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Copywriting for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide for Success in 2024

Apr 24, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
man typing on beach


Ever feel like you're standing at the base of a giant mountain, looking up at the summit that seems waaaay out of reach?

That's how many feel about starting a career in copywriting.

But don't worry, this guide is your sherpa, ready to equip you with the essentials you'll need to not only reach the summit but plant your flag on it.

Whether you're completely new to this field or you've dabbled in writing and want to take a serious step forward, this “copywriting for beginners” guide is crafted to light your path in 2024.

After reading, you’ll feel confident in the basics of copywriting, your ability to break into copywriting with Hulk force and start earning hefty paychecks in no time.


What is Copywriting?

Confused woman

Copywriting is more than just stringing words together; it's an art and a science.

It's about crafting compelling messages that persuade, inform, and engage an audience, motivating them to act.

Imagine being the voice behind the curtain, the one who influences decisions, from what people buy to the ideas they embrace. That’s the power of a copywriter.

At its core, copywriting involves creating promotional materials for advertising, marketing, and sales. This could range from website content and email campaigns to print ads and social media posts. But the true essence of copywriting lies in its ability to connect with people on an emotional level, using words to tap into desires and needs you might not even realize you had.

This discipline isn’t just about selling products; it's about understanding human psychology, mastering the art of persuasion, and using strategic thinking to deliver messages that resonate.

It's about telling a story so compelling that readers feel an immediate connection, making them more likely to engage with your brand.

Whether you're advocating for a lifestyle change, promoting a revolutionary product, or raising awareness for a cause, copywriting is the thread that ties intent to action.


What are the Main Copywriting Skills You Must Have to Succeed?

woman pointing at reader

To excel in copywriting, certain skills are non-negotiable.

These skills form the backbone of every successful copywriter’s career, enabling you to write with precision, persuade with power, and ultimately convert your audience into customers or followers.

  1. Strong Writing Ability: At the heart of copywriting for beginners is the skill to write clearly and persuasively. This means having a strong command of language and the ability to adapt your writing style to suit different products, audiences, and mediums. You need to be able to convey complex ideas simply and enticingly.
  2. Understanding of Consumer Psychology: Knowing what makes your audience tick is crucial. A skilled copywriter understands the buyer's journey and can tap into the motivations, fears, and desires of their audience. This psychological insight is what allows you to craft messages that resonate deeply and drive action.
  3. Research Skills: Every effective copywriter is also a proficient researcher. The ability to dig deep into product features, market trends, and competitive landscapes allows you to write with authority and accuracy. This research backs your writing with solid facts and makes your content credible and engaging.
  4. SEO Knowledge: In the digital age, being able to optimize your content for search engines is a must. This involves using keywords strategically, understanding SEO best practices, and keeping up with the algorithms that might affect how your content is discovered online.
  5. Adaptability: The field of copywriting is ever-evolving. New platforms, changing media consumption habits, and shifts in marketing strategies require you to be flexible and adaptable. Being open to learning and experimenting with new writing formats and marketing technologies is essential.
  6. Ability to Tell a Story: Storytelling isn’t just for novelists. As a copywriter, your ability to weave facts and features into a compelling narrative can be the difference between mediocre and memorable copy. Stories help humanize your content, making it more relatable and persuasive.
  1. Sales wiz: Perhaps one of the most direct extensions of copywriting is the ability to sell through words. Effective copywriting often functions as a bridge between a potential customer and a sale. Understanding the fundamentals of sales, including how to handle objections, the importance of a strong call-to-action, and the nuances of selling different types of products or services, is crucial. This skill ensures that your copy doesn't just entertain or inform but actively converts readers into buyers, making every word you write a potential revenue generator.

These copywriting for beginners skills are the pillars upon which successful copywriting careers are built. By mastering them, you set the foundation for a long, rewarding journey in the world of words and persuasion.


The Basics of Copywriting: 9 Core Copywriting Principles to Learn, Study & Master

The journey to mastering copywriting is paved with core principles that guide every word you write.

These 9 core fundamentals are not just rules to follow but insights that empower you to influence and persuade with your writing.

#1 Headlines: The Entry Point to Your Content

news headline

Your headline is arguably the most important element of any piece of copy you write.

It's the first impression, the door-opener that invites your audience to read further.

David Ogilvy, one of the giants in advertising, famously said that on average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.

Therefore, if you haven’t done some heavy lifting with your headline, your entire piece might as well not exist.

