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10 Best Ad Copy Examples that will Make YOU a Better Copywriter

Nov 01, 2023 by Jeremy Mac




Want to become a better copywriter?

Here’s one of the best ways to instantly improve your copywriting skills…

Study the best ad copy, from the most successful copywriters on the planet!

This is what I did when I was a complete beginner.

I would study the best advertising copy examples.

I would read each ad out loud, write them out by hand and break them down, line by line, to figure out WHY they wrote this word, WHY they added this benefit, WHY they used this particular angle, and so on.

I dug deep into each ad to uncover the salesmanship and psychology hidden “between the lines”.

Doing this has improved my copywriting skills tremendously and it can for you too.

In my opinion, this is THE best way to become a kickass copywriter – in record time (along with WRITINGevery single day).

I still do this “copy practice” - reading, handwriting & studying the best ad copy examples – almost every day (for over 4 years). Because it works like MAGIC.

If you want to become a better copywriter who gets paid like a king to write for brands you love, you MUST study the best advertising copy, from the best copywriters in the world.


What is Advertising Copy?

Advertising copy (aka sales copy & direct response copy) is the text you see in ads.

It’s designed to sell.

To get readers to take IMMEDIATE action. Usually, to buy a product or get prospects to enter their contact info for something free in exchange (lead magnet).

Back in the day, long-form direct mail ads were extremely popular.

Now, you’ll find advertising copy on dozens of different media, including online, like Facebook ad copy, Google ads, YouTube, LinkedIn ads and so on.

Advertising copy is one of the most in-demand copywriting services. Thousands of companies are actively hiring copywriters to write their ads for them.

If you master this style of copywriting, you can command top fees and make a small fortune.


Why Studying These 10 Ad Copy Examples Will Make You a Better Copywriter - Almost Overnight

Studying the best ad copy makes you a better copywriter because you are internalizing the process and structure of what makes a successful ad.

However, this only works when you study successful ads that have made millions for the advertiser/company.

So, you want to ONLY study DIRECT RESPONSE advertisements, from the best copywriters who have ever lived.

I’ve carefully selected 10 of the best advertising copy examples from the best copywriters of all time.

Each ad you read has made MILLIONS upon MILLIONS for the company.

I will provide links to each ad and give a brief background and explanation of WHY each ad worked so well.


The 10 Best Advertising Copy Examples from the Best Copywriters of All Time

AD COPY EXAMPLE #1 – “Coat of Arms Letter” by Gary Halbert

Gary Halbert's Coat of Arms Letter


Gary Halbert is probably the most famous copywriter of all time.

He’s written dozens of million-dollar ads and is widely considered the Michael Jordan of copywriting.

This letter is the MOST mailed letter of all time.

Over the last 30 years, it’s been mailed to over 600,000,000 PEOPLE.


A few reasons:

1. It’s personal

Gary uses the family’s last name to start the message - Dear Mr. Macdonald.

Plus, he uses VERY friendly, conversational, 1:1 copy.

It makes you feel like he’s talking to you and only you.

2. Scarcity

“If you are interested, please let us know right away as our supply is pretty slim.”

Gary uses scarcity in the call to action (CTA) to put some urgency in his readers’ brains and force them to take action – right now (purchase).

3. Upsell/discount

In the P.S., Gary offers a discount if you order 2 or more letters ($1 for two or more letters, instead of $2 per letter).

This simple upsell can MULTIPLY your sales overnight (yes, you too can use this upsell concept to make more mula with your copywriting services.)


AD COPY EXAMPLE #2 – “They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano But When I Started To Play!” – By John Caples


“They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano But When I Started To Play!” – By John Caples 

This ad was written almost a century ago and is STILL one of the most swiped ads of all time.

It’s so effective because the entire ad is tied around a dramatic story that is VERY relatable.

The main psychology behind this ad is the need to fit in, to be accepted by the group and to prove our cynics wrong.

As you study this ad…

Pay close attention to how it grabs your attention and keeps you interested through the storytelling and how it paints a vision of the pain of being embarrassed in front of peers and the joy of proving your haters wrong & getting praised for your talent.

John paints this vision very brightly in the reader’s mind and gets them to picture how they can achieve similar results… IF they take action now, by getting the free book.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #3: "Do you make these mistakes in job interviews?” By Gary Bencivenga


Ad by Gary Bencivenga


Gary Bencivenga is labeled the greatest living copywriter of all time.

This ad is one of his most successful ads.

It’s a great example of how to arouse your reader’s curiosity.

Notice how Gary teases his readers throughout the ad with things they want to know and common mistakes to avoid… but… they can ONLY uncover the answers by BUYING the product.

Also, Gary spends about half the ad talking about the 5 bonuses.

Often, you can sell a product from the bonuses alone.

These bonuses (and the persuasive bullets) make this offer almost irresistible.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #4 - “At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in the new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock”By David Ogilvy

 “At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in the new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock” – By David Ogilvy


David Ogilvy (The Father of Advertising) created THE most successful Rolls-Royce ad of all time.

It’s also considered to be one of the greatest advertisements ever written.

This ad is loaded with features and benefits of the Rolls-Royce.

The headline is very successful because it is specific - “60 miles an hour”, it features the “NEW”, and, most importantly, it gets you to imagine yourself sitting in a Rolls-Royce and experiencing the peace & quiet from the daily destruction going on around you.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #5 – “Do You Make These Mistakes in English?” – By Max Sackheim


Ad by Maxwell Sakhiem


This ad ran unbeaten for decades and was swiped by the world’s greatest living copywriter, Gary Bencivenga (see ad example #2).

It works so well because of the headline and main theme.

The headline grabs your attention by asking you a relevant question that piques your curiosity.

Naturally, you’ll want to know if you too make these mistakes in English. Because humans naturally want to escape embarrassment from mistakes.


Notice all the proof elements and specificity sandwiched between the claims.


This ad really stresses how easy and achievable the claims are, which makes them more believable.

Gary Halbert explained how one of the biggest reasons why readers DON’T buy, even though they want to, is because they don’t believe they are good enough to use the product and achieve the result.

By stressing how easy it is and giving specific examples and proof, you remove this common “buyer’s block” and open the floodgates to more sales.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #6 – The One-Legged Golfer Ad – By John Carlton


The One-Legged Golfer Ad – By John Carlton


Like John Caples’ piano ad, this ad has one of the most famous and swiped headlines of all time.


Because of the unique “hook” John Carlton (“the most ripped-off writer on the Web”) uses to grab his readers by the throat & keep them engaged, with a fascinating and unique story.

Hook = “one legged golfer

This is probably the most successful golf ad ever written and it all has to do with the fascinating hook and story that sucks you into the copy until the very end.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #7 - The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches – By Joe Karbo


 The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches – By Joe Karbo


This classic ad made Joe Karbo an overnight success.

Over time, it’s sold over 3 MILLION copies.

For years, this ad ran in hundreds of magazines, including every major newspaper.

This is one of the original “get rich quick without effort” ads and was extremely successful because of this appeal – we want to get rich without all the hard work.

There’s a lot at play here.

Here are the main takeaways:

Karbo tells a “rags to riches story” that the audience can identify with, he raises and handles objections like a true pro, and gives tons of social proof to make his BIG CLAIMS believable.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #8 - "Now! Read 300 Business Magazines in 30 Minutes!" – By Eugene Schwartz


"Now! Read 300 Business Magazines in 30 Minutes!" – By Eugene Schwartz


Eugene Shwartz made Boardroom an overnight success.

