The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings

How to Handle Customer Objections in Your Copywriting (Convert More Customers TODAY)

holding red card


Imagine this…

You've spent DAYS researching, writing and editing a copywriting masterpiece.

But as your potential customers read through, objections start popping up in their minds like unexpected hurdles.

If you do not effectively handle these objections (as soon as they arise), your readers won’t believe your claims, trust you or purchase your product… no matter how persuasive your copy was otherwise.

Whether you're new to copywriting or a seasoned pro, dealing with customer objections (risk reversal) is a skill that can significantly impact your conversion rates.

It's the art of not just addressing concerns but preemptively dispelling doubts, creating trust, and guiding your readers towards a resounding "Yes, I want this!"

In this blog post…

I’m going to uncover why objection handling is crucial to your success, the 5 main customer objections, and 7 explosive tips to handle objections like a copywriting pro so you can boost sales.


Why is Objection Handling Important in Copywriting?

Warning sign

Understand this…

Your readers have dozens of objections firing off in their brains as they graze your writing.

If you fail to raise and handle their objections, they will not buy from you.

Everything else can be flawless, but if you leave unresolved objections sizzling in your reader’s minds, you have failed as a copywriter.

For one simple reason…

You won’t get desirable results for your clients.

And if you fail to get results, you will not be able to charge top rates or repeat clients (the most profitable type of clients).

But, that said, you have nothing to worry about.

Because I’m going to reveal the most common customer objections and give you insider tips for handling them faster than a lightning bolt.


What are the Most Common Customer Objections?

women chewing pen

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of handling objections, let's identify the usual suspects – the objections that might be lurking in the minds of your potential customers.

1. Price objections

One of the most frequent concerns is price objections.

They might think, "It's too expensive. Can I really afford this?"

Add risk reversal by addressing this by highlighting the value your product provides. Break down the benefits and showcase any cost-saving aspects or long-term value to ease their financial worries.


On the other side of the picket fence…

“This product is really cheap, it must be a piece of junk.”

If your client has low prices, demonstrate the value and load your copy with social proof.

2. Trust Issues

Trust is as fragile as a newborn puppy.

Especially today.

We are bombarded with thousands of ads each day. Most of these ads make ridiculous claims and are extremely unbelievable.

Because of this…

Customers are more skeptical than ever before.

They are always thinking “Yeah, right!” whenever they hear fluffy, hyped-up claims.

Customers may hesitate, asking, "Is this product legit? Can I trust this company? Is this too good to be true?"

To overcome this objection, leverage social proof. Feature customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies prominently in your copy. Highlight any industry certifications or awards your business has earned to reinforce credibility.

3. Uncertainty About Value

"What's in it for me?”

“Will this really solve my problem?"

If your potential customer is unsure about the value your product brings, address this by clearly outlining the core benefits (what it will DO for your customer… how it will solve their problems, improve their lives, etc.)

4. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice

We all have this fear…

"What if I regret this decision?”

“Are there better options out there?"

Ease this common objection by offering a no-risk guarantee.

Assure your customers that you stand by your product, and if they're not completely satisfied, there's an easy way out.

This builds confidence and minimizes the perceived risk of making a purchase.

5. Lack of Information

Sometimes, objections arise simply due to a lack of information.

Customers might wonder, "Is this all I need to know?"

Address this by providing comprehensive details about your product or service.

Answer frequently asked questions, offer tutorials, and ensure that your copy is informative and leaves no room for ambiguity.

Knowing and addressing these 5 common objections preemptively in your copy positions you as a trustworthy and customer-focused brand, increasing the likelihood of turning curious visitors into satisfied customers.


How to Handle Customer Objections like a Pro Copywriter

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Now, let's get to the good stuff – how to handle objections and turn skeptics into satisfied customers.

1. Anticipate and Address

Don't wait for objections to pop up; tackle them head-on.

Take a step back and think like your customer.

The key to finding common objections your customers may have is research.

Make sure you spend time finding the common objections your target audience likely has (do this for every new client you write for).

The best ways to find common objections are in product reviews (like on

If you know price is a concern, highlight the value your product delivers in relation to its cost.

If trust is an issue, showcase customer testimonials and reviews to build credibility.

By proactively addressing objections within your copy, you show your customers that you understand their concerns and are ready to provide solutions.


2. Use Empathy

passing heart shaped paper to another

Empathy is your secret weapon.

Put yourself in your customer's shoes and walk for a few miles.

Acknowledge their concerns genuinely and show them that you understand them.

For example, if they express hesitation about the price, you might say, "I get it, investing in [product] is a big decision. However, let me share why it's worth every penny."

Demonstrating empathy in your copy builds a connection and eases resistance.


3. Provide Clear Information

Clear communication is key.

Be crystal clear about what your product or service offers.

Address potential doubts by providing detailed information, features, and benefits.

If there are specific concerns, create dedicated sections in your copy to tackle them.

The more transparent you are, the more trust you'll build, and the more objections you'll overcome.


4. Offer Solutions


As a copywriter, your main role is to be a problem-solver.

Achieve risk reversal by turning customer objections into opportunities.

If price is a concern, consider offering a limited-time discount or a flexible payment plan.

If trust is an issue, provide a money-back guarantee to ease worries.

Offering solutions not only addresses objections but also adds value to your offer, making it even more enticing for your potential customers.


5. Create a Sense of Urgency

Encourage action by creating a sense of urgency.

Limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or bonuses for early birds can push hesitant customers to make a decision NOW.

Use phrases like "Act now for a special discount" or "Limited stock available" to motivate your readers to take the next step.

A well-crafted sense of urgency can tip the scales in your favor.


6. Comparison and Differentiation

Address objections by comparing your product or service to alternatives in the market.

Highlight what sets you apart.

If customers are unsure about choosing your product, make it clear why it's the superior option.

This helps in minimizing doubts and showcasing the unique value you bring to the table.


7. Highlight Success Stories

success stories

Share success stories or case studies of customers who initially had objections but ended up satisfied.

Real-life examples resonate with potential customers and provide concrete evidence of your product's effectiveness.

By incorporating these additional tips into your objection-handling toolkit, you'll be well-equipped to navigate customer concerns and guide them towards a positive decision.

Remember, objections are not roadblocks; they're opportunities to showcase the strength and value of your offer.



You now have everything you need to raise and handle customer objections.

Use the tips in this guide to turn skeptics into happy buyers.

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings