Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Want to learn how to get new clients with NO experience - in 24 hours or less? I created a $500 course teaching copywriters how. If you enter your primary email address below, I'll send you a popular video from this exclusive course for free. 👇
Monday, September 09, 2024
Is copywriting hard to get into?
Is copywriting hard for beginners?
Is copywriting hard to earn money in?
4 years ago when I started copywriting, I had all of these questions rattling inside my brain like a pinball.
After years of muddy trial and error, I’ve discovered the answers.
In this blog post…
I’m going to answer 4 of the most common questions I’m asked by newbie copywriters and give you 10 insider tips to help you transition from complete beginner to seasoned pro.
It can be.
For example…
In 2019, I tried getting into copywriting. I spent around a year trying to learn the basics. I struggled HARD and quit as a result.
In 2020, when Covid first hit, I jumped back into copywriting. This time, I learned the basics VERY FAST – in under 3 months.
The key to learning copywriting fast is to learn less.
Quit searching “how to become a copywriter” online.
Ditch the blog posts, YouTube videos and social media groups & forums.
Pick up 10 copywriting books.
Read them, study them and take detailed notes.
Strive to read 25+ pages per day.
While you do this, practice writing copy.
I did this for 3 months (in 2020).
It took me around 2 hours per day.
I was very consistent and did not miss a single day.
After, I was able to get dozens of clients within my first few months and establish myself as a professional copywriter.
It CAN be easy to learn copywriting IF you learn the basics and build a solid foundation of your knowledge and skills.
I wrote an entire blog post about how to learn copywriting, the right way, as quickly as possible.
It covers the 10 books I read and the exact copywriting practice exercises, in full step-by-step details.
Copywriters CAN earn 6-figures or more, relatively quickly compared to other professions.
However, the key to earning money is to make your clients money.
The entire purpose of copywriting is to get results (sales) through the words you write.
In order to do this, you must learn copywriting and build your skills.
Then, after you feel confident in your selling abilities and can provide value to clients, you can earn money VERY FAST.
For example, after learning the basics for 3 months, I got 50 paying clients within the next 3 months (earned a couple thousand per month). Then, I signed a 6-month contract with a marketing agency, making around $20/hr. After that contract ended, I worked as a full-time copywriter for a real estate investing company on a $82k/year salary. This was all within my first 12 months or so of writing copy.
So, yes, you can definitely earn a lot of money as a copywriter.
And you don’t have to wait until your gray in the hair to experience desirable results.
But the easiest (and only) way to earn good money as a copywriter is to provide real value for your clients.
Once you can, the moon is the limit to your earning potential.
Was it hard to ride a bike the first time?
Did you struggle to swish 3s the first time stepping on a bball court?
Did your brain go numb trying to learn multiplication table as a youngin?
Point is…
Copywriting is just like any other skill on the planet.
When starting anything for the first time, it’s going to be hard.
The good news?
It gets easier and easier, the more you do it.
The easiest way to become a good copywriter, in addition to learning & practicing, is to WRITE.
The more you write, the easier it gets.
And the key to making writing easy is to make it a daily habit.
Once you form the habit of writing, it becomes automatic. You won’t have to think about what to say or how to say it, you’ll just crank words out with ease.
I personally was not stressed out when starting.
But I rarely get stressed or anxious.
However, there are a few “things” that helped relieve any potential stress.
More specifically, these 3 things:
1. Learn the basics
Running around like a confused chicken with its head cut off is very stressful. To relieve this newbie stress, learn the rules, principles and fundamentals of direct response copywriting. When you work within a proven system, you can’t go far wrong. Having a solid foundation will remove guesswork and make it a lot easier to succeed.
2. Meditate
I was meditating for about a year before I started writing copy. Before, I was stressed out like a mosquito. Mediation helps you cool down, relax and clear your racing thoughts. I ALWAYS meditate before writing.
3. Program your brain for success
Another reason why I didn’t stress out when I began copywriting is because I had been “programming” my mind for a while. How? Visualizations and affirmations. This will change your self-image and shoot lion confidence into your heart. Want to learn how to program your mind and feel as if you’re already a big-time success BEFORE writing for clients? Go here.
The only real secret to success is consistency.
Especially for beginners.
The biggest reason aspiring copywriters fail is because they quit too early.
They are not consistent enough with learning, writing or getting clients.
If you want to become a successful copywriter, you must show up every day.
I don't care what kind of copy you want to write.
Social media posts, blog posts, emails, landing pages.
It doesn’t matter.
Beginners MUST learn the fundamentals of direct response copywriting.
Studying direct response copywriting will give you everything you need to be successful in any type of medium or industry that you're writing for.
Learning direct response copy will teach you the essential skills, concepts and fundamentals you need to write engaging, interesting and persuasive copy that gets read and triggers sales.
Work expands the time you give it.
For all your copywriting projects, set strict deadlines and stick to them.
Strict deadlines force you to work faster, without getting stuck.
I used to take forever to write copy. After setting strict deadlines, my writing time was sliced in half (at least).
It’s not real.
You do not “write” copy.
You assemble it.
Your job as a copywriter is to assemble features, benefits, claims, stories, etc.
Then, organize them in the most persuasive and engaging way.
The answer to writer’s block is research.
When you research your topic, target audience and the company that you're working for, it’s a breeze to write copy.
All the words will flow right out of your head, onto your keyboard.
If they don’t?
That means you haven’t done enough research.
Always keep this in your back pocket throughout your copywriting journey.
One of the biggest reasons why aspiring copywriters quit is because they make it too damn complicated.
They get stuck in a hairy rabbit hole of information overload and perfectionism.
Don’t be a victim.
The best thing you can do when starting out is to keep it SIMPLE.
Simply read the 10 books and practice the copywriting exercises. Then, once you’re ready to get clients, read these blog posts:
Copywriting doesn’t have to be hard.
Follow the tips in this post and you can realistically become a copywriter within the next few months.
20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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20 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham NH 03885, US | jeremy@jeremymac.com | (207) 517-9957
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