They have sold hundreds of millions of newsletters and books and are one of the most successful publishing companies of all time - thanks to this ad written by a true legendary copywriter.

You should spend a lot of time reading and analyzing this ad because there’s a lot of psychological principles hidden between the words.

The most notable is the BIG promise in the headline – read 300 magazines in 30 minutes.

Schwartz came up with a grounding BIG idea for this ad – that you can “download” the insider investing tips and secrets - in minutes. Time-sensitive information that you cannot get anywhere else (and can’t afford to miss out on).


AD COPY EXAMPLE #9  - "Vision Break-through" - By Joseph Sugarmen


 "Vision Break-through" - By Joseph Sugarmen


This ad made BluBlocker sunglasses a FORTUNE – over 20 million pairs sold.

Joe grabs your attention and pulls you into his ad with his fascinating headline and sub-head, and keeps you glued to your seat with his exciting story.

He also brings up some very serious health problems associated with normal sunglasses and offers a very strong risk-free guarantee at the end.

Like most of these ads, a big reason why this ad was so successful has to do with the revolutionary BIG IDEA behind it.


AD COPY EXAMPLE #10 - How to Win Friends & Influence People - By Victor Schwab


 How to Win Friends & Influence People - By Victor Schwab


This self-improvement classic has sold over 30 MILLION copies.

This advertisement from copywriting legend – Victor Schwab, is the reason for its HUGE success.

A big reason why this ad is successful is because of the irresistible headline:

“How to Win Friends and Influence People”

These are two psychological appeals that EVERY human wants:

We all want friends, and we all want to influence people.

Schwab tapped into this common psychological appeal and ran all the way to the bank with it.

Where Can You Find More Advertising Copy Examples?

For a golden library filled with hundreds of successful ads to study, go to

It’s 100% free and has a wealth of classic direct response ad copy examples.



There you have it. 10 of the most successful advertisements of all time.

To get the most out of these 10 advertising copy examples…

Read them out loud, write them out by hand and STUDY them intensely.

Break them down, line by line, and uncover the psychology, benefits, hooks, emotional triggers, etc. that are baked into these ads.

Want more insider tips to become a top-paid copywriter?

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How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio with NO Experience (In 10 minutes or Less)

Oct 31, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

Picture of portfolio



If you type into Google...

“How to create a copywriting portfolio”

You’ll get bombarded with generic, almost-identical blog posts filled with fluffy nonsense from “experts” who have never created a copywriting portfolio before in their lives or used one to get copywriting clients.

Instead of adding to this cesspool of time-wasting nonsense...

I’m going to reveal the single FASTEST way to create a successful copywriting portfolio that’ll get you flooded with potential clients reaching out to you and begging you to write for them.

This post is perfect for beginner copywriters who are looking to create an impressive portfolio that gets results – even if you have NO experience or work to show.

Because I’m about to reveal how I personally created a copywriting portfolio from scratch, and how I filled it with copywriting samples...

BEFORE I ever wrote for any clients.


3 Reasons Why This Copywriting Portfolio Guide is Ideal for Beginner Copywriters  

#1: It’s stupidly simple

    This takes all the confusion and mystery out of creating an impressive copywriting portfolio that gets you instant results. Soon, you’ll know exactly what to include, which copywriting samples to add (and how many), and how to structure your portfolio.

    #2: It’s 100% FREE

    With no sneaky add-ons or limited "free" tiers. 

    #3: It’s FAST
      You can realistically have your new copywriting portfolio running “live” in as quick as 10 minutes.


        How Does a Copywriting Portfolio Help You? 

        If you don’t already have a portfolio, you need to create one TODAY.  

        Without a copywriting portfolio, you are at a DEADLY DISADVANTAGE to your competition.

        Because a copywriting portfolio helps you build authority, demonstrate your expertise and gain new clients.


        ONLY if you create your portfolio the RIGHT way.

        However, before we get into the nitty-gritty of what to include in a copywriting portfolio, I’m going to reveal the single best platform to use to create and host your portfolio.

        This platform is 100% free, super easy to use and you can create your portfolio in minutes.


        The Best FREE Copywriting Portfolio “Website” 

        Should you use a website builder to host your portfolio?

        Like: WordPress… Shopify… Wix… Squarespace, etc.


        When starting out, the only goal is to create a solid portfolio to show potential clients right away.

        In order to create a bullet-proof portfolio, in the shortest amount of time possible, you must keep things SIMPLE.

        Simple is the name of the game.

        And website platforms can be VERY complicated (and expensive.)

        Why you should NOT use a website platform to host your portfolio

        If you create a website, you’ll need to do a BUNCH of expensive and time-sucking chores, like:

        Create & pay for a domain, weigh out the pros and cons of the bajillion different website platform options, watch a gang of tutorials on how to use the website builder, spend a ton of time & energy on graphic design or spend a fortune to hire a designer and a whole bunch of other complicated, time-wasting things.


        Website builders are not cheap. They usually cost $30+ per month to use.

        This is why you want to stay away from website platforms, at least for now. (However, I’ve been in this copywriting game for over 4 years and have never switched to a website platform.)

        So, with that out of the way…

        What you want to do is, you want to create a copywriting portfolio using - Google Docs.

        Google Docs


        3 Reasons Why Google Docs is the Best Tool for Creating & Hosting Your Copywriting Portfolio:

        1) It’s free

          There are no monthly charges or hidden fees.   

          2) It’s already self-hosted

            Meaning, you don’t need to create a domain name or any complicated tech stuff like coding.

            Google docs is already running live.

            Whenever you apply for a gig or send an email to a potential client, you simply copy and paste the link to your portfolio.

            Plus, you can quickly download a PDF version of your copywriting portfolio (lots of companies prefer a PDF copywriting portfolio.)

            3) It’s easy to fill out

              Unlike website platforms…

              Google docs is extremely easy to add pictures, content & samples to.


              How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio Using Google Docs (step-by-step):

              The easiest way to create a copywriting portfolio in Google Docs is to make a copy of my copywriting portfolio (I still use Google Docs for the benefits mentioned above) and then fill it in with your own content and samples.

              Here’s how:

              Click the link below...


              (This is my copywriting portfolio I created 3 years ago using google docs.)

              Make a copy by clicking: File -> Make a copy.

              Then, add in your own work

              After you’ve made a copy, it’ll open in a separate tab.

              Now, you’ll be able to edit everything.

              Simply tweak the style (colors, font, picture, etc.) and add your own writing samples


              Do NOT mindlessly copy my portfolio word for word (or any other copywriter’s portfolio).

              Change all the content.

              Make it unique. Make it your own.


              What Should Your Copywriting Portfolio Include? 

              Now that you know the benefits of using Google Docs to create a portfolio and you know how to set it up, what should you include in it? 

              What should you say?...

              What types of copy samples should you add?...

              How should you structure your copywriting portfolio?...

              I’m going to cover all that good stuff right now.

              By giving you a “behind-the-scenes” look at my portfolio (with included images and explanations).


              The 5 Main Sections to Include in Your Copywriting Portfolio 

              SECTION 1: Image and Title



                Add a professional-looking image of yourself.