A powerful headline does several things:

  • Grabs attention: In a world flooded with information, a strong headline cuts through the noise and captures interest.
  • Selects the audience: It speaks directly to the target demographic, filtering out uninterested parties and drawing in those most likely to respond.
  • Delivers a complete message: The best headlines often tell a story on their own, hinting at what the reader can expect to gain by diving deeper into the text.
  • Promises a benefit: Whether it’s solving a problem, providing insight, or offering entertainment, a good headline always suggests a reward for reading on.

However, that being said, it only has ONE job – get your reader to read your next sentence.

Crafting compelling headlines is a skill that can be honed through practice and analysis.

Study headlines that have worked historically and keep abreast of current trends to understand how to capture the contemporary reader’s eye.

 Remember, your headline is the first, and perhaps only, impression you make on a potential reader. Make it count.


#2 Clarity: Making Your Message Crystal Clear

Clarity is king.

It's not just about choosing the right words; it's about making your message so straightforward that it's impossible to misunderstand.

Here’s how to ensure your copy is always clear:

  • Use Simple Language: Avoid jargon, complex terms, or convoluted sentence structures that might confuse your reader. The goal is to communicate, not to impress with your vocabulary.
  • Be Concise: Trim the fat. Remove any words, sentences, or even paragraphs that do not add value to your message or persuade the reader. Every element should serve a purpose.
  • Structure Your Thoughts: Organize your copy logically. Start with an introduction that sets up your message, follow with body content that supports your main points with evidence or explanation, and conclude with a strong call to action.
  • Focus on One Idea at a Time: Don’t overwhelm your reader with multiple ideas in a single section. Break complex topics down into manageable chunks, and tackle them one at a time.
  • Use Visuals and Formatting: Break up text with headers, bullet points, and images to guide the reader’s eye and emphasize key points.

By mastering the art of clarity, you ensure that your audience not only stays with you from start to finish but also fully grasps the message you intend to convey. Clarity enhances understanding, builds trust, and, ultimately, drives action.


#3 Audience Awareness: Write to Your Ideal Customer


Understanding who your readers are, what they need, and how they communicate can transform generic copy into a compelling conversation.

Here’s how to gain a deep sense of audience awareness:

  • Research Your Audience: Dive into demographics, psychographics, and behavioral data to get a holistic view of your audience. What are their pain points? What motivates them? What kind of humor do they appreciate? The more you know, the more targeted your copy can be.
  • Speak Their Language: Use words and phrases that resonate with your audience. If you’re writing for a tech-savvy crowd, technical terms might be appropriate. For a broader audience, simpler language may be more effective.
  • Address Their Needs and Desires: Directly speak to what your audience cares about. Tailor your message to reflect the outcomes they desire or the problems they need solved.
  • Empathize: Show that you understand and care about your audience's challenges and aspirations. Empathy builds trust and establishes a connection, making your copy more persuasive.

By keeping your audience at the forefront of your mind as you write, you ensure that your copy is not only read but also felt.

This connection is what ultimately compels the reader to take the action you desire.


#4 Benefits Over Features: Selling the Dream, Not the Product

Woman sleeping in clouds

Legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman explained that it’s not the product itself that entices consumers, but the story of how it improves their lives.

Your task as a copywriter is not just to list what a product does but to illuminate how it makes the user's life better.

Here’s how to master the art of selling benefits:

Start by understanding the features of the product or service you are writing about.

What are the technical specifications? What does it do?

Then translate these features into benefits.

For every feature, ask yourself, "So what? Why does this matter to the customer?" This helps you convert technical aspects into tangible benefits. For instance, a phone's long battery life (feature) translates to less worry about finding a charger during a busy day (benefit).

Also, when writing copy, mention the benefit first. This grabs attention by addressing the reader’s needs or desires directly. Follow up with the feature to justify the benefit.

You also want to use vivid imagery…

Help your reader visualize the benefit. Paint a picture in their mind of their life improved by what you're offering. For example, imagine being able to relax and enjoy a movie night, thanks to our home theater system’s crystal-clear surround sound.

People often buy based on emotions and justify with logic later. Emphasize the emotional rewards of the benefits. Does your product offer peace of mind, happiness, or pride? Make sure to articulate these feelings.

By focusing on how products or services enrich a customer’s life, you don’t just sell them something—they are buying into a better version of their life. This approach ensures that your copywriting doesn’t just inform; it transforms interest into action.


