement. This course will do you no good if you can’t learn… apply… and… most importantly… STICK to it.
How can I effectively market myself and stand out in this competitive field?
After taking this course, you’ll have everything you need to market your services, sell yourself to clients and stand out from competition.
I reveal insider tips that will make you the no-brainer option in your client’s mind.
Will I have to write for free?
Over my 4 year career, I have never written a single word for free. Not even for my first client.
If you follow this course, you will never write for free either.
Writing for free has several harmful consequences (even for beginners) that I cover in full detail in this program.
Will this work for me if I have no experience or portfolio?
This course is designed for absolute beginners with no experience or portfolio to gain their first handful of clients - very fast.
When I started, I gained my first client within 24 hours.
Then, gained over 50 paying clients over the following months.
I had no portfolio during this time.
I show you how to escape the deadly copywriter catch-22 of “need experience but experience needed” that freezes up so many beginners.
After taking this course, you’ll feel confident in getting clients RIGHT AWAY.
Will I have to get on scary sales calls with clients?
I reveal a few methods that do not require you to get on sales calls with clients.
However, most methods do require this to some extent.
Several sections in this course teach you how to sell yourself to clients in a very comfortable, low-pressure way that almost anyone can handle.
You’ll learn everything you need to confidently reach out to prospects, talk to them over the phone and negotiate with them (with fill-in-the-blank templates).
Why should I believe you over all the other gurus?
Because I started as a complete beginner without experience or a portfolio.
I was able to find a way to get clients fast and break into copywriting very quickly which led to lasting, long-term success.
I reveal exactly what I did & how I did it, holding nothing back.
I get REAL with you and share embarrassing mistakes and what I would do differently, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.
What types of writing are people willing to pay good money for, and how do I go about writing them?
In this course, there is a section titled: “The most in-demand, highest paying copywriting services to offer in 2024.” It covers everything you need.
How do you find enough clients to replace a full-time salary?
This course gives 10 proven methods for complete beginners to find endless clients. Just one method gained me 50+ clients, a steady stream of clients that replaced full-time salary. You can make a full-time career off of the methods inside this course. Plus, I share my top 3 growth tips for earning 6-figures+ as quickly as possible.
How will I receive this course?
Everything is sent online via email. As soon as you complete your order, you will receive an email with a link to the entire course + bonuses.
This will give you access to all digital downloadable files.
You can download these files to your computer, tablet or phone and watch whenever and wherever you like.
Can I watch on the go, using my phone?
Yes. All files can be downloaded and uploaded to your phone. You can watch at your own convenience from the comfort of your home or learn on the go.
What about my age?
You can be 10 or 110, it really doesn’t matter. Seriously, as long as you’re here to put in the work and provide REAL results for your clients, you’ll do just fine.
What if English isn’t my first language?
There are hundreds of successful copywriters to whom English is a second language.
Realize this….
Clients only care about ONE thing:
That you are able to help them grow their business.
If your copy gets them results, the sky’s the limit to your success.
Is this modern?
Yes, this course was created in 2024. I used these methods in 2020 to break into copywriting without a portfolio (and continue to use them today). I have revised everything and updated it so that you can experience similar results in 2024 and beyond.
What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?
If you are at all unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, or no reason at all, then message me – jeremy@jeremymac.com – and I’ll refund you the entire $497... anytime over the next 30 days.
You can even keep the program and bonuses as a way of saying thanks for giving it a shot.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
With a proven system for attracting, keeping and retaining clients… and… a step-by-step structure to follow for running your freelance business like a pro copywriter… you will experience more freedom in your new, exciting life….
FREEDOM to work 100% remotely from your couch, beach, fav coffee shop…. ANYWHERE.
FREEDOM from soul-sucking office jobs, power-hungry bosses and mind-numbing daily commutes.
FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Say goodbye to mountain-high debt, over-due bills and scary money problems.
FREEDOM to live wherever you want. Los Angeles. Tokyo. New York City. A cozy secluded bungalow in the woods. YOU CHOOSE.
FREEDOM to work on fun, interesting writing projects that pump your heart with passion and expand your mind with creative expression.
FREEDOM to spend more time with family, friends and loved ones.
FREEDOM to be your own boss, make your own schedule and have total control over your time.
FREEDOM to work with dream clients who treat you with respect and say “no thanks!” to rude, cheap, flakey clients.
FREEDOM to make more money than you’ve ever made before and retire early (or take multiple month-long vacations each year)
FREEDOM to travel the world and check off every dream location on your bucket list.
What are you waiting for?
Put the Overnight Clients program into practice today…
You have ZERO risk, because you’re backed by my 2x Full Money Back Guarantee for the next 30 days.