                If you have a professional profile pic on LinkedIn, you can use that.

                Here are some quick tips for creating the perfect image for your copywriting portfolio:

                1. Smile

                Say cheese. A natural smile radiates warm, friendly and welcoming vibes.


                1. Look at your reader

                Whenever a potential client opens your portfolio, you want to lock eyes with them. 


                Because this grabs attention.

                So, when taking a picture, look straightforward.


                1. Dress business casual

                You don’t need to wear a suit and tie but you want to look professional.

                You should dress business casual (at the minimum, but you can get more dapper if that’s your style.) 

                However, do NOT wear plain jane clothes like a T-shirt, jeans, sweatshirt, sweatpants and so on.


                1. Compress your image

                You can use a tool like to compress the file size of your image.

                Why should you do this?

                Because this will help improve your page speed and ensure your page loads FAST.

                This is another benefit of using Google Docs vs a clunky website builder – your page will load much faster and not miss out on any potential clients due to a long loading time. 


                1. Make it stand out

                A nice smile while looking at your viewer helps grab attention.

                Another way to grab attention is to add a background with contrasting colors or wear a shirt with bright colors to stand out from the rest of your portfolio.

                You can view my image to see what I mean:


                How to create the perfect title for your portfolio:

                In addition to a picture of yourself, you’ll also want to add a quick intro.

                This should be really simple and direct. 

                Simply introduce yourself, explain what you offer and who you are for.

                For example, check out my title:


                However, if you already have a copywriting niche or specialize in a specific type of copy (like email), then you should add this in to make it more specific for your target audience.

                For example:

                Let’s say you specialize in writing SEO blog posts for real estate investing companies.

                You could write something like this... 

                “Hey! I’m Jeremy. I specialize in writing engaging SEO content for real estate investing companies. I am here to help you rank on the 1st page of Google.”

                But, if you are a beginner, I recommend starting broad and writing for a variety of clients & different types of copy.


                SECTION 2: What I Can Do for You 

                This is an extremely important section that I see a lot of copywriters leave out of their portfolios.

                Understand this…

                Copywriting is all about what you can do for your client.

                When your client is reading your portfolio – their mind is constantly “scanning” for:

                “What’s in it for me?”

                “Why should I care?”

                “What does this mean for me?”

                “So what? So what? So what?”

                All clients care about is what’s in it for them.

                So, right after you introduce yourself, add a section that is dedicated to what you can provide for them.

                I’ve labeled this section:

                “What I can do for you”

                You can tweak this if you want and make it more specific to your niche/specialization. 

                For example:

                You could say – “How my SEO expertise will benefit you:”

                Then, add a paragraph or 2 that lays out your credentials and expertise and clearly explains HOW your copywriting will benefit your client. 

                Sprinkle this section with key benefits.

                Here’s what I wrote:



                Notice how I say that my copy will help companies attract leads and convert more customers?

                I included this because this is what every company wants.

                Companies hire you because they want to make more sales & grow their business.

                This is what your copy will do for your client.

                This is the ultimate benefit of hiring you.

                Then, after you clearly explain how you can help them (highlighting your experience and key benefits of what your copy will do for them), you want to add the specific services you provide.

                You can add in whatever services you like. 

                If you have experience with or specialize in one or more types of copywriting, add that in.

                However, if you are just starting out and haven’t written for clients yet, you should add in a variety of different types of copy.

                Which leads me to…


                The 5 most important types of copy companies are currently hiring for

                The 5 most in-demand copywriting services include:

                1. Promotional emails
                2. Website copy (about pages, home pages, product pages, etc.)
                3. Direct response sales/landing pages (long-form sales letters)
                4. SEO blog posts
                5. Advertisements (mainly Google Ads and Facebook Ads)

                If you don’t have any experience yet, you can add these 5 most popular types of copywriting services.

                Then, before you write for clients, you can practice writing these different types of copy and add impressive samples by using a fool-proof technique (I discuss this soon. This is the BEST way for beginners with no experience to fill their portfolio’s with impressive work - in minutes!)


                SECTION 3: Testimonials

                After you clearly state what you can do for your clients, slap on some more INSTANT credibility and authority by adding in your top 3-5 testimonials.

                You want these to be short and straight to the point, highlighting the main benefit your client got from using your copy.

                Add the person’s and company’s name below your testimonial like this…

                Adding testimonials to your copywriting portfolio is important because it adds powerful credibility and authority.

                They show potential clients that you’ve gotten impressive results for other companies, like theirs, and that you can do the same for them.

                If you don’t have any testimonials yet, reach out to past clients and ask for them.

                Make your message simple and straight to the point.

                It can look something like this:

                “Hey! How is your new website? (make this relevant to whatever service you provided) If you found my writing valuable, would you be willing to give me a testimonial? I’d really appreciate it.”

                Nothing fancy. Just get straight to the good stuff.

                Don’t have any clients yet?

                No worries.

                Add testimonials once you get some. (add a blurb about your copy kings membership and bonus they get to help them get clients).


                SECTION 4: Writing Samples

                This is the crème de le crème of your copywriting portfolio.

                Your writing samples are what makes or breaks your portfolio.

                The samples you add are what companies will (or will not) hire you for.

                This is where you add in the top pieces of copy you’ve written for clients.

                Add in relevant samples for services you are offering.

                Here are some powerful tips for adding writing samples that get results:

                1. Add a variety of different types of copy you’ve written

                Unless you are in a niche, you want to attract as many potential clients as possible. So, add in a wide variety of copywriting examples to increase the chances of impressing clients.

                1. Organize your samples

                Make it easy for potential clients to find what they’re looking for.

                You can achieve this by adding separate sections for different types of copy you’ve included.

                For example 

                Website Examples: 

                Then list 3-5 samples…

                Email Examples:

                List 3-5 email examples…

                And so on.

                Also, make it easy for viewers to access your samples.

                I like to include 3-5 samples within each section. Like this:


                Notice how I’ve included titles for each sample explaining what I wrote and who I wrote them for.

                You can easily add a link to your sample by using a hyperlink, link this:



                Also, if your copy is living on your client’s website, you should add the link to the live page.

                If not, no worries!

                Simply add a link to a Word document or whatever app you used when you wrote the gig.

                1. Include samples of the 5 most popular types of copy.

                As mentioned above, the most in-demand copywriting services are:

                1. Promotional emails
                2. Website copy
                3. Sales pages
                4. SEO blog posts
                5. Social Ads

                Include as many of these sections as possible to attract more clients.

                4. Intro + reason why behind your work

                You should also add a brief explanation for each sample.

                For example:

                Explain the copywriting assignment, the main objectives and the outcomes (results your copy got) if possible. I.E. “This email got a 42% open rate.”

                Then, as another way of demonstrating your expertise and knowledge, add in a short paragraph explaining why you wrote this piece the way you did.

                This is a great way to prove you know your stuff and it demonstrates your expertise.

                If you are a niching down and specialize in one specific type of copywriting – EX: email copywriter. Then, just show samples for the top 5-10 emails you’ve written for clients.

                This is a super easy way to showcase your most impressive work in an organized structure.


                SECTION 5: Call to Action


                The last thing you need to add to your portfolio is a call to action (CTA).

                This is where you tell clients what to do next.

                You want potential clients, who’ve just read your portfolio, to reach out to you either by email or phone.

