The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings

How to Learn the Copywriting Basics in an Afternoon (Ultimate Guide for Beginners)



If you want to succeed as a freelance copywriter, you MUST gain a solid understanding of the copywriting basics.

In this ultimate guide, I’ll demystify the world of copywriting, making it easy for you to grasp the basics of copywriting in just one afternoon.

Let’s get to the good stuff…


What is Copywriting?

Confused woman

Copywriting is all about crafting words that sell.

It's the secret sauce that transforms ordinary text into a powerful force that motivates, resonates, and converts.

Copywriting is any text in advertisements, websites, emails, etc. that convinces people to take action – whether that's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or simply engaging with your content.


The Importance of Mastering the Copywriting Basics

Sign says "mastery"

In a world bombarded by information, attention spans are shrinking, and capturing your audience's interest is more challenging than ever before.

This is where the importance of mastering the basics of copywriting comes into play.

Copywriting basics are like the bedrock on which a house’s entire structure stands.

Just as a sturdy foundation ensures a house's longevity and stability, grasping the fundamentals of copywriting sets you on a path toward a successful career.

As a beginner, consider these basics as the solid ground upon which you'll build your skills and expertise.

Skipping or neglecting these fundamentals would be akin to constructing a house without a reliable foundation – it might look good initially, but it risks collapsing under the pressures of time and changing trends.

Understanding the core elements of copywriting is not merely a one-time lesson but an investment in your professional future.

It's about building a solid foundation that can withstand the test of various marketing landscapes, tricky clients and evolving tech.

Now, let's explore the twelve copywriting basics that will serve as the cornerstone of your flourishing career.


The 12 Copywriting Basics For Beginners


1. Understand Your Audience

Before you write a single word, get to know your audience intimately.

Imagine you're having a one-on-one conversation with a friend.

What are their interests, concerns, and desires?

Research and create detailed buyer personas.

Understanding your audience is like laying a strong foundation – it provides stability and ensures your message resonates with the right people.

Dive into demographics, psychographics, and behavioral insights.

Recognize the diverse preferences and motivations within your audience.

Whether you're addressing tech enthusiasts or wellness seekers, tailoring your message to their specific needs ensures you’ll write copy that is engaging, interesting and persuasive… to them.


2. Craft a Compelling Headline

News headline

Your headline is the first impression, the opening line that makes or breaks your copy.

Your headline has 1 goal:

Grab your reader’s attention and get them to read your first sentence.

An attention-grabbing headline is tailored to your ideal reader and promises them something valuable, intriguing or solution-oriented.

Check out this ultimate headline guide and discover the 10 best ways to write attention-grabbing headlines.


3. Focus on Benefits, Not Features


Shift from listing technical specifications to emphasizing the value your product or service brings.

Think of benefits as the positive outcomes and experiences your readers gain.

It's not about what something has; it's about what it does for them.

Highlight how your offering makes their lives easier, more enjoyable, or solves a persistent problem.

This shift in focus transforms your copy from a dull product description into a persuasive reason WHY someone should try your product or service.


4. Create a Sense of Urgency

Man eating chips on couch

Your readers are natural procrastinators.

Even if they want your product badly, they won’t buy unless you give them a reason to buy NOW.

Urgency injects momentum into your copy, prompting readers to take action.

Here are a few ways to add urgency to your copy:

  • Time-sensitive discounts
  • Exclusive deals
  • Limited number of products available

Urgency nudges your audience to participate immediately, driving engagement by highlighting the time-sensitive nature of your message.


5. Evoke Emotions to Drive Sales

Emotional smiley faces

Emotions sell.

They are the driving force behind sales.

Sell beyond the features; sell an experience that resonates deeply with your readers' emotions.

Consider your audience not just as rational decision-makers but as individuals with desires, aspirations, and emotional triggers.

Whether it's the thrill of adventure, the comfort of security, or the joy of self-improvement, tailor your copy to tap into these emotions.


6. Tell a Compelling Story

Shift from delivering information to weaving a narrative.

Share anecdotes, experiences, or case studies that make your message memorable and relatable.

Think of your copy as a storytelling canvas, allowing your audience to connect emotionally and engage with your content.

By infusing your message with a compelling story, you make your writing more engaging, interesting and persuasive.


7. Simplify and Clarify

Clarity is key.

Simplify complex concepts into easily digestible information.

Avoid jargon or convoluted language.

Guide your audience through a well-organized journey, ensuring they understand and appreciate every detail.

Think of your copy as a clear signpost, leading your readers through your message effortlessly.

The goal is not just to communicate but to ensure your message is understood, resonates, and leaves a lasting impression.


8. Establish Credibility


Build trust by showcasing your expertise.

Incorporate elements like testimonials, certifications, or notable achievements in your copy.

Establishing credibility is about proving your reliability and authenticity.

Think of your copy as a conversation with a trusted advisor, offering information backed by evidence.

By demonstrating your credibility, you create a connection that makes your audience more likely to engage.


9. Create a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

stunt man

The call-to-action (CTA) is the endpoint of your copywriting.

Craft a CTA that is direct, specific, and compels your audience to take the desired action.

Whether it's making a purchase, signing up, or sharing your content, a strong CTA leaves no room for ambiguity about what you want your audience to do.


10. Test and Iterate

Copywriting is an ongoing process of optimization.

Test different approaches to understand what resonates best with your audience.

Whether it's headlines, messaging styles, or visuals, consider yourself a copywriting scientist, running experiments to ensure your strategies evolve and stay effective in a shifting marketing environment.


11. Address Objections

Anticipate and overcome potential objections your audience might have.

Consider objections as concerns that could hinder action.

Addressing these concerns directly builds trust and confidence.

Whether it's through FAQ sections, case studies, or directly acknowledging potential hesitations, demonstrating that you've thought about and addressed objections strengthens your persuasive efforts.

Think of your copy as a conversation where you proactively answer questions before they're even asked. By alleviating objections, you make it easier for your audience to believe you and buy from you.


12. Edit and Polish

Edit button on laptop

Before presenting your final product, take the time to edit and polish your copy.

Edit ruthlessly for clarity, persuasiveness and grammar.

Remove any unnecessary words that distract from your sales message.

Every word and sentence serves a purpose.

Polish until your message is clear, concise, and free from errors.


12 Copywriting Basics in Action (Real-World Examples)

Let's bring these copywriting basics to life with real-world examples from renowned brands:

1. Audience Understanding

Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign connects with the audience's desire for personalization. By putting individual names on the bottles, Coca-Cola makes the experience more personal and engaging.

2. Compelling Headline

Airbnb's headline, "Book a home with Airbnb. Live there. Even for a night," is compelling. It encourages the audience to imagine the experience and captures the essence of what Airbnb offers.

3. Benefits, Not Features

The marketing for the iPhone often focuses on benefits. For instance, "Capture stunning photos with the new iPhone camera" emphasizes the benefit of high-quality photos rather than the technical features.

4. Urgency

Amazon often uses urgency effectively with messages like "Only 2 left in stock - order soon." This creates a sense of urgency, encouraging the customer to make a purchase before the item runs out.

5. Persuasive Language

Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign uses persuasive language by challenging traditional beauty standards. Phrases like "You are more beautiful than you think" evoke a positive emotional response.

6. Storytelling

Google's "Year in Search" campaigns tell a powerful story by reflecting on the most searched topics of the year. It not only engages users but also creates an emotional connection.

7. Simplify and Clarify

Google's search bar with the phrase "Just type what you want to know" exemplifies simplicity. It conveys that using Google is straightforward and user-friendly.

8. Establish Credibility

The American Heart Association often includes endorsements from healthcare professionals in their campaigns, establishing credibility and trust in their health-related messages.

9. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Nike's iconic "Just Do It" slogan is a powerful CTA. It's concise, direct, and motivates the audience to take action without hesitation.

10. Test and Iterate

Facebook constantly tests different versions of its ad formats to see what resonates best with users, adapting its approach based on real-time data.

11. Address Objections

In the car industry, Tesla addresses common objections to electric vehicles by highlighting features like long battery life and a growing charging infrastructure.

12. Edit and Polish

Apple's product descriptions are known for their polished and concise nature. Every word is carefully chosen to convey the brand's commitment to quality and innovation.



Knowing these 12 copywriting basics isn’t enough…

You should read the top copywriting books, practice your skills and write daily.

If you focus on daily improvement, you will become a master copywriter in no time.

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings