Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Monday, September 09, 2024
In my first few months as an email copywriter, I SUCKED.
It would take me 30+ minutes to write ONE email.
The main reason for my struggles?
I did not have a proven structure to follow.
After paying thousands on email copywriting courses and studying hundreds of successful emails from top copywriters (Matt Furey, Ben Settle, etc.), I created a very simple structure for writing promotional emails that works for any niche or product.
More specifically:
A simple 5-step email copywriting checklist.
By following this copywriter checklist, you can drastically cut down writing time, eliminate writer’s block and multiply your opens, clicks and purchases with each email you send out.
In this blog post…
I’m going to cover why you should use my exclusive email copywriting checklist and break down each step, so that you can write killer emails in as quick as 7 minutes.
By following this copywriting cheat sheet, you will no longer stare at an empty screen, wondering what to write about. Instead, you will bang out persuasive emails each time you sit down to write because you know EXACTLY what to include.
These steps are rooted in direct response copywriting principles and fundamentals (selling through the written word). They are designed to get an immediate response from your readers.
After following this email copywriting checklist, you will be able to write 2x faster (at least, but probably faster). It takes me 7 minutes to write an email each day. Part of the reason why I can write so fast now is because I follow this proven email copywriting checklist.
A copywriter checklist ensures that your email content is hitting all the right hot buttons. You will consistently write persuasive emails by following the 5 steps laid out for you in this checklist.
You can quickly check each email to make sure you hit each main step in the copywriting process. When you can “check off” each step, you can be certain that you’ve got a powerful email.
Are emails being sent under your client’s name?
If not, advise them to change the “from” line to their name (NOT the name of their company/brand).
Because people do NOT buy from companies.
They buy from people.
People they like, know and trust.
And one of the best ways to get your emails opened (and not deleted on the spot or marked as spam) is to make sure your client’s name is being shown on the “from” line.
The “from” line is the first thing readers see when viewing an email.
If it comes from someone or some brand they do NOT recognize, they will ignore/delete it automatically.
The best way to prevent this is to have every email come from someone whom your readers like, know and trust (your client).
Changing the “from” line to your client’s name can instantly increase open rates, click-through rates and sales…. PLUS… reduce spam complaints.
Does your subject line stop your readers from scrolling and motivate them to open your email?
An email’s subject line acts the same as a copywriting headline.
If your subject line does not grab your reader’s undivided attention and influence them to open your email, they will never read what you wrote (no matter how good it may be).
To help you boost open rates and give your emails a chance at success…
Here are 5 bullet-proof favorite ways to write subject lines that command attention:
This is my favorite type of email subject line.
Curiosity acts as a giant magnet for attracting our attention.
When you tap into your reader’s curiosity, you create a fierce itch that NEEDS to be scratched (I.E. opening your email and reading it.)
The good news is…
Writing curiosity-piquing subject lines is one of the easiest ways to write attention-grabbing subject lines.
Because you can write about ANYTHING.
It just has to be unique and different from what people are accustomed to seeing in their email inboxes.
When your email stands out from the crowd, it will naturally attract attention and “stop the scroll.”
Here are 5 ways to inject curiosity into your subject lines:
Here are 3 examples of curiosity-piquing subject lines that worked like magic:
“Cocaine straws vs pipelines”
“The REAL reason people buy”
“Why I LOVE to fail”
Relevant questions are psychologically impossible to ignore.
Ask your readers a relevant question in your subject line.
You can make them more powerful if you add curiosity.
3 examples:
“Is this common investing mistake costing you money?”
“Are you making your customers uncomfortable?”
“Is your wife losing interest?”
Everyone loves helpful tips and exact instructions.
Grab your reader’s attention by listing the specific number of ways to get something they desperately want.
It’s easy!
Simply start your subject line like this:
Here are a few examples:
“5 ways to shred body fat today”
“7 insider tips to sell more homes this year”
“5 seduction secrets from Don Draper to explode your dating life”
Often, the best way to grab attention is to simply state what your readers want most.
Hook their eyeballs by appealing to their self-interest.
The easiest way to write benefit-driven subject lines is to start with the words “how to”… and… follow with the desired benefit.
3 examples:
“How to raise your IQ overnight”
“How to potty train your child in minutes”
“How to double your income using social media”
Nobody likes to make mistakes.
Grab your reader’s attention by listing common mistakes to avoid.
Like this…
“10 little-known mistakes costing you an arm and a leg”
“5 mistakes new parents make that can harm their baby”
“Are you making these common copywriting mistakes?”
Now that your readers have opened your email, you’ve got to get them to read your copy…
“Is your opening line easier to read than to ignore?”
Great. You’ve captured your reader’s attention and got them to open your email.
Your job is FAR from over.
Now you’ve got to keep their attention and push them through your copy.
The key is to write a VERY SHORT opening line.
I’m talkin’ 1 sentence or less.
Often, I’ll start my opener with a few words that are so achingly complete that it’s almost impossible to stop reading.
Here are some examples:
“I’ll be brutally honest with you…”
“I’m flabbergasted”
“You won’t believe what happened to me today”
“Enough is enough”
These opening lines work because they are extremely welcoming and easy to read.
They also create curiosity because of how incomplete they are.
You almost can’t help but keep reading.
Plus, they lead into a story…
“Are you telling a compelling story in your email?”
Now that you have your reader’s attention and got them to read your first sentence, you must hold their interest and keep them engaged in what you are saying so that they read your entire email.
The easiest way to do this is to tell a compelling story.
Telling stories is the #1 way that humans communicate with each other.
When you tell stories in your emails, you engage, motivate and persuade readers – almost effortlessly.
Stories are the easiest, most enjoyable and most profitable way to write emails that sell.
Believe it or not, 99% of my emails contain at least one main story.
Wanna know something odd?
The best way to tell stories in your emails is to write about anything that comes to mind.
What happened to you at work today? Any workplace gossip?
See a weird story on the news this morning? What was it about?
Did your cat do something funny?
Did you have an interesting convo with a friend?
Write about it!
Transition into your email’s CTA (whatever the main objective of your email is… selling a product, getting readers to read a blog post, attend a webinar, etc.)
This is the #1 way to write irresistible emails that grab attention, hold interest and motivate readers to click on your CTA button/link.
Here are some “out of the blue” stories I’ve written in emails...
I then talked about the importance of headlines and included a link to a product that showed copywriters how to write killa headlines.
I started with a random story, then made it relevant to my target audience – writers. Plus, I included a link on how to protect writers from “extinction” from AI.
Same concept as the above example.
See how simple this is?
Don’t overcomplicate it!
After you’ve told an engaging story, Segway into what you’re selling.
It’s easy.
If your story relates to what you’re selling, just naturally transition to your CTA (click link to learn more/buy product).
If your story doesn’t have anything to do with your product, then do this…
Latch onto a concept from your story, or a theme, or a thought, or even a word from the last sentence (refer to the above emails to see how I do this.)
This is just one EASY way to write engaging stories that sell. There are many other types of persuasive stories to use in emails. You can read this blog to learn about them all.
Are you telling your readers what to do next? Are you giving them a good reason why they should do it NOW?
Your readers have opened your email and have scrolled down to the end, now you must motivate them to click your link.
Every email you write should include a call to action.
Give your readers crystal clear and direct instructions on what to do now (I.E. click your link).
The more clear, specific and direct you are with the action you want readers to take, the more likely they’ll take it.
Boost your response rates by adding urgency and scarcity.
4 ways to motivate your readers to take action NOW:
This email copywriting checklist gives you a clear, step-by-step framework for writing emails that sell.
Use this email copywriter checklist every time you write an email.
You will be shocked at the results.
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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