                This is the ultimate goal of creating a successful copywriting portfolio – to get potential clients on a sales call so you can see if you’re a good fit and start writing for them.

                Keep this very simple and to the point. Tell them EXACTLY what to do.

                Like this:



                How Many Pieces Should be in a Copywriting Portfolio?

                You should add a wide variety of different types of copy and different industries you’ve written for.

                A good rule of thumb is to add 3-5 of your best writing samples per type of copy.

                Like this:



                The goal is to show potential clients that you have a wide range of copywriting experience and expertise. That you can provide value to ANY company looking to hire a copywriter (only add relevant samples if you have a niche). 


                How Do I Create a Copywriting Portfolio with No Experience?

                “Okay, this is great and all. But what if I am a total beginner and have NO copywriting experience?”

                “What if I’ve never written for a client & have ZERO work to add to my portfolio?”

                No worries, muchacho.

                Because I’m going to reveal the BEST way to add dozens of copywriting samples to your copywriting portfolio – TODAY.

                It will take you only a few minutes to create each sample.

                And yes, these “made up” samples DO IMPRESS CLIENTS.


                Here’s how to make a copywriting portfolio with no experience:

                Believe it or not, there’s a way to create loads of copywriting samples, without writing for clients or companies.

                You do so by creating “spec work” (also known as mock work).

                Spec work is where you take existing copy from a brand’s website (or ads or emails), and you improve upon it.

                You make it BETTER. 

                You make it your OWN.

                The best way to create spec work is to use a Chrome extension app called – Edit Anything

                With this app, you can edit ANY text on a company’s website or social media ads or even email (if you open Gmail in your Chrome browser.)

                This tool is insanely valuable because it allows you to show potential clients what their website or ad would look like if they hired you.

                This gives them a very “real” experience. They can literally see what their website could look like IF they hired you.

                You can use this extension to write on as many websites, ads, emails, product descriptions, as you like.

                Then, simply take a screenshot, or record your screen as you scroll, of your changes. And add these to your portfolio.

                Add them just like you would if you had real examples from clients.


                Just like I explained above... 

                Add brief explanations for your changes.

                Explain WHY you changed the copy and HOW it is an improvement from the original copy.

                This is one of the best ways to DEMONSTRATE your expertise because you’re giving “before and after” examples and showing clients how much you improved REAL COMPANIES’ COPY, with your own copywriting skills. 

                 See this image below for inspiration:




                Make sure you explain that this is spec work.

                Do not lie and say you wrote for this client.

                When I just started out, I created a lot of spec work and I added it to my portfolio.

                I left an entire section of spec work in my portfolio (4 years later) EVEN AFTER I got 100s of gigs from paying clients.


                Because this before and after style of spec work (with screenshots of your improvements on REAL SITES) is EXTREMELY VALUABLE.

                I’ve had a few companies reach out to me BECAUSE of this spec work (they said that my explanations for my improvements really demonstrated my expertise)

                If you have no work to show, create a ton of spec work using this technique for ALL of the most popular types of copy (and different brands).

                In just a few hours, you can have a very impressive copywriting portfolio filled with dozens of samples for the most popular types of copy that clients are hiring for…. Without ANY writing experience. 

                It’s a true cheat code – without being called out for cheating.



                You now have everything you need to create a successful copywriting portfolio that impresses clients - TODAY.


                The goal is to create a copywriting portfolio as quickly as possible. So you can start turning prospects into copywriting clients.

                You can get this portfolio up n running TODAY (in as fast as 10 minutes from NOW).

                Simply use my copywriting portfolio template and fill in the blanks with your own content, experience and samples.

                Go here:


                Make a copy by clicking: File -> Make a copy.

                Then, add in your own unique details.

                Also, I recommend saving this as a PDF file. Then, simply send this copywriter portfolio PDF to potential clients via email, on LinkedIn, when applying for gigs or jobs, etc.

                If you found this post helpful and would like more insider tips to help YOU Become A top-paid COPYWRITER, enter your email below and I’ll send you the best copywriting tips on the planet...


                The Infamous Tale of Woody Mingo

                Oct 26, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

                Last weekend, me and the fam were going through old memory boxes from when I was a young whipper snapper

                We stumbled across a very unusual school project…

                It was a single piece of paper.

                With a BIG drawing of this douchy looking kid with long black hair, wearing a thickk gold chain and a backwards hat.

                Below this drawing was a short story about the infamous Woody Mingo.

                Basically, a warning shot to “pudgy kids with low confidence, especially named Steve” to stay away from this bully.

                I mention the tale of Woody Mingo for a special reason.

                Special reason:

                I get a lot of questions from aspiring copywriter’s about how to create a portfolio if they haven’t gotten any clients yet (but they need a portfolio to get clients).

                Well, believe it or not, there IS a way to create a portfolio that attracts clients – WITHOUT having any prior work.

                Here’s how:

                Simply go online and search a few of your favorite brands.

                Go to their home pages.

                Then, take a gander at their headlines and sub heads.

                Now, what I want you to do is, improve upon them with your own copy writing skillz.

                Re-write their headlines and sub-heads.

                Also, include a short paragraph explaining your reasoning behind your writing (I.E. how you improved the original headlines).

                You can do this for all sorts of copy too…

                Emails, Advertisements, video scripts, etc.

                Do this for a bunch of different medias and types of copy, and you’ll have a LOT of quality samples to showcase in your portfolio – in no time square.

                I did this when just starting out.

                And believe it or not, I got praised by a company (paying 6-figures a year for a senior position) on one of these samples (even when I had a lot of paid work next to it).

                The reason why this works so well is because you’re DEMONSTRATING your copywriting knowledge and skills in front of potential clients.

                If you’d like to get a TON of paying clients within 48 hours from NOW, then I urge you to enroll in my exclusive membership – Copy Kings:


                Once you do, you’ll gain instant access to a very special training that shows ANYONE how to get dozens of paying clients over the next few weeks.

                It’s fool proof.

                Works for complete beginners with no prior experience.

                Best part?

                You don’t need a portfolio, or even get on a sales call.

                See for yourself, my friend:



                To your success,

                Jeremy Mac

                Do You Write Slower than a Sloth?

                Oct 26, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

                I used to write slower than a slimy slug.

                I’d take hours to write a 150-word email.

                And DAYS to write a SINGLE blog post.

                This pissed me off.

                Because I knew my turtle speed was holding my piggy bank hostage.

                That I was quite literally leaking money because I couldn’t take on more work.

                However, this all changed with one simple “tweak”.

                I couldn’t believe how easy it was.

                And after I applied it to my writing, I was banging out copy 10x faster than before.

                Want to know what I learned?

                Want to use this “secret” so you can write copy at least 2x faster than you are now?

                Then go here:


                I’ve added a 5 minute recording on this “secret”, as a bonus for those who subscribe to my monthly membership – Copy Kings.

                Plus, 6 more VERY valuable bonuses that can rip you out of sticky copy ruts and help you earn a chunks of green stuff. 

                However, you betsa get to steppin’ soon before you miss out on these bonuses because they WONT LAST LONG.

                To your success,

                Jeremy Mac

                Weakest Link in the Jungle

                Oct 26, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

                We all know lions are the king of the jungle.

                But do you know the weakest link of the jungle?

                I bet you don’t.

