The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings

Blog Copywriting 101: How to Become a Successful Blog Copywriter in 2024


Curious about what it takes to excel in the world of blog copywriting?

Wondering how to stand out in a stormy sea of digital content?

Eager to uncover the secrets behind riveting blog copy that drives results?

If these questions swim inside your head like dolphins, you're in the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll address all your pressing questions about blog copywriting.

From understanding the nuances of banging out engaging content to mastering the art of persuasion, you’ll learn everything you need to become a successful blog copywriter in 2024 and beyond.


What is Blog Copywriting?


You can think of blog copywriting as the engine that drives traffic, engagement and conversions for online businesses.

Blog copy is about communicating effectively through written content to inform, entertain, and inspire readers while achieving desired outcomes for businesses & brands.

It involves crafting engaging blog posts that captivate readers' attention, resonate with their interests and compel them to take action.  

Blog copywriters use persuasive language, storytelling techniques, and SEO strategies to create content that drives traffic, engages audiences, and achieves specific goals, whether it's increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving conversions.


What’s the Difference Between Blogging Vs Copywriting?

confused man

When it comes to content creation, the terms "blogging" and "copywriting" are often used interchangeably, but they actually serve different purposes and require distinct skill sets.


Blogging refers to the creation of content for a blog.

Personal blog…

Corporate blog…

Niche-focused blog…

And so on.

Bloggers write to inform, entertain, or engage their audience on a variety of topics, ranging from personal anecdotes to industry insights.

The primary goal of blogging is to build a loyal readership and establish authority in a particular niche or industry.

Bloggers cover a wide range of subjects and adopt a more informal, conversational tone in their writing.

They share personal experiences, offer opinions & provide how-to guides and tutorials.

While bloggers may incorporate persuasive elements into their writing, their primary focus is on providing valuable content that resonates with their audience.


On the other hand, copywriting is a form of persuasive writing that aims to drive a specific action or outcome.

Copywriters create content with the intention of influencing their reader's behavior.

Making a purchase…

Signing up for a newsletter…

Attending a webinar…

All that good shtuff.

Unlike blogging, which is often more informational or educational in nature, copywriting is focused on generating results.

Copywriters use various techniques and strategies to appeal to their reader's emotions, address their pain points, and highlight the benefits of a product or service.

They craft powerful headlines, persuasive calls-to-action, and engaging storytelling to capture and hold the reader's attention.

The ultimate goal of copywriting is to motivate the reader to take action (clicking a link, filling out a form, making a purchase, etc.)


Blog copywriting stands at the intersection of relationship-building and action-driving.

Making it a very powerful tool for businesses and brands seeking to maximize their online presence.


By mastering the art of blogging and copywriting, and mixing them together, blog copywriters become indispensable assets to their clients/employers.

They possess the unique ability to not only captivate audiences with compelling content but also to convert them into loyal customers or followers.

In today's competitive online world, where businesses are constantly clawing for attention and engagement, professionals who can deliver both relationship-building and action-driving content are in high demand.

If you can inform, educate, entertain AND persuade readers to take a specific action in your blogs, you will never be short of work and can command MT Everest high rates.


What Does a Blog Copywriter Do? (Daily Tasks)

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Ever wondered what a typical day in the life of a blog copywriter looks like?

Here’s a peek behind the curtains:

1. Research and Planning

Before putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), blog copywriters often start their day by conducting research on the topic they'll be writing about.

This may involve gathering information from reputable sources, analyzing industry trends, and identifying keywords for search engine optimization (SEO).

Planning out the structure and flow of the blog post is also an essential step in the writing process.

2. Writing and Editing

Once the research is complete, it's time to start writing.

Blog copywriters carefully craft each sentence to engage readers and convey their intended message effectively.

They pay close attention to tone, style, and voice, ensuring consistency with the brand's identity and messaging.

After the initial draft is written, copywriters meticulously edit and proofread their work to eliminate errors and polish the final product.

3. Optimizing for SEO

In addition to creating content, blog copywriters also optimize their posts for search engines to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.

This may involve incorporating relevant keywords, optimizing meta titles and descriptions, and structuring the content for easy readability.

By following SEO best practices, blog copywriters help ensure that their content ranks well in search engine results pages (SERPs) and reaches a wider audience.

4. Collaborating with Other Teams

Blog copywriters often collaborate with various teams within an organization, including marketing, design, and social media.

They may work closely with graphic designers to create visually appealing blog post layouts or collaborate with social media managers to promote blog content across different channels.

Effective communication and teamwork are essential skills for success in this aspect of the role.

5. Analyzing Performance Metrics

After publishing a blog post, blog copywriters monitor its performance using analytics tools to track key metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversion rates.

By analyzing these metrics, they can gain insights into what content resonates with their audience and adjust their strategy accordingly.

This ongoing analysis and optimization help ensure that blog copywriters deliver maximum value and impact for their clients or employers.

Overall, the daily tasks of a blog copywriter are diverse and multifaceted, requiring a combination of creativity, strategic thinking, and attention to detail.

By mastering these tasks and continually honing your skills, you can make a significant impact for online brands and drive desirable results for them.


Top 5 Skills to Have as a Blog Copywriter


Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in this field, here are five essential skills that every blog copywriter should possess:

1. Exceptional Writing Skills

At the core of blog copywriting, you MUST be a wizard at writing clear, concise, and engaging content that resonates with readers.

Strong writing skills include not only grammar and punctuation but also storytelling, creativity, and the ability to adapt your voice to suit different brands and audiences.

2. Understanding of SEO Principles

In today's crazy online world, it's essential for you to have a solid understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) principles.

This includes knowing how to conduct keyword research, optimize content for relevant keywords, and structure blog posts in a way that improves search engine visibility.

By optimizing for SEO, you can help drive organic traffic to your content and increase its reach.

3. Research Skills

Effective blog copy requires in-depth research on a wide range of topics.

Whether you're writing about a niche industry or a trending news topic, having strong research skills is crucial for gathering accurate information, identifying credible sources, and providing valuable insights to your readers.

4. Creativity and Originality

With millions of blogs competing for readers' attention, creativity and originality are key to standing out in the crowd.

Blog copywriters should be able to approach familiar topics from unique angles, infuse their writing with personality and flair, and create content that surprises and delights their audience.

5. Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any blog copywriter.

By weaving narratives that resonate with readers on a personal level, blog copywriters can create emotional connections, evoke empathy, and drive engagement.

Whether it's sharing customer success stories, illustrating real-life examples, or crafting compelling brand narratives, mastering the art of storytelling can elevate your blog copywriting to new heights.


Blog Copywriter Salary 2024

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How much can you REALLY earn as a blog copywriter in 2024?

How much you earn varies depending on factors such as experience, location, industry, and the specific requirements of the job you take on.

However, according to industry reports and salary surveys, the average annual salary for blog copywriters in 2024 ranges from $45,000 to $75,000 or more, with opportunities for growth and advancement.

Entry-level blog copywriters with minimal experience may start at the lower end of the salary spectrum, while seasoned professionals with a proven track record of success and specialized skills may command higher salaries.


Freelance blog copywriters have more flexibility in setting their rates and negotiating compensation for individual projects, with earnings often tied to factors such as the scope of work, project complexity, and client budget.

On the other hand, blog copywriters employed by companies or agencies may receive a fixed salary, along with benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

In addition to base salary, many blog copywriters also have the opportunity to earn additional income through bonuses, commissions, or royalties, especially if their work contributes to significant business growth or revenue generation.

Overall, while the salary of a blog copywriter in 2024 can vary based on numerous factors, the demand for skilled content creators continues to grow, presenting ample opportunities for those looking to pursue a career in this exciting and rewarding field.

Whether you're freelancing or working in-house, mastering the art of blog copywriting can lead to a fulfilling and financially rewarding career path.


10 Blog Copywriting Tips to Impress Clients

Blog Copywriting Tip #1: Solve Problems


Great blogs don't just provide general information; they target specific problems that users are desperately trying to overcome.

By identifying the pain points of your audience and addressing them directly, you can establish yourself as a trusted expert with valuable solutions.

When users type their problems into search engines, they're seeking answers, and your blog can be the beacon of solutions they're searching for.

Understanding the importance of solving your audience's problems not only attracts more readers but also fosters trust and loyalty, as they see you as someone who genuinely cares about helping them overcome their challenges.

So, when crafting your blog content, always keep your audience's needs in mind and aim to provide actionable insights and solutions that address their specific problems effectively.


Blog Copywriting Tip #2: Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Think of your headline as the storefront window of a shop.

Just like how an attractive display lures people into a store, a riveting headline draws readers into your blog post.

It's the first thing they see.

So, it needs to grab their attention and make them curious to explore further.

Write headlines that are attention-grabbing, curiosity-piquing, and relevant to your content.

Use power words, ask questions, or promise value to entice readers to click and continue reading.

A strong headline can significantly impact the success of your blog post by capturing your reader's interest and encouraging them to jump deeper into your content.


Blog Copywriting Tip #3: Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is “do or die” for effective blog copywriting.

Take the time to research and analyze the demographics, interests, psychographics and preferences of your target audience.

This knowledge allows you to tailor your content to resonate with your readers on a personal level.

Making it more engaging and relevant to their needs.

By knowing your audience, you can create content that speaks directly to their interests and concerns, creating a stronger connection and increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.


Blog Copywriting Tip #4: Start with a Relatable Story


Begin your blog post by telling a relatable story that draws readers in and sets the tone for the rest of your content.

Whether it's a personal anecdote, a customer success story, or a relevant case study, storytelling humanizes your content and makes it more fun for your audience.

By starting with a relatable story, you create an emotional connection with your readers, capturing their attention and keeping them invested in what you have to say.

Plus, stories are memorable and help illustrate your points in a vivid and persuasive way.


Blog Copywriting Tip #5: Powerful Subheads 

Subheads serve as signposts that guide readers through your blog post.

They provide visual breaks and organize your content for easy consumption.

Think of them as rest stops along a long journey - they offer readers a chance to pause, digest information, and navigate through your content more comfortably.

When writing subheads, aim for clarity, relevance, and conciseness.

Use them to summarize key points, introduce new sections, or pose questions that pique readers' curiosity.


Stuff your subheads with relevant keywords to improve SEO and make your content more searchable.

By providing eye relief and guiding readers through your content, effective subheads enhance the readability and overall user experience of your blog post.


Blog Copywriting Tip #6: Ask Questions

baby with question mark on head

Questions are powerful tools in blog copy.

When used effectively, questions act as stop signs, compelling readers to pause and consider their own thoughts and experiences.

To maximize the impact of questions in your blog posts, make them relatable, specific, and concise.

By incorporating thought-provoking questions into your blog posts, you can stimulate engagement, encourage interaction, and create a more immersive reading experience for your audience.


Blog Copywriting Tip #7: Unleash Persuasive CTAs

A Call-to-Action (CTA) is a prompt that encourages readers to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase.

Including multiple CTAs throughout your blog post increases the likelihood of conversion by presenting readers with multiple opportunities to engage with your content.

Spread CTAs strategically throughout your blog post to capture readers' attention at different points in their reading journey.

For instance:

Place a CTA at the beginning to hook readers early, another midway through to maintain momentum, and a final one at the end to encourage action before they leave.


Use persuasive language and eye-popping visuals to make your CTAs stand out and entice readers to click.

By adding multiple CTAs throughout your blog post, you can boost engagement, drive conversions, and maximize the impact of your content.


Blog Copywriting Tip #8: Inject Infotainment

Infotainment, a blend of information and entertainment, is a powerful technique for keeping readers engaged and interested in your blog content.

Rather than presenting dry facts and figures, infotainment adds an element of storytelling, humor, or creativity to make your content more engaging and enjoyable to consume.

Incorporate elements such as stories, metaphors, humor, conflict, etc. to transform your blog posts into entertaining yet informative pieces.

Remember to strike a balance between providing valuable information and entertaining your audience.

You want your content to remain relevant and useful while also capturing readers' attention and keeping them coming back for more.


Blog Copywriting Tip #9: Use Checklists, Bullets, and Steps


Break down your content into digestible chunks using checklists, bullets, and steps to make it easier for readers to consume and extract valuable information.

This formatting technique improves readability by organizing information in a structured and skimmable format.

Allowing readers to quickly grasp key points and take away actionable insights.

Whether you're outlining steps in a tutorial, highlighting key benefits in a list, or summarizing key takeaways in a checklist, using checklists, bullets, and steps enhances the value of your content and makes it more user-friendly.

By presenting information in a clear and organized manner, you not only make it easier for readers to understand but also increase the likelihood that they'll engage with and act upon your content.


Blog Copywriting Tip #10: Optimize for SEO

Ensure your blog posts are optimized for search engines (SEO) to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.

Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords and incorporate them naturally throughout your content, including in headings, subheadings, and meta tags.

Plus, optimize your blog post URLs, meta titles, and meta descriptions to make them more search-engine-friendly.

Focus on providing high-quality, valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience while also adhering to SEO best practices.

By optimizing your blog posts for SEO, you can increase their chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and reaching a wider audience, ultimately driving more traffic and engagement to your blog.


How to Become a Successful Blog Copywriter in 2024 & Beyond

happy woman

Before you go…

Click here

It’ll take you to an ultimate guide I created to help raw beginners quickly learn the basics and start earning good money in copywriting.

Everything in this guide applies to blog copywriting.

After reading it, you’ll have a fool-proof plan for breaking into blog copywriting FAST and enjoying a profitable and freeing career.

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The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings


The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings