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Monday, September 09, 2024
Bad reviews sink freelance copywriting ships.
Or do they?
In the early jobless days of Covid, I started an online business reselling Air Jordans.
In just a few months, business was booming.
Sold over 100 pairs of kicks & had an impressive rap sheet of 5 star reviews.
Then it happened.
My first 1 star review.
Another 1-star review.
In the same stinking week!
I was so stressed.
“My business is over.”
“Nobody’s going to buy from me anymore.”
“What did I do to deserve these lousy penalty reviews?”
To be honest, I had a bad feeling about the two customers who gave me these poor reviews, before they ever received their shoes.
They were annoying & rude like a Karen in a grocery store’s return line.
Messaging me with a nasty attitude just about every day, until they received their orders.
But I was armed with some valuable knowledge.
You see, around the same time, I had listened to a podcast episode, where the host – Ben Settle (marvelous email copywriter) – told a story about how some troll gave him a 1 star review on Amazon.
What did Ben do?
He blasted this troll for all eyes to see on his blog and email newsletter.
Now, with this knowledge sizzling in my noggin, I replied back to the nasty 1 star comments.
Not backing down or apologizing.
I bashed them!
I warned any seller reading these reviews to stay FAR away from these low-class Dung beetles.
Then, I blocked them.
I’ve been doing the same ever since.
Whenever I get a whiff off a crappy client who slips into my copywriting business, I kick em out right away.
And my business, bank account and sanity has profited ever since.
So, if you have some 1 star review stinking it up on a freelance job site (like Upwork) or if you’re scared poopless of a bad review “ruining” your life, then heed my advice and do the following:
Write down all the traits of the person who gave you the bad review.
Then block all communications with them and, more importantly, REPEL this type of low-class arsehole far away from your freelance copywriting business.
If you'd like to learn how to grow your freelance copywriting business or copywriting career while writing for clients & companies YOU LOVE, then go here:
To your success,
Jeremy Mac
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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