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Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Monday, September 09, 2024
This may sound like a ho’ bunch of greasy baloney…
In my 4 years of writing copy….
I’ve NEVER experienced writer’s block.
Not even when writing my FIRST project.
Or second.
Or hundredth.
How is this possible?
It’s actually REALLY simple.
And once you understand this, you too will NEVER stare at a blank screen again.
Which can be really tempting when writing new assignments or crafting outreach messages to potential clients.
In this blog post…
You’ll discover what writer’s block is, why you are being tormented by this monster, how to overcome writer’s block – in 5 minutes or less, and 5 quick tips for writing faster, with ZERO resistance.
You sit down to write.
But instead of writing…
You stare at a blank screen (who writes by hands these days?)
You try hard to “create”, but words are not coming out of your brain.
The few words that you can muster are absolute trash.
So, you delete them.
And start from scratch again
This frustrating process repeats for hours.
This, my friend, is writer’s block.
And it’s a nasty monster that haunts many beginner copywriters.
However, I’ve got some wondiferous news to share with you.
Writer’s block is NOT a rare disorder amongst writers.
The truth is…
Writer’s block is NOT REAL.
Yes, you may be at a loss for words, but it has nothing to do with this elusive “writer’s block.”
Hop to the next section and I’ll reveal the TRUTH about what you’re experiencing…
I’m lucky.
Before I wrote a single piece of copy for clients, I spent 3 months on my copywriting education.
I read dozens of classic direct response copywriting books, studied successful ads written by top copywriters and dabbled in a few copywriting exercises.
I picked up something VERY VALUABLE from studying the great copywriters.
I discovered the truth about writer’s block.
You see, top copywriters all realize that writer’s block is a mirage.
They do NOT experience it.
When they sit down to write, they write.
They do not stare at an empty notepad or screen.
Because of their wisdom, I too have never experienced writer’s block.
Here’s why…
It all has to do with what you do BEFORE you sit down to write.
It has to do with RESEARCH.
Believe it or not, writing is a VERY small slice of your job.
Your REAL job is to be a stellar researcher.
To uncover the hidden benefits of your client’s product, to find out what their customer’s biggest problems, pains & frustrations are, the company’s unique selling proposition (USP), positioning and all that yummy stuff.
After you dig up enough gold and study it (over and over again), you’ll be ready to write.
And when you ARE ready to write, after doing all this “prep” work, the words will flow right out of your brain, onto your computer screen – EFFORTLESSLY.
You won’t think.
You’ll just WRITE.
And if the words do not flow right off your tongue, you haven’t done enough research.
Legendary copywriter, Eugene Schwartz, said it best…
During a speech he gave at Rodale Press, Eugene explained the secret for eliminating writer’s block.
The secret?
You do NOT write copy.
You simply assemble it.
Your job as a copywriter is to take already existing claims, features, benefits, stories, desires, fears, insecurities… and assemble them in an organized way that is most persuasive and interesting to your readers.
The next time you take on a copywriting assignment, spend 80% of your time on research.
Don’t know how to research?
See this blog post: Your Ultimate Guide to Copywriting Research (Step-by-Step Process + 5 Best Techniques)
Now that you know the truth about writer’s block, and how to overcome writer’s block, you are free from this anxiety-provoking monster.
However, because I’m a nice guy, I’m going to help you even more.
Here are 5 tips to write faster, with less resistance:
I learned this trick from the great Matt Furey.
It’s very easy to do and it will double your writing speed the moment you do it.
Here we go…
The next time you sit down to write, talk out loud as you type.
Why does this help you write faster?
Because you are a natural talker.
You are NOT a natural writer.
Often, copywriters make their job 2x harder by slapping on their “writer’s hat” and trying to sound like a writer. Not only does this make it harder to write, but it also makes your writing unreadable gibberish.
You want your writing to read as if a friend is talking to you.
Write like you talk.
Plus, another benefit of this is, a BIG CHUNK of your editing job will be completely erased because talking while you type eliminates odd sentences, weird phrases and confusing mumbo jumbo.
If you want to write resistance-free you’ve got to remove all the junk from your mind that’s causing resistance.
Here’s what I do BEFORE I write:
Do whatever works best for you.
Then, make a daily habit of doing it BEFORE you write.
For the love of dog, whatever you do, do NOT edit during your first draft.
After you’ve done enough research and are ready to write, do just that.
Write. Write. Write.
Keep writing.
Keep going.
Keep pushing.
Do not stop writing until you’re finished with your ENTIRE 1st draft (headline to CTA).
The goal is to let all your emotions, thoughts and ideas flow out onto electronic paper.
If you edit during your first draft, you will jam up the creative process. It will take you a LOOOOONG to write.
This is another gem I’ve picked up by studying top copywriters.
They all write without editing during their first draft.
Listen good:
Kickass copywriting is not written in the first draft (or 2nd, or 3rd).
I learned this the hard way.
For a few months, I would write a sentence, and then edit it.
Then write another sentence, then stop. And go over it until it was sparkling clean.
It took me FOREVER to write even a 100-word email.
Don’t make this mistake.
This is another copywriting trick I learned from Eugene Schwartz.
This productivity hack helps you write EXTREMELY FAST.
Whenever Eugene sat down to write, he set a 33.33-minute timer.
He wrote uninterrupted until his timer screamed at him.
Then, he stopped what he was doing and took a quick break.
He’d refill coffee, walk his dog, shave.
Then, after 10 minutes, he’d go back to writing for another 33.33 minutes.
He repeated this process until he was done with whatever he was writing.
Why does this work so well?
It all has to do with deadlines.
When you give yourself strict deadlines, you will write better copy, in less time, without getting stuck.
Understand this:
Work expands the time given.
So, if you want to write faster, set strict deadlines whenever writing for clients.
The next time you write, set a 33.33-minute timer.
Don’t you dare stop writing until the timer goes off.
By doing this…
You will crank out copy much faster than you currently are now.
How does taking breaks help you write faster?
I’ll tell you…
A big chunk of writing copy has to do with coming up with big ideas.
The best way to come up with big ideas is to let your subconscious mind work its magic.
After you feed your subconscious mind with the info it needs (during the research phase), take a day off BEFORE writing.
Do something fun…
Play mini golf with some amigos, take a spicy date to your favorite restaurant, go for a relaxing drive… whatever tickles your boat.
Do ANYTHING besides work on this project.
Often, you will be hit by big ideas as you are having fun away from work.
When you do, WRITE THEM DOWN.
Taking breaks also gives you a fresh pair of eyes when reviewing your copy during the editing process.
Eye-opening stuff, huh?
Now, it’s time to say goodbye to the writer’s block monster FOR GOOD.
If at any time in your copywriting career you feel stuck, at a loss for words, read this post again.
Read it, believe it and APPLY it.
If you do, overcoming writer’s block is easy peasy AND you will write faster, with ZERO resistance.
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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