                To be honest, it shocked me.

                Because they have a very impressive superpower.

                I’m talking about…


                Yes, they’re basically real life flash.


                Speed is essentially all god gave them.

                Because they are easy peasy food for just about every predator stomping around the jungle – crocs, jaguars, lions, leopards, hippos, etc.

                They also have a hard time hunting food because they get winded like an old geezer after catching their prey.

                Watched a video of a dozen or so cheetahs getting their lunch stolen by a single Heena… half their size! (Pathetic).

                It’s gotten so bad for this weak link that they are on the verge of extinction. 

                Another “species” sitting on the edge of extinction are WRITERS.

                Not copywriters.

                (At least not REAL copywriters who get results)

                But content writers? Ghost writers? Technical writers? Or “copywriters” who can’t turn words into sales?

                Yeah, they’ve got about a year or so until they’re wiped off this green earth.

                And you know what?  

                I don’t feel bad for them at all.

                Because copywriting is not about writing.

                It’s not about creativity.

                It’s not about pleasing your clients or boss.

                Copywriting has ONE singular purpose – to rake in chunks of MONEY.

                That’s why this skill is SO VALUABLE.

                And why it’s SO SOUGHT AFTER by companies who understand it’s power.

                And if you can pick up this rare & life changing skill – you are UNTOUCHABLE from AI.

                You hold the key to unlimited wealth, freedom and total control.

                And the door to your new life of abundance is sitting on this link below:


                Click it ^^^ and I’ll zap you with REAL money-making copywriting powers.

                I’ll show you how to break into this industry & get paying clients within a few short days…

                And after you possess this RARE skill, and can make your clients richer with the words you write, the sky is the limit to your success.

                Come fly with me to the top:


                To your success,

                Jeremy Mac

                Why a Pretty Copywriting Portfolio REPELS CLIENTS

                Oct 26, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

                One of the most frequent questions I'm asked:

                “How should I design my portfolio?”

                First, here’s what you should NOT do…

                Your portfolio should not look pretty, attractive or visually impress clients.

                In the great words of Joseph Sugarman…

                “The one and only job of your ad’s design is to get readers into your copy.”

                Same is true with your portfolio.

                You want your clients READING your copy and READING your writing samples.

                Not orgasming over your “creative” graphics.

                Pretty designs do not get clients.


                DEMONSTRATING your expertise and PROVING that you can get your clients the results they seek DOES get clients – every single time.

                If you’d like to learn how to create a successful portfolio that attracts a stampede of new clients, year round, then subscribe to my monthly membership – Copy Kings.

                When you do...

                You’ll receive an exclusive video training (not sold anywhere else) of me breaking down my own portfolio – line by line.

                I walk you through the psychology and methodology behind creating a winning portfolio.

                And also give you a template to “fill in the blanks” with your own samples.


                It takes less than an hour to create and is 100% FREE.

                If you want this bad boy, and if you are ready to accelerate your copywriting career faster than a Ferrari, become a member TODAY:


                To your success,

                Jeremy Mac


                The Power of "Prep Work"

                Oct 26, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

                I’m often asked what my favorite copywriting books & courses are.

                Well, one of my top 3 is from legendary copywriter - Eugene Schwartz.

                A while back, he gave a seminar at Rodale Press (multi-million dollar publishing company). Where he “spilled the beans” on his unique copywriting methods & techniques.

                There are SOOO many gems dropped in this 90 minute video.

                Here’s one to satisfy your copywriting sweet tooth…

                Eugene was telling a story about how a football coach at West Point college, named Greg Blake Smith, said:

                “The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.”


                The REAL results come before the big game.

                They come from the prep work.

                The athlete (or copywriter) who prepares the most, will reap the biggest results.

                Eugene LIVED this “preparation mindset”.

                He’d spend 80% of his time researching his market, product, claims, etc.

                And after he did enough prep work, and was ready to finally write, he’d write home run after home run (think he had around an 80% control record - even when going against other titans in the industry.)

                I’ve adopted this preparation mindset too.

                But this goes deeper than just researching and writing.

                It also has to do with your daily habits.

                For example:

                I make sure I do some quick cardio to get my blood flowing and meditate to clear my brain’s cobwebs, first thang in the AM.

                Because this lets me write without resistance.

                This “prep work” is why I’ve NEVER experienced writer’s block - in my 3 years of writing copy (I have over 4 years of copywriting experience but did not take it seriously – and struggled HARD as a result – my first year).

                I’ve included a special training on how to delete writer’s block from your life, for good – almost instantly.

                And I guarantee it’ll work for you.

                This is just one of seven bonuses I’ve included for Copy Kings members.

                To learn about the other bonuses – go here:


                To your success,

                Jeremy Mac

                Snoring with Both Eyes Open

                Oct 26, 2023 by Jeremy Mac

                Holy schnikes!

                This really creeped the crap out of me…

                The other night:

                Me and my fam were watching a movie & my dog, Coo, was “staring” at me – eyes wide open – while snoring like a sailor.

                This wasn’t the first time either.

                She sleeps with her eyes open A LOT.

                Very unusual.

                Speaking of unusual…

                Using the “unusual” in headlines, is a great way to grab your reader’s attention.

                Perfect example:

                Think of all the looney toon magazines you see when checking out at the grocery store.

                Believe it or not, the writers for these magazines (specifically the ones who write the headlines) are some of the BEST & HIGHEST-PAID copywriters in the game.

                And they sell BILLIONS worth of rag mags, solely off the UNUSUAL headlines on the covers.

                A great way to improve your headline game is to study these types of magazines.

                Grab a handful of National Enquirer, Cosmopolitan, Worldwide News, Men’s Health, etc.

                Take a gander at the covers.

                And add any unusual headlines that tickle your imagination to your swipe file.

                If you’d like to discover the BEST way to write killer headlines – with a 100% kill ratio – then you’ll want to sink your teeth into the upcoming Copy Kings training.

                I reveal how I personally go about writing “killa” headlines.

                More specifically:

                A unique “mindset” I get into, that allows me to write Barry Bond’s homerun headlines - without trying (or jabbing myself with roids)

                Wanna know how?

                Then make sure you subscribe to Copy Kings BEFORE 2pm:


                Because that’s when I’m realizing the Kraken.

                Subscribe at 2:01?

                Too late bucko, you missed the gravy train.

                To your success,

                Jeremy Mac


                When you subscribe TODAY, you’ll also feast your eyes on a bundle of bonuses filled with supreme value. They normally cost $326, however, they are 100% FREE for smart copywriters who invest in themselves via joining my Copy Kings membership.

                To learn more about these bonuses, go here:



                Jeremy Mac

                Shows aspiring & struggling copywriters how to break into copywriting, feel confident in their copywriting skills and get a steady stream of high-paying clients - WITHOUT the confusion, hassle or guesswork

                Want Daily Tips to Help YOU Become A 6-FIGURE COPYWRITER?

                Enter your primary email address below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular paid membership – Copy Kings

                Become a “Copy King” TODAY!

                Discover why hundreds of copywriters are raving about my popular monthly membership – Copy Kings

                Copy Kings Membership

                Jeremy Mac

                Shows aspiring & struggling copywriters how to break into copywriting, feel confident in their copywriting skills and get a steady stream of high-paying clients - WITHOUT the confusion, hassle or guesswork

                Want Daily Tips to Help YOU Become A 6-FIGURE COPYWRITER?