#5 Call to Action: The Catalyst for Conversion

money around laptop

This is not just a button or a line at the end of your copy; it's the tipping point that converts a reader into a customer.

As David Ogilvy, one of the fathers of modern advertising, often stressed, the goal of every message is to get people to take action—whether that's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or following your brand on social media.

Here's how to create a CTA that acts as a powerful catalyst for conversion:

  • Be Clear and Specific: Your CTA should leave no doubt about what you want the reader to do next. Use action-oriented language like "Buy Now," "Subscribe Today," or "Get Your Free Trial."
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage immediate action by adding elements of scarcity or time limitation. Phrases like "Offer ends soon," "Limited availability," or "Act now before it's too late" can create a sense of urgency that prompts the reader to act.
  • Offer Value: Make sure your CTA highlights what the reader stands to gain by taking action. This could be access to exclusive content, a discount, or a free product trial.
  • Make It Visually Distinctive: On digital platforms, ensure your CTA stands out with buttons or links that are visually striking. Use colors, fonts, and placement that draw attention and make it easy for users to take the next step.

A well-crafted call to action transforms passive readers into active buyers in your sales process, significantly boosting your conversion rates.

By making your CTAs irresistible, you not only guide your audience towards taking the desired action but also enhance the overall effectiveness of your copy.


#6 Consistency: The Key to Building Trust and Recognition

As Drayton Bird, a master of direct marketing, emphasizes, consistent messaging ensures that your audience receives the same core message, which reinforces your brand's values and promises.

Maintaining a consistent tone, style, and message across all your writing builds brand identity and fosters trust with your audience.

Here’s how to ensure you achieve consistency in your copywriting:

  • Develop a Style Guide: Create a comprehensive guide that includes your brand’s voice, tone, language preferences, and formatting rules. This will serve as a reference to maintain consistency across all content.
  • Repeat Core Messages: Reinforce your key messages by repeating them in different ways across various pieces of content. This repetition solidifies your brand’s message in the minds of your audience.
  • Align with Brand Values: Every piece of copy should reflect your brand’s values and personality. Whether it’s professional and authoritative or friendly and casual, the tone should match what your brand stands for.
  • Consistent Visual Elements: Use consistent fonts, colors, and layouts in your visual content to complement your written messages. This visual consistency helps strengthen brand recognition.

By prioritizing consistency in your copywriting, you ensure that your brand is easily recognizable and reliable.

This not only helps in building a loyal customer base but also enhances the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, as consistent messaging is more likely to resonate and stick with your audience.


#7 Audience Engagement: Keeping Readers Hooked

hooked fish

This principle focuses on the importance of keeping your readers actively involved with your content from start to finish.

Legendary copywriter Gary Halbert often spoke about the power of engaging an audience through storytelling and personal connections, emphasizing that the real magic happens when readers feel a part of the conversation.

Here’s how to maximize audience engagement in your copy:

  • Start Strong: Capture attention from the very beginning with a compelling hook, question, or intriguing statement. The first few lines of your copy set the tone and can make or break the reader’s commitment to continue.
  • Use Interactive Elements: Especially in digital copywriting, include elements that invite interaction, such as clickable links, embedded videos, or interactive infographics. These tools keep the reader active and engaged with your content.
  • Write Conversationally: Use a tone that speaks directly to the reader as if you were having a conversation with them. This personal approach makes your content more relatable and engaging.
  • Encourage Participation: Ask questions, invite comments, or suggest social sharing. This not only increases engagement but also helps build a community around your brand.
  • Provide Value at Every Turn: Ensure that every part of your copy is informative, entertaining, or inspiring. When readers find real value in your content, they're more likely to stay engaged and return for more.

By focusing on engagement, you not only hold the attention of your audience but also create a memorable experience that encourages them to interact with your brand.

Engagement leads to trust, and trust leads to conversions, making this principle a cornerstone of effective copywriting.


#8 Emotional Connection: The Heartbeat of Effective Copy

Emotions sell.

To create an emotional connection, you need to deeply understand the hopes, fears, and dreams of your readers.

This understanding allows you to craft messages that resonate on a personal level.

Start by identifying the emotional drivers for your audience. What keeps them up at night? What do they desire most?

Then, weave these emotional elements into your copy in a way that feels natural and sincere. Tell stories that reflect these emotions or use metaphors that bring abstract benefits to life. For instance, instead of just talking about a security system’s features, describe the peace of mind it brings to a family, knowing they are safe when tucked in at night.

