Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Monday, September 09, 2024
Want to learn how to write good copy extremely fast?
If so…
You’re luckier than a leprechaun who just struck the lotto.
I’m going to reveal 10 good copywriting tips to help you ramp up your writing speed and bang out persuasive copy like Don Draper
On your mark, get set, gooooooo!
This nifty trick will double your writing speed TODAY… GUARANTEED.
Here’s what you do:
The next time you sit down to write…
Talk out loud as your fingers slam each letter on your keyboard.
Why does this help you write faster?
Because hoomans are natural talkers.
We are NOT natural writers.
Plus, 80%+ of your editing job will be completely erased because talking out loud wipes out a lot of odd sentences, weird phrases and unreadable garbage.
Put on your white lab coat and getsa researching!
I like to spend a few days on research BEFORE I write a single word.
As a copywriter, your real job is to uncover your reader’s biggest desires, pains, problems, hopes, etc. and to write about them in the most persuasive and engaging way.
And, you find all this critical info out from research.
If you spend enough time digging, it will be 10x easier when you are ready to write.
Words will fly right out of your brain and onto your computer screen.
Good copywriting always starts with your reader and enters their world.
Another way to write lightning quick is to clear your mind’s junk.
Here’s what I like to do BEFORE I write:
However, this is not a one-size-fits-all type of thang.
Do whatever works for you.
But once you find out what helps you clear your mind, make a daily habit of doing it BEFORE you write.
Speaking of habits…
Want to become a better writer?
Want to write faster than a cheetah?
Write DAILY.
This obvious “secret” made the biggest difference in my writing speed and ability.
Loooong time ago, I made a daily habit of writing copy.
You see, the more you write, and the more frequently you write, the better your writing will be.
Plus, the more you will earn because money is attracted to speed.
After you’ve done enough research and are ready to start your first draft…
DO NOT EDIT as you write.
Write. Write. Write.
Keep going.
Keep pushing.
Do not stop until you’re finished.
Yes, it will read like mumbo jumbo.
But this is how every top copywriter approaches the first draft.
The goal is to let all your emotions, thoughts and ideas flow out onto paper.
If you edit during the first draft, you will jam up the creative process and it will take you FOREVER to write.
Good copywriting is not written in the first draft (or 2nd, or 3rd).
I learned this the hard way.
For a few months, I would write a sentence, and then edit it.
Then write another sentence, then stop. And go over it until it was sparkling clean.
It took me FOREVER to write even a 100-word email.
Don’t make this mistake.
This is more about writing good copy, but it will help you write faster too…
Whenever I write, I imagine I am sitting down at a bar and talking to a good friend.
This is helpful because good copy is conversational.
Good copywriting should read as if you are hearing from a close friend with interesting news to share.
Use simple words, simple language, slang, short sentences, short paragraphs and short words.
Do NOT slap on your “writer’s hat” and try to sound all high and mighty to impress.
Sophisticated, humorous and clever writers do not make it in this game.
Only salesmen do.
And salesmen use everyday, friendly, conversational language.
I learned this nifty productivity hack from legendary copywriter, Eugene Schwartz.
This helps with eliminating writer’s block and writing EXTREMELY fast.
Whenever Eugene sat down to write, he set a 33.33-minute timer.
He wrote with laser focus until his timer dinged.
Then, he stopped what he was doing and took a short break.
He’d refill coffee, walk his dog, shave, etc.
Then, after 10ish minutes, he’d go back to writing for another 33.33 minutes.
He repeated this process until he was done with whatever he was working on.
There’s 2 MAJOR benefits of doing this…
The next time you write…
Set a 33.33-minute timer.
Do not stop writing until it goes off.
By doing this…
You will bang out copy much faster than you are now.
This may sound contrary, but you want to write for ONE person.
Hundreds, thousands, even millions will read your writing.
You only care about one person.
Your client’s ideal buyer.
Everything you write MUST be aligned with their interests.
After all, this is the remedy to boring copy:
Write about what your reader is interested in.
When you write to your ideal reader, a huge boulder is lifted from your achy back.
Because you do not have to waste time trying to please everyone.
You just have to please “one person”.
Writing to your ideal reader is the key to writing good copy.
Another head-scratcher…
How does taking breaks help me write good copy?
Why would it help me write faster?
Here’s why bud…
A big chunk of writing copy is coming up with big ideas.
And the best way to do so is to let your subconscious mind work its magic.
After you stuff your subconscious mind with the info it needs (from research), take a day off BEFORE writing.
Do something fun…
Go to the movies with a date, play a game of pick-up basketball with some friends, go fishing.
Do ANYTHING besides work on this project.
Often, you will be hit by big ideas as you are having fun on your day off.
When you do, WRITE THEM DOWN.
Taking breaks also gives you a fresh pair of eyeballs to use when reviewing your copy during the editing process.
Your new motto for writing copy:
“Good is good enough.”
Hate to break it to you, but… your copy will never be “perfect.”
And you can waste countless hours, days, even weeks trying to create a Bob Ross masterpiece.
Instead, strive for good.
To be honest…
You will earn far more money from writing tons of “good” copy, than you would from writing a few homeruns.
Copywriters often get paid hourly, so use these 10 tips to write good copy, in less time.
Enough reading
And use these 10 tips to double your writing speed and score impressive results for your clients.
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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