                Enter your primary email address below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his popular paid membership – Copy Kings

                Struggling to Gain Clients?

                This 3.5 hr video course shows beginners how to attract a FLOOD of new clients - in as quick as 24 hours - WITHOUT a portfolio or experience. Check it out 👇


                Hear From These Thriving Copywriters Who Are Now Living Like Kings & Queens... Will YOU Be Next?

                ❝I can't recommend Copy Kings enough! It gave me the skills, the confidence, and THE CLIENTS to become a successful copywriter.❞

                Kevin Davis

                ❝If you're a budding copywriter, this is your secret weapon. I've landed clients I only dreamed of thanks to this membership!❞

                Alex Rodriguez

                ❝As someone who knew nothing about copywriting, this membership turned me into a pro! Seriously, like within the 1st month of joining. Highly recommended!❞

                Benjamin J

                ❝Incredible value! This program has opened up new doors for my copywriting career.❞

                Ethan Ramirez

                ❝Top-notch content and support. It's like having a mentor by your side. I refer to the resources whenever I feel stuck.❞

                Franklin Nguyen

                ❝One new client and it pays for itself 10x over. Already closed 5 new clients since enrolling in this membership!❞

                Isaiah Patel

                ❝This copywriting membership is a must-have for any copywriter looking to grow their business. I love how Jeremy provides detailed insights into the psychology of what makes people buy. He offers a TON of actionable tips to apply to your own business in each training.❞

                Quentin James

                ❝This membership is worth THOUSANDS. I’ve already made back AT LEAST 20x the monthly cost.❞

                Thomas P

                ❝Joining was the best decision of my life. It's the best investment I've made in my career as a copywriter.❞

                Xavier Boseman

                ❝I was initially skeptical about yet another copywriting course, but this continues to blow me away. It's not just about theory; it's a hands-on, results-driven approach from a real expert who gets it.❞

                Ulysses F

                ❝I love how Jeremy really focuses on the importance of relationship-building with clients. Almost no 1 is teaching this sort of stuff. Some of the tips and knowledge he gives away are truly MIND OPENING. I can’t wait to start applying the tips from last week's vid into conversations with clients.❞

                Vincent Martin

                ❝I had my doubts, but this membership genuinely overdelivered. The practical and real-world advice exceeded my expectations.❞

                Patrick McMullin

                ❝His enthusiasm for copywriting and marketing is contagious. It makes all his content very engaging and enjoyable to listen to. I usually go through his teachings several times to really dig out all the gold. I love listening while on my morning runs.❞

                Michaela Meyers

                ❝SO MANY options for getting clients. He wasn’t joking when he said you can choose the ones that you enjoy most. I found a few that work best for me and my personality. These are NOT the same ol lead generation tips. He gives advanced tips on all the newest strategies from his “in the trenches” experience with getting clients and they are practical and easy to use not just generic advice or puffy theory.❞

                Jonathon Gold

                ❝Jeremy covers so much more than just copywriting. He gives away tons of actionable tips on marketing, sales, lead gen, customer relations and overall business growth strategies.❞

                Liam Williamson

                ❝He provides practical examples and tips that I never would have thought of on my own. It opened my eyes to new and VERY PROFITABLE copywriting strategies.❞

                Jacob Thompson

                ❝I love the bite-sized weekly lessons, which makes it easy to fit into my busy schedule. There’s no fluff at all, only how-to advice that anyone can benefit from.. like tomorrow!❞

                Tomas Henderson

                ❝I really liked how a bunch of lessons focus on the importance of follow-up and building relationships with clients. This is crucial for long-term success in copywriting and Jeremy gave great insider tips on how to build long-term relationships and get referrals from them.❞

                Harrison peppers

                ❝The membership provides actionable steps and easy to use worksheets to help me apply the copywriting strategies to my writing. This made it easy to implement the strategies in a practical way.❞

                Brianna Carter

                ❝No theory, all actionable advice from real-world experience. Jeremy’s a master copywriter and teacher. I learned so much from his insights and tips.❞

                Aaliyah Jackson

                ❝The program really highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to yourself in your marketing efforts. This is crucial for building trust with clients and makes freelancing much more enjoyable and comfortable.❞

                Camille Green

                ❝This membership was a great investment. I saw an immediate improvement in my writing after implementing the new strategies.❞

                Jasmine Thomas

                ❝I was concerned that this program might not be tailored to my specific niche, but it turned out to be adaptable and beneficial for all copywriters.❞

                Latoya Washington

                ❝Jeremy provided great tips for leveraging social media platforms for lead generation. This was particularly helpful for me, becuz I was unsure how to effectively use social media to promote my freelance business.❞

                Dominique Sanchez

                ❝As an experienced copywriter, I thought I knew it all. But this program brought new tips and ideas to my attention, making it a worthwhile investment even for seasoned pros.❞

                Gabrielle Adams

                ❝I now have clear goals and expectations for business. This helped me focus my efforts and achieve better results. I feel very confident now about copywriting career and just know my business will thrive!❞

                Beatriz Flores

                ❝I had reservations about the ROI claims he made, but I've already seen a significant increase in my income.❞

                Ana Chavez

                ❝Initially, I wondered if the cost was justified. But the copywriting and business-building skills I gained here are already paying off tenfold. Worth every penny!❞

                Carolina Green

                ❝The strategies taught are so practical and easy to implement. Really enjoying it so far!❞

                Isabella Perez

                ❝As a copywriter, I've taken a lot of courses, but this is by far the best. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to copywriting, marketing, and getting clients. Stuff that no copywriter or guru talks about.❞

                Sophia Wilson

                ❝If you're struggling to break into copywriting, this membership is a must-have. It will change the way you write and do business.❞

                Ava Brown

                ❝I learn so much from each lesson, I’ve already implemented some of the gold nuggets and seen VERY impressive results.❞

                Mia Adams

                ❝I questioned whether I could really get clients as a newbie, but this program breaks it down into manageable steps. It's changed my perspective completely!❞

                Aiden Kim

                ❝I used to think copywriting courses and memberships were just a waste of money, but this one completely changed my mind. It's practical, results-driven, and worth every cent.❞

                Danial Chen

                ❝At first, I thought, 'Why should I pay for something I can learn online for free?' But the insider tips and expert guidance are unmatched. I've already made my money back in spades.❞

                Connie Chinburg

                ❝I questioned whether this could really help me land clients, but the client acquisition strategies and networking tips it provides are a game-changer.❞

                Esther Zhang

                ❝I'm so glad I invested in this subscription. It's already paid off BIG TIME.❞

                Harper Twinsly

                ❝This is perfect for copywriters of all experience levels. It provided me so many new insights on copywriting and sales, even though I've been in this business for years.❞

                Caitlin Wilson

                ❝Each lesson is so informational and entertaining. Jeremy keeps my attention throughout. I never feel bored or overwhelmed.❞

                Giselle Davis

                ❝The membership was a great investment. It provides a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to grow my copywriting business.❞

                Peter W.

                ❝His trainings are filled with practical tips and tricks that I never would have thought of on my own. Literally no one else is teaching this stuff.❞

                Tracy Berkshire

                ❝I thought I could figure it out on my own, but this has streamlined the learning process, saving me valuable time and effort.❞

                Lauren Parker

                ❝Since joining, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of clients and projects I am getting.❞

                Erin P

                ❝The knowledge and expertise in Copy Kings are unparalleled. It's a copywriter's dream come true!❞

                Davis N.