By being genuine and speaking to the true needs and emotions of your audience, you’ll not only sell more products/services but also earn their trust, paving the way for a deeper relationship with your brand.


#9 Believability: The Foundation of Trust

Without this, even the most well-crafted messages fall flat.

If people don’t believe what you’re saying, they won’t buy, no matter how compelling the message might be.

Achieving believability starts with backing up your claims.

Use data, testimonials, and case studies to provide evidence that supports your statements. This not only demonstrates that what you’re offering has proven value but also that you’re not just making empty promises.


Being transparent about the limitations of your product or service can paradoxically increase its believability. No product is perfect, and an honest admission of this can enhance your credibility and build trust with your audience.

Keep your language grounded. Over-the-top language or exaggerated claims can trigger skepticism. Instead, speak plainly about what you offer, focusing on realistic outcomes and benefits.

Lastly, align your message with the known values and messages of your brand.

Consistency in what you claim and what your brand stands for serves as a powerful reinforcement of believability.

When all parts of your message work coherently, they build a strong, believable narrative that your audience can trust and buy into.


Beginner Copywriting Tips to Quickly Improve Your Writing Skills


Here are a few fundamental copywriting for beginners tips that can lead to significant improvements in your writing capabilities:

Write Daily

Consistency is key in any skill, and writing is no exception.

Set aside time each day to write, even if it's just a small amount. This regular practice helps you refine your style, improve your speed, and boost your confidence as a writer.

Use a Timer

Implement timed writing sessions to train yourself to write with focus and purpose.

Setting a timer for specific intervals, like 33.33 minutes of writing followed by a 5-minute break, can enhance your concentration and productivity—a technique known as the Pomodoro Technique.

Take Breaks

Known as "chunking," the process of taking regular breaks helps prevent burnout and keeps your mind fresh. After each session of focused writing, take a short break to stretch, walk around, or do something completely unrelated to writing. This helps maintain a high level of creativity and energy when you return to your work.

Read Widely

Expand your understanding and exposure to different writing styles by reading a diverse range of materials. Reading regularly can introduce you to new vocabulary, different sentence structures, and various persuasive techniques that you can incorporate into your own writing.

Get Feedback

Sharing your work with others and being open to critique are vital for growth. Feedback can provide new perspectives on your writing, highlight areas that need improvement, and confirm when your messages are hitting the mark.

By adopting these basics of copywriting, you'll notice a HUGE improvement in your writing skills.

Each beginner copywriting tip is designed not just to make you a better writer but to deepen your understanding of what makes writing effective, engaging, and impactful.


Your 5-Step Gameplan to Create a Successful Copywriting Career in 2024

hand with paint on it

Here are my 5 steps for becoming a successful freelance copywriter.

This is what I personally did and recommend you do too.

Use these 5 steps as a roadmap to breaking into freelance copywriting and growing a successful freelance copywriting business.

Step 1: Learn the Basics

Embarking on a career in freelance copywriting begins with a solid foundation in the basics of copywriting. Here’s how to set the stage for success:

  • Immerse Yourself in Learning: Commit to reading the best books on direct response copywriting. Aim to read daily, setting a goal of 20-50 pages to steadily build your knowledge.
  • Daily Writing Practice: While knowledge is crucial, application cements learning. Start by handwriting successful ads to absorb the techniques used by the pros. Then, practice turning product features into compelling benefits and revamping weak headlines into powerful attention-grabbers.
  • Routine and Consistency: Establish a daily routine that includes both reading and writing. This consistent practice will accelerate your understanding and skill in crafting persuasive copy.

By dedicating yourself to these foundational activities, you’ll develop the skills necessary to write copy that not only engages but also converts, setting the groundwork for a successful copywriting career.


Step 2: Get Clients

Once you have a grasp of the basics, the next step is to start building your real-world experience by attracting clients.

Here’s how you can start filling your roster:

  • Cast a Wide Net: In the beginning, it’s beneficial to work with a variety of clients across different industries. This exposure helps you understand diverse market needs and copywriting requirements, which is invaluable for honing your skills.
  • Utilize Multiple Platforms: Leverage platforms like social media, freelance websites like Fiverr or Upwork, and even personal networks to announce your services. Creating posts that showcase your availability and skill can attract initial clients quickly.
  • Accept Various Projects: Be open to taking on different types of projects, from email campaigns and landing pages to blog posts and ads. This not only builds your experience but also helps you discover which types of copywriting you’re most passionate about and best at.

This phase is all about gaining momentum.

By accepting a broad range of work, you gather essential insights and testimonials that strengthen your portfolio and credibility in the copywriting community.


Step 3: Choose a Niche

As you gain experience and start to identify your strengths and preferences, the next strategic move is to select a niche.

Specializing can dramatically enhance your credibility and allow you to command higher rates. Here’s how to narrow down your focus:

  • Evaluate Your Interests and Strengths: Reflect on the projects you enjoyed most and where you delivered the best results. Choosing a niche that aligns with your interests and skills will make your work more enjoyable and effective.
  • Research Market Demand: Look for industries that not only interest you but also have a robust demand for copywriting. Sectors with a significant investment in marketing and a clear understanding of the value of copy are ideal.
  • Consider Profitability: Some niches are more lucrative than others due to higher budgets and a greater dependency on skilled copywriting. Fields like health, finance, and technology are often high-paying markets.

Selecting a niche will focus your efforts and make it easier to position yourself as an expert. This specialization is key to building a reputation that attracts high-quality clients.


Step 4: Build a Portfolio

A strong portfolio is your best tool for demonstrating your copywriting skills to potential clients.

It showcases your ability to produce compelling content across various formats and styles. Here’s how to build a portfolio that stands out:

  • Include Diverse Samples: Your portfolio should reflect a range of writing styles and formats to show potential clients your versatility. Include examples of email campaigns, blog posts, web content, and any other relevant work.
  • Highlight Successful Projects: Where possible, include case studies or examples that demonstrate the effectiveness of your work, such as increased sales, improved website traffic, or enhanced customer engagement resulting from your copy.
  • Keep It Updated and Professional: Regularly refresh your portfolio with new and improved work as you continue to develop your skills and complete more projects. Ensure that your portfolio is professionally presented, easy to navigate, and accessible online.

Your portfolio not only proves your capabilities but also gives potential clients a taste of what they can expect when they hire you. Make it a compelling reflection of your best work and watch as it opens doors to new opportunities.


Step 5: Scale Your Freelance Business

With a solid foundation, a defined niche, and a compelling portfolio, the next phase is scaling your freelance copywriting business.

This step involves expanding your client base and increasing your income through strategic approaches.

See this ultimate guide when you’re at this stage.



Alright, enough reading.

Start applying these copywriting secrets… NOW.


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Your Ultimate Guide to Tech Copywriting in 2024 (Free Course for Tech Copywriters)

Apr 22, 2024 by Jeremy Mac


Ever wondered why certain tech products, no matter how complex, seem instantly appealing, while others, even with groundbreaking features, hardly make a dent in your consciousness?

It's not just about the tech; it's about how the tech is communicated.

This is where tech copywriting swings into action…

Transforming the hard-to-digest into the must-have.

And if you've thought about diving into this lucrative niche, you've come to the right place.

Read on to discover everything you need to start your journey as a successful technical copywriter in 2024.


What is Tech Copywriting?

laptop screen

Tech copywriting is an art.

Tech copywriters create persuasive content that explains, sells, and educates about technology products—from software to hardware, and everything in between.

Their words bridge the gap between tech jargon and the everyday language of users, investors, and decision-makers.

This form of writing isn't just about slapping together feature lists or technical specs. It’s about crafting stories that resonate with your audience, highlighting benefits in a way that sparks interest and drives action.

Think of a tech copywriter as a translator: Someone who converts the language of engineers and tech developers into the clear, compelling language that the average Joe can understand and be persuaded by.

So, if you've ever read a blog post that made a new app sound indispensable, a website that made a complex SaaS (Software as a Service) platform seem like a breeze to use, or an email that made you think a new gadget could revolutionize your life, you've seen tech copywriting in action.


What is the Difference Between Tech Writing & Copywriting?

confused man

While both tech writing and copywriting play crucial roles in the tech industry, they cater to different needs and audiences, each wielding a unique set of skills.

Tech Writing is primarily about clarity and precision. A technical writer's job is to produce informative content that explains how things work. This could be anything from user manuals, software documentation, FAQs, and help guides. The primary goal here is to inform and educate users, helping them understand and use a product or service effectively. Technical writing strips away the persuasive tone in favor of direct, instructional language.

