Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Monday, September 09, 2024
Just finished watching Narcos Mexico.
Oh boy, what a great show. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s about the creation of the Mexican cartel.
Before the cartel, there were dozens of solo gangs, all fighting against each other for power.
Then, one day, a genius by the name of Miguel Felix (The Mexican Godfather) gathered the bosses of these solo gangs and formed a union – the cartel.
The result?
They went on to sell far more drugs, rake in far more money and control far more territories, than ever before, with this partnership.
Now, believe it or not, the same is true with copywriters.
For some reason, copywriters view other copywriters as “competition”.
They fear competition and play victim to “more established” copywriters.
But, the successful copywriters, and successful business owners (no matter what niche), realize that this concept of competition is silly.
Not only silly, but holds them back from scaling their business.
The SMART entrepreneurs look at “competition” as JOINT VENTURE partners.
Lucrative allies they can team up with, to help each other make more sales.
Inside my popular membership - Copy Kings - I teach you how to gain new clients, more referrals and grow your freelance business by simply teaming up with other copywriters.
I give away tons of sneaky secrets for doing so, that you can apply to your freelance business right away.
This is just one of the dozens, if not hundreds, of valuable client-getting secrets I teach to Copy King members.
Discover (and profit) from em all TODAY:
To your success,
Jeremy Mac
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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