I’m often asked what my favorite copywriting books & courses are.
Well, one of my top 3 is from legendary copywriter - Eugene Schwartz.
A while back, he gave a seminar at Rodale Press (multi-million dollar publishing company). Where he “spilled the beans” on his unique copywriting methods & techniques.
There are SOOO many gems dropped in this 90 minute video.
Here’s one to satisfy your copywriting sweet tooth…
Eugene was telling a story about how a football coach at West Point college, named Greg Blake Smith, said:
“The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.”
The REAL results come before the big game.
They come from the prep work.
The athlete (or copywriter) who prepares the most, will reap the biggest results.
Eugene LIVED this “preparation mindset”.
He’d spend 80% of his time researching his market, product, claims, etc.
And after he did enough prep work, and was ready to finally write, he’d write home run after home run (think he had around an 80% control record - even when going against other titans in the industry.)
I’ve adopted this preparation mindset too.
But this goes deeper than just researching and writing.
It also has to do with your daily habits.
For example:
I make sure I do some quick cardio to get my blood flowing and meditate to clear my brain’s cobwebs, first thang in the AM.
Because this lets me write without resistance.
This “prep work” is why I’ve NEVER experienced writer’s block - in my 3 years of writing copy (I have over 4 years of copywriting experience but did not take it seriously – and struggled HARD as a result – my first year).
I’ve included a special training on how to delete writer’s block from your life, for good – almost instantly.
And I guarantee it’ll work for you.
This is just one of seven bonuses I’ve included for Copy Kings members.
To learn about the other bonuses – go here:
To your success,
Jeremy Mac