Copywriting, particularly Tech Copywriting, on the other hand, is all about persuasion. A technical copywriter's goal is to sell the product or service. This type of writing is seen in marketing materials like advertisements, product descriptions, sales emails, and landing pages. Here, the focus is on compelling the reader to act—whether that's buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, or clicking through to another page. The language is more creative and aims to evoke emotion and excitement.

Understanding these differences is crucial.

If you're delving into the world of tech copywriting, you need to master the art of persuasive writing.

You’re not just telling someone how a product works; you’re telling them why it matters to them.


What Skills Do You Need to Succeed as a Tech Copywriter in 2024 & Beyond?


To carve out a successful career as a tech copywriter in 2024 and beyond, there are several key skills you'll need to master.

These are not just about writing; they're about understanding technology and the market, and being able to connect deeply with your audience.

Here’s what you’ll need to bring to the table:

Technological Fluency

A solid understanding of the tech industry’s latest trends is crucial. You don’t need to code, but you should know your AI from your IoT. This knowledge helps you speak confidently about the products and services you're writing about and tailor your content to tech-savvy readers or even those new to tech.

Research Proficiency

Every technical copywriter must be an ace researcher. You’ll often write about cutting-edge products or complex solutions that require a deep dive into technical details and market contexts. Efficient research skills will allow you to quickly understand new technologies and how they benefit potential users.

Adaptability in Writing Style

The tech world is diverse, so your writing must adapt to various contexts—be it a playful startup or a serious enterprise-level provider. Knowing how to tweak your tone to suit different brands and audiences is key.

SEO Knowledge

Understanding how to optimize content for search engines can set you apart from the competition. It’s about making sure your writings are found by those who are most interested in them, increasing visibility and engagement.

Empathy and Customer Insight

Great tech copywriting resonates because it addresses the reader's needs and pain points. Being able to put yourself in the shoes of your audience, understanding what drives them, and knowing how to communicate benefits that solve their problems are what make your content persuasive and relatable.

Conciseness and Clarity

In a field where the subject matter can be inherently complex, your ability to distill information into clear, digestible content is invaluable. It’s not about dumbing down; it’s about enlightening up.

Direct Response Copywriting

The cornerstone of effective tech copywriting is the ability to persuade readers to take immediate action. This skill goes beyond crafting compelling content; it involves strategic placement of calls to action, understanding psychological triggers, and using proven copywriting techniques that drive conversion. Whether it's prompting a software download, encouraging a sign-up for a webinar, or pushing sales through a promotional email, your ability to generate a response directly from your copy is what defines success in many tech copywriting endeavors.

With these skills in your toolkit, you’re well on your way to becoming a top-notch tech copywriter who can not only navigate but also shape the future of tech communications.


What Does a Tech Copywriter Do on a Daily Basis?

weekly planner

Here's what a typical day might involve:

  1. Research and Discovery: Most days kick off with research. Whether you're diving into a new tech gadget, exploring a software update, or keeping up with industry trends, understanding the ins and outs of your subject matter is crucial. This might involve reading tech blogs, analyzing competitor sites, or studying product specs.
  2. Content Creation: The core of your day will be writing. This can range from drafting blog posts, creating web content, and designing email campaigns to scripting videos or crafting white papers. Each piece requires a different tone and approach, tailored to both the product and its audience.
  3. Collaboration with Teams: Technical copywriters frequently collaborate with other departments. You might find yourself in meetings with the marketing team to align on campaign goals, discussing user feedback with the product team, or brainstorming session with the design team to ensure that visuals and text complement each other perfectly.
  4. Editing and Revising: No first draft is ever perfect. Part of your daily routine will involve revising and refining your work, ensuring that every piece of content is clear, compelling, and technically accurate. This might also include SEO optimization to boost content visibility.
  5. Testing and Analytics: For tech copywriters, the work doesn't end after publication. You’ll often review performance metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels, to see how your content is performing. Based on this data, you may tweak your calls to action, adjust headlines, or even rewrite sections to improve results.
  6. Continuous Learning: The tech field evolves rapidly, and staying on top of new tools, techniques, and trends is vital. Whether it’s learning a new content management system, experimenting with a new email marketing tool, or taking courses on the latest SEO strategies, continual learning is part of the job.

Being a tech copywriter means being part researcher, part writer, part marketer, and part technologist.

It’s a role that demands both creativity and analytical skills, all geared toward making technology understandable and enticing to the consumer.


