The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Click the button below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients

Click the button below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients

3 Bloody Red Flags of a Fake Copywriting Guru


Monday, September 09, 2024

It’s no secret…

I jumped into copywriting VERY fast.

Over 50 paying clients (in less than 3 months) and landed 2 in-house positions, in my first year.

Looking back…

A HUGE reason I was able to break into copywriting with Hulk Hogan strength is because I did NOT pay attention to what any “modern” copywriting guru was preaching.

I stayed FAR away from the Reddit forums, Facebook groups and any other social media platform.

These sites are PLAGUED with fake gurus.

To be honest, I never realized how many fake gurus there were selling copywriting courses until I decided to help aspiring and struggling copywriters achieve similar success to my own.

This is good news, though.

Because it means there’s a market & demand for what I’m selling, and also, there’s a LOT of people I can help and provide real value to.

And hopefully, snatch them up before they fall victim to the guru pirates or, maybe, I can reassure some people who’ve been bamboozled once or twice in the past and show them that copywriting IS a fantastic career.

That it CAN allow you to live the ultimate lifestyle you want – working from home, traveling the world, making gobs of green presidents, etc.

Anyway, to help you steer clear of fake gurus, here are 3 bloody red flags:

1. They are “famous” on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook BUT they don’t have a lick of direct response copy on their website. (There are a few BIG TIME gurus who don’t have more than a few sentences on their site & the few sentences they got are laugh-out-loud bad – yikes.)

2. They scream about how they made “$10k/month” or “6 figures” and how you can make the same in just a few months. Anything that wreaks of “get rich quick” should be AVOIDED at all costs.

3. They try to sell you a $1997 course without building a relationship with you first (Nothing wrong with selling high-ticket courses. However, there IS something very wrong with someone who constantly pitches and hawks products at you like a coked out car salesmen. Major flaw. This is like someone trying to get in your pants before taking you out for dinner and getting to know you first.)

Keep these red flags in mind before clicking “buy now” on anyone’s site selling a copywriting course.

And if you’re looking for REAL advice, from a REAL copywriter, who’s been in the bloody trenches and has gotten his hands dirtier than a dog rolling around in mud on a rainy day, then go here:


You will not make $10k/month in a couple weeks.

But if you stick with it, and put in the good work, you can earn MUCH more than $10k/month through-out your copywriting journey.

And you can do so on your OWN TERMS.

You have full control over your future.

But, first, you must know what makes good copy, how to write it and how to get clients or a job.

​My Copy Kings membership will show you how:

To your success,

Jeremy Mac


​When you subscribe TODAY, you will also gain 7 shockingly valuable bonuses that’ll turn you into a copywriting pro (normally cost $326, but are 100% FREE when you join TODAY).


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Click the button below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients

Click the button below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular $500 course – Overnight Clients