Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Monday, September 09, 2024
They’re many things copywriter's have in common.
Most of them are deadly mistakes that drain money from their bank accounts.
Listen good:
Because I’m about to share 5 BIG lead gen mistakes most copywriter's make on the regular.
If you are making just one of these mistakes, you are likely costing yourself a small fortune.
Make sure you correct em NOW.
If you do, I guarantee you will improve your lead gen efforts, drastically, almost overnight.
Here they are:
Mistake #1…
Not choosing a niche.
What’s more effective?
Fishing in a small pond filled with big trophy fish… or… fishing in a wide blue ocean with millions of tiny, big, round, square, pointy fish.
Point is:
The more TARGETED your message is, to a SPECIFIC audience, the more effective your lead gen will be.
Mistake #2…
Chasing is repulsive.
Chasing leaks money.
Chasing causes burnout.
Instead, ATTRACT your IDEAL prospects to YOU.
Mistake #3…
Doing shit you hate.
A BIG reason why so many copywriters fail to sign new gigs consistently, and up n quit this bidness (often within the first 12 months), is because they get into this nasty habit of doing shit they hate.
The remedy - choose the few lead gen strategies you ENJOY doing, and STICK WITH THEM.
Mistake #4…
Wreaking of need.
Neediness is the death of all sales.
Remove all odor of need when dealing with prospects & clients.
Mistake #5…
Building a product-to-prospect bridge.
Flip it around.
Build a bridge starting with your prospect to your product (your copywriting services).
Get inside your prospects world. Paint a vivid vision of their problems, pains, frustrations, wants… and… simply tie in why YOU are the copywriter who can help them relieve their pain and achieve their dreams.
Alright buster.
Go to work on these 5 common, yet rarely talked about, lead gen mistakes and your mind will explode from the startling results.
I go into heaps of detail & give away treasure chests filled with gold on how to become a top paid copywriter in my exclusive membership, Copy Kings:
To your success,
Jeremy Mac
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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