Technical Copywriter Salary 2024

piggy bank

Ahhh, the good stuff.

$$$ in this field can vary widely based on several factors, including experience, location, and the type of company you work for.

Here is what you can expect to earn as a tech copywriter in 2024:

Entry-Level Positions

If you’re just starting out, you might begin as a junior copywriter or content assistant in a tech company. The average starting salary for these roles can range from $40,000 to $55,000 annually. However, with a strong portfolio and a knack for quickly grasping tech concepts, you could accelerate your earnings.

Mid-Level Tech Copywriters

With a few years of experience, particularly those who have specialized knowledge or have proven their ability to drive sales through effective copy, salaries can jump significantly. In this range, you might be looking at anywhere from $55,000 to $85,000 per year.

Senior-Level Tech Copywriters

At the higher end, experienced tech copywriters who have a track record of successful campaigns and perhaps lead teams can earn upwards of $85,000. In some high-demand tech sectors or particularly profitable companies, salaries can exceed $100,000, particularly when performance bonuses and benefits are factored in.

Freelance Tech Copywriters

For those who choose the freelance route, earnings can vary even more dramatically. Top freelance tech copywriters can command high hourly rates or project fees, particularly if they specialize in niches like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, or enterprise software. Successful freelancers often tailor their rates based on the project scope, value provided, and client budgets, with many earning six-figure incomes.

Other Factors

Salary can also be influenced by geographic location, with tech copywriters in major tech hubs like San Francisco, New York, or London typically earning more. Remote work has somewhat leveled the playing field, but location can still be a factor, especially if you're near major tech companies or startups.

Investing in your skills—particularly in areas like SEO, direct response techniques, and technical understanding—can significantly boost your marketability and, by extension, your earning potential. Companies are willing to pay a premium for copywriters who can not only write persuasively about technology but also drive measurable business results.


The 9 Main Tech Copywriting Services to Offer Clients

woman pointing at user

Here’s a rundown of the main types of writing that you can offer to your clients, each requiring a unique blend of skills and approaches to effectively communicate tech-focused messages:

1. Website Content

Every tech company needs a compelling website. Your job may involve creating content for entire websites or refreshing existing pages. This includes crafting landing pages that convert, informative about pages, and clear service or product descriptions.

2. Blog Posts and Articles

Content marketing through blogs and articles is a powerful tool for tech companies. These pieces are not just informative; they're also SEO-friendly to help improve the company's online visibility. Your role will be to explain complex technologies in an engaging way that boosts thought leadership and brand authority.

3. Case Studies and White Papers

These are essential for demonstrating the value of a technology or service. As a tech copywriter, you’ll create detailed and persuasive documents that showcase the benefits of products, backed by data and customer success stories.

4. Email Campaigns

Email remains a critical marketing tool. Writing for email campaigns involves crafting messages that encourage opens and clicks, whether for promotional purposes, product launches, or regular newsletters.

5. Product Descriptions and Data Sheets

These need to be concise yet detailed enough to provide the necessary information about a product’s features and benefits. Good product descriptions can significantly influence purchasing decisions.

6. Social Media Content

Engaging social media content can enhance brand presence and engage directly with consumers. This includes writing posts, tweets, and updates that are not only informative but also aligned with the brand’s voice and designed to encourage interaction.

7. Video Scripts

As video content becomes increasingly important, tech companies often need scripts for explainer videos, product demos, or corporate presentations. These scripts must be succinct and impactful, delivering key messages effectively in a short format.

8. Technical Guides and Manuals

While this leans more towards technical writing, some tech copywriters specialize in creating user-friendly guides and manuals that make technology accessible to non-expert users.

9. Advertising Copy

Crafting ad copy for PPC campaigns, banner ads, and more is another service. This involves writing short, attention-grabbing copy that encourages clicks and conversions.

Offering these services as part of your tech copywriting portfolio can make you invaluable to tech companies, startups, and established enterprises looking to communicate complex tech in an accessible and engaging way.


How to Become a Successful Tech Copywriter in 2024


In 2020, I broke into copywriting with no experience, portfolio or track record of success. In my first year, I scored 50+ freelance clients, 2 in-house positions and close to 6 figures.

Over the last 4 years, I’ve been enjoying a VERY profitable and freeing lifestyle as a freelance copywriter.

Want to learn what I did?

Want to learn how YOU can do the same… as a tech copywriter?

Read every word in this ultimate guide VERY CAREFULLY.

This was made for freelance copywriters in general, but the nuts & bolts apply for tech copywriting too.

