This was painful as splinters to watch.
Last night, I watched the Celtics blow a 12-point lead, late in the 4th quarter.
They haven’t learned their damn lesson.
Been coughing up BIG leads, late in games, all darn season long.
The reason?
They play not to lose.
Back a few years ago, when I was a feen for self-improvement books, I stumbled upon Psycho Cybernetics, by Dr. Maxwell Maltz.
This book is a real gem.
Because it teaches you how to achieve your goals by changing your self-image via visualizations.
Anyways, the Doc talked about how to become “clutch” and win when it matters most.
More specifically, the “winning mindset” to have when the game’s on the line.
The mindset?
Play to WIN.
Picture achieving your goal, in your mind’s eye, BEFORE your “big game.”
For example:
Visualize closing your copywriting client with confidence and ease, the night before a big negotiation.
Do this, repeatedly, and I guarantee this will help you close more deals, almost overnight.
Because you’ll view yourself as a stone-cold closing machine. You’ll feel the electric confidence & swagger of a millionaire copywriter raging through your body.
And, for a big juicy bonus, you will remove all need from the sale.
Neediness is one of the deadliest sales killers.
But don’t worry, because, for those of you who are Copy Kings members, you have my secret remedy for building your “winning mindset” and removing all whiffs of need.
To learn more about this bonus, and the 6 other bonuses included when you join Copy Kings, go here:
To your success,
Jeremy Mac