                ❝I was scared of enrolling in this program due to all the scammers out there but Jeremy is the real deal. I have been blown away by the results. I’ve already seen a significant increase in the number of clients I am generating. I recommend to any copywriter whose struggling with getting clients or looking to take their business to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!❞

                Fiona Brown

                ❝One of the most valuable benefits of joining has been the significant reduction in rejection I have experienced from prospects. He's taught me how to attract more qualified leads who are already interested in my services. This has resulted in waaaay less rejections and more successful conversions.❞

                Peyton P.

                ❝Before joining, I was constantly struggling to generate leads and get work, which left me feeling burnt out and extremely stressed. This has helped me achieve a better work-life balance and reduce burnout while still growing my business.❞

                Rebecca Anderson

                ❝I am now more confident than ever in my writing ability! I am super confident I will succeed!❞

                Sara Ortiz

                ❝This program turned me from a novice into a copywriting expert. I'm amazed!❞

                Mike Vega

                ❝This has really given me an unfair advantage over my competition! The expert advice has given me the power to stand out in a VERY crowded market.❞

                Jake Upton

                ❝Before Copy Kings, I often felt intimidated by my competition and feared losing out on potential clients. However, Jermey has taught me how to differentiate myself from other writers and leverage my unique strengths to attract more business. I now feel much more confident in my copywriting ability. I am excited to see the results in the upcoming months.❞

                William Foster

                ❝I used to struggle with crippling imposter syndrome and fear of rejection, which held me back from pursuing really going all in with copywriting and growing my business. However, this membership has shot me with confidence. I no longer have imposter syndrome with my writing and feel confident in building a more successful business and a much more fulfilling career.❞

                Taylor Bradberry

                ❝The step-by-step guidance and mentorship are what every aspiring copywriter needs.❞

                Jason Kim

                ❝This membership has had a TREMENDOUS impact on the quality of my clients and my overall business. Before joining Copy Kings, I often found myself working with difficult clients who did not respect my time or expertise. But jeremy has shown me how to attract higher-quality clients who are more likely to value my services and treat me with respect. As a result, I now work with AMAZING clients who are a better fit for my business and who are more likely to refer me to others in their professional network.❞

                Nick Smith

                ❝Completely transformed the way I write copy! I no longer feel stuck. I know exactly what to say and how to say it. It's like magic!❞

                Heather Mackenzie

                ❝I'm in awe of the results I've achieved with the help of this membership.❞

                Ken Burke

                ❝I can confidently say this has been one of the best investments I've made in my copywriting career.❞

                Nicole Orlando

                ❝If you're serious about a copywriting career, this program is your launchpad to success!❞

                Brett T.

                ❝I used to struggle with writer's block, but not anymore. Like seriously, it's gone! Jeremy has unlocked my true copywriting potential!❞

                Brooke White

                ❝Prior to joining, I was extremely burnt out and lost my fire. I struggled to generate leads and find success as a freelancer. But not anymore! I now enjoy my career again, feel very passionate and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.❞

                Yvette Rodriguez

                ❝I used to struggle HARD at building strong relationships with my clients because it was hard for me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs and concerns. Since joining Copy Kings, I’ve been able to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with my clients, and I feel great about helping them achieve their business goals.❞

                Giannas P.

                ❝My income has doubled since joining. I can't thank Jeremy enough!❞

                Rachel Garret

                ❝From raw beginner to copy GOD, this program caters to all levels. It's an all-in-one copywriting solution.❞

                Olivia Smith

                ❝I’ve taken on over 12 HIGH QUALITY clients since joining, resulting in a 50% increase in income compared to last year. These numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of this membership.❞

                Bobby C.

                Hear From These Thriving Copywriters Who Are Now Living Like Kings & Queens... Will YOU Be Next?

                ❝I can't recommend Copy Kings enough! It gave me the skills, the confidence, and THE CLIENTS to become a successful copywriter.❞

                Kevin Davis

                ❝If you're a budding copywriter, this is your secret weapon. I've landed clients I only dreamed of thanks to this membership!❞

                Alex Rodriguez

                ❝As someone who knew nothing about copywriting, this membership turned me into a pro! Seriously, like within the 1st month of joining. Highly recommended!❞

                Benjamin J

                ❝Incredible value! This program has opened up new doors for my copywriting career.❞

                Ethan Ramirez

                ❝Top-notch content and support. It's like having a mentor by your side. I refer to the resources whenever I feel stuck.❞

                Franklin Nguyen

                ❝One new client and it pays for itself 10x over. Already closed 5 new clients since enrolling in this membership!❞

                Isaiah Patel

                ❝This copywriting membership is a must-have for any copywriter looking to grow their business. I love how Jeremy provides detailed insights into the psychology of what makes people buy. He offers a TON of actionable tips to apply to your own business in each training.❞

                Quentin James

                ❝This membership is worth THOUSANDS. I’ve already made back AT LEAST 20x the monthly cost.❞

                Thomas P

                ❝Joining was the best decision of my life. It's the best investment I've made in my career as a copywriter.❞

                Xavier Boseman

                ❝I was initially skeptical about yet another copywriting course, but this continues to blow me away. It's not just about theory; it's a hands-on, results-driven approach from a real expert who gets it.❞

                Ulysses F

                ❝I love how Jeremy really focuses on the importance of relationship-building with clients. Almost no 1 is teaching this sort of stuff. Some of the tips and knowledge he gives away are truly MIND OPENING. I can’t wait to start applying the tips from last week's vid into conversations with clients.❞

                Vincent Martin

                ❝I had my doubts, but this membership genuinely overdelivered. The practical and real-world advice exceeded my expectations.❞

                Patrick McMullin

                ❝His enthusiasm for copywriting and marketing is contagious. It makes all his content very engaging and enjoyable to listen to. I usually go through his teachings several times to really dig out all the gold. I love listening while on my morning runs.❞

                Michaela Meyers

                ❝SO MANY options for getting clients. He wasn’t joking when he said you can choose the ones that you enjoy most. I found a few that work best for me and my personality. These are NOT the same ol lead generation tips. He gives advanced tips on all the newest strategies from his “in the trenches” experience with getting clients and they are practical and easy to use not just generic advice or puffy theory.❞

                Jonathon Gold

                ❝Jeremy covers so much more than just copywriting. He gives away tons of actionable tips on marketing, sales, lead gen, customer relations and overall business growth strategies.❞

                Liam Williamson

                ❝He provides practical examples and tips that I never would have thought of on my own. It opened my eyes to new and VERY PROFITABLE copywriting strategies.❞

                Jacob Thompson

                ❝I love the bite-sized weekly lessons, which makes it easy to fit into my busy schedule. There’s no fluff at all, only how-to advice that anyone can benefit from.. like tomorrow!❞

                Tomas Henderson

                ❝I really liked how a bunch of lessons focus on the importance of follow-up and building relationships with clients. This is crucial for long-term success in copywriting and Jeremy gave great insider tips on how to build long-term relationships and get referrals from them.❞

                Harrison peppers

                ❝The membership provides actionable steps and easy to use worksheets to help me apply the copywriting strategies to my writing. This made it easy to implement the strategies in a practical way.❞

                Brianna Carter

                ❝No theory, all actionable advice from real-world experience. Jeremy’s a master copywriter and teacher. I learned so much from his insights and tips.❞

                Aaliyah Jackson

                ❝The program really highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to yourself in your marketing efforts. This is crucial for building trust with clients and makes freelancing much more enjoyable and comfortable.❞

                Camille Green

                ❝This membership was a great investment. I saw an immediate improvement in my writing after implementing the new strategies.❞

                Jasmine Thomas

                ❝I was concerned that this program might not be tailored to my specific niche, but it turned out to be adaptable and beneficial for all copywriters.❞

                Latoya Washington

                ❝Jeremy provided great tips for leveraging social media platforms for lead generation. This was particularly helpful for me, becuz I was unsure how to effectively use social media to promote my freelance business.❞

                Dominique Sanchez

                ❝As an experienced copywriter, I thought I knew it all. But this program brought new tips and ideas to my attention, making it a worthwhile investment even for seasoned pros.❞

                Gabrielle Adams

                ❝I now have clear goals and expectations for business. This helped me focus my efforts and achieve better results. I feel very confident now about copywriting career and just know my business will thrive!❞

                Beatriz Flores

                ❝I had reservations about the ROI claims he made, but I've already seen a significant increase in my income.❞

                Ana Chavez

                ❝Initially, I wondered if the cost was justified. But the copywriting and business-building skills I gained here are already paying off tenfold. Worth every penny!❞

                Carolina Green

                ❝The strategies taught are so practical and easy to implement. Really enjoying it so far!❞

                Isabella Perez

                ❝As a copywriter, I've taken a lot of courses, but this is by far the best. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to copywriting, marketing, and getting clients. Stuff that no copywriter or guru talks about.❞

                Sophia Wilson

                ❝If you're struggling to break into copywriting, this membership is a must-have. It will change the way you write and do business.❞

                Ava Brown

                ❝I learn so much from each lesson, I’ve already implemented some of the gold nuggets and seen VERY impressive results.❞

                Mia Adams

                ❝I questioned whether I could really get clients as a newbie, but this program breaks it down into manageable steps. It's changed my perspective completely!❞

                Aiden Kim

                ❝I used to think copywriting courses and memberships were just a waste of money, but this one completely changed my mind. It's practical, results-driven, and worth every cent.❞

                Danial Chen

                ❝At first, I thought, 'Why should I pay for something I can learn online for free?' But the insider tips and expert guidance are unmatched. I've already made my money back in spades.❞

                Connie Chinburg

                ❝I questioned whether this could really help me land clients, but the client acquisition strategies and networking tips it provides are a game-changer.❞

                Esther Zhang

                ❝I'm so glad I invested in this subscription. It's already paid off BIG TIME.❞

                Harper Twinsly

                ❝This is perfect for copywriters of all experience levels. It provided me so many new insights on copywriting and sales, even though I've been in this business for years.❞

                Caitlin Wilson

                ❝Each lesson is so informational and entertaining. Jeremy keeps my attention throughout. I never feel bored or overwhelmed.❞

                Giselle Davis

                ❝The membership was a great investment. It provides a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to grow my copywriting business.❞

                Peter W.

                ❝His trainings are filled with practical tips and tricks that I never would have thought of on my own. Literally no one else is teaching this stuff.❞

                Tracy Berkshire

                ❝I thought I could figure it out on my own, but this has streamlined the learning process, saving me valuable time and effort.❞

                Lauren Parker

                ❝Since joining, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of clients and projects I am getting.❞

                Erin P

                ❝The knowledge and expertise in Copy Kings are unparalleled. It's a copywriter's dream come true!❞

                Davis N.

                ❝I was scared of enrolling in this program due to all the scammers out there but Jeremy is the real deal. I have been blown away by the results. I’ve already seen a significant increase in the number of clients I am generating. I recommend to any copywriter whose struggling with getting clients or looking to take their business to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!❞

                Fiona Brown

                ❝One of the most valuable benefits of joining has been the significant reduction in rejection I have experienced from prospects. He's taught me how to attract more qualified leads who are already interested in my services. This has resulted in waaaay less rejections and more successful conversions.❞

                Peyton P.

                ❝Before joining, I was constantly struggling to generate leads and get work, which left me feeling burnt out and extremely stressed. This has helped me achieve a better work-life balance and reduce burnout while still growing my business.❞

                Rebecca Anderson

                ❝I am now more confident than ever in my writing ability! I am super confident I will succeed!❞

                Sara Ortiz

                ❝This program turned me from a novice into a copywriting expert. I'm amazed!❞

                Mike Vega

                ❝This has really given me an unfair advantage over my competition! The expert advice has given me the power to stand out in a VERY crowded market.❞

                Jake Upton

                ❝Before Copy Kings, I often felt intimidated by my competition and feared losing out on potential clients. However, Jermey has taught me how to differentiate myself from other writers and leverage my unique strengths to attract more business. I now feel much more confident in my copywriting ability. I am excited to see the results in the upcoming months.❞

                William Foster

                ❝I used to struggle with crippling imposter syndrome and fear of rejection, which held me back from pursuing really going all in with copywriting and growing my business. However, this membership has shot me with confidence. I no longer have imposter syndrome with my writing and feel confident in building a more successful business and a much more fulfilling career.❞

                Taylor Bradberry

                ❝The step-by-step guidance and mentorship are what every aspiring copywriter needs.❞

                Jason Kim

                ❝This membership has had a TREMENDOUS impact on the quality of my clients and my overall business. Before joining Copy Kings, I often found myself working with difficult clients who did not respect my time or expertise. But jeremy has shown me how to attract higher-quality clients who are more likely to value my services and treat me with respect. As a result, I now work with AMAZING clients who are a better fit for my business and who are more likely to refer me to others in their professional network.❞

                Nick Smith

                ❝Completely transformed the way I write copy! I no longer feel stuck. I know exactly what to say and how to say it. It's like magic!❞

                Heather Mackenzie

                ❝I'm in awe of the results I've achieved with the help of this membership.❞

                Ken Burke

                ❝I can confidently say this has been one of the best investments I've made in my copywriting career.❞

                Nicole Orlando

                ❝If you're serious about a copywriting career, this program is your launchpad to success!❞

                Brett T.

                ❝I used to struggle with writer's block, but not anymore. Like seriously, it's gone! Jeremy has unlocked my true copywriting potential!❞

                Brooke White

                ❝Prior to joining, I was extremely burnt out and lost my fire. I struggled to generate leads and find success as a freelancer. But not anymore! I now enjoy my career again, feel very passionate and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.❞

                Yvette Rodriguez

                ❝I used to struggle HARD at building strong relationships with my clients because it was hard for me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs and concerns. Since joining Copy Kings, I’ve been able to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with my clients, and I feel great about helping them achieve their business goals.❞

                Giannas P.

                ❝My income has doubled since joining. I can't thank Jeremy enough!❞

                Rachel Garret

                ❝From raw beginner to copy GOD, this program caters to all levels. It's an all-in-one copywriting solution.❞

                Olivia Smith

                ❝I’ve taken on over 12 HIGH QUALITY clients since joining, resulting in a 50% increase in income compared to last year. These numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of this membership.❞

                Bobby C.


                The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

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