If you use a little brain mustard, I’m sure you can launch your freelance tech copywriting career in no time and achieve your BIG career goals.



You now have everything you need to become a successful tech copywriter in 2024 and beyond.

Want daily copywriting tips to help you unlock oodles of profits, freedom and fun in your freelance biz? Enter your email below:

10 Technical Copywriting Tips for Beginners in 2024 (Impress Clients & Boost Sales)

Apr 17, 2024 by Jeremy Mac

Ever faced a text so filled with jargon and technical mumble-jumble that it felt like decoding an ancient script?

That's the pitfall many fall into when dealing with technical copywriting.

But here's a secret:

Your writing doesn't have to be a cryptic puzzle—it needs to be clear, concise, and compelling, especially when you're aiming to impress clients and boost sales in the tech industry.

In this blog post, we're diving deep into the world of technical copywriting.

We'll uncover what it really is, showcase some prime examples, and, most importantly, equip you with ten solid tips to enhance your tech copywriting skills.

Whether you're drafting a white paper, a product description, or a technical guide, these strategies will help you turn complex information into engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Get ready to transform your approach and watch your client list and sales grow!


What is Technical Copywriting?

AI writing

Technical copywriting is all about clarity and precision.

It involves creating content for technical fields that is not only informative but also engaging and easy to understand for a targeted audience.

Whether it's software, electronics, engineering, or biotech, a technical copywriter translates complex, industry-specific information into readable, persuasive content.

The role of a technical copywriter is crucial in tech industries where the products and services often require detailed explanations or user guides. It's not just about explaining "how" something works but "why" it matters to the user. This type of writing helps potential customers understand the benefits and applications of a product, making it essential for marketing strategies in tech companies.

To excel in technical copywriting, you need a solid understanding of the subject matter and the ability to communicate it effectively.

You're part educator, part salesman, blending technical accuracy with the persuasive power of traditional copywriting.

This unique combination helps demystify technology for the non-expert, enhancing product accessibility and appeal, which in turn drives sales and satisfaction.


5 Technical Copywriting Examples

Painted hand

To better grasp how technical copywriting manifests in the real world, let’s explore five examples across various tech industries.

Each example demonstrates how technical details can be transformed into compelling, accessible content that engages and informs its intended audience.

  1. Product Descriptions for Consumer Electronics: Imagine a new smartphone release. A technical copywriter must convey the phone's advanced features—like a 108-megapixel camera or a 5nm processor—in terms that highlight usability and benefits, such as "Capture professional-level photographs in a snap" or "Experience lightning-fast performance with our most advanced chip yet."
  2. White Papers for Software Solutions: These are often used to explain complex software capabilities in a way that decision-makers can understand and appreciate the value offered. For instance, a white paper on a new AI-driven analytics platform might detail how the technology can streamline data processing and provide actionable insights, emphasizing its impact on business growth and operational efficiency.
  3. Case Studies for Tech Companies: A technical copywriter crafts narratives around real-world applications of a technology. For example, a case study on how a cloud service provider helped a retailer scale operations during high-demand periods by leveraging cloud computing to ensure smooth, scalable user experiences.
  4. User Manuals and Help Guides: These documents are essential for helping users understand and effectively utilize technology. A copywriter’s task here is to break down complex procedures into step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow, such as setting up a home router or troubleshooting common issues.
  5. Email Campaigns for Tech Product Launches: These need to grab the reader’s attention while also informing them about a new product. An email about the latest version of a popular software might highlight new features and improvements with clear, concise language, enticing readers to upgrade by showing how the new version outperforms its predecessors in both speed and user-friendliness.

These examples show that regardless of the format—whether it's a marketing brochure, a detailed user guide, or an in-depth white paper—the essence of technical copywriting lies in making complex information accessible and appealing to its readers.


10 Tech Copywriting Tips to Impress Clients & Boost Sales

    1. Understand Your Audience Deeply

    audience clapping

      One of the most crucial steps in technical copywriting is having a profound understanding of your audience.

      Who are they?

      What are their pain points?

      What technical knowledge do they already have, and what do they need to learn from your content?

      Whether you're writing for IT professionals, enthusiastic tech hobbyists, or decision-makers in businesses, your content must resonate with them on a level that acknowledges their familiarity and comfort with technical jargon.

      Start by creating audience personas—detailed profiles of your typical readers. These should include their industry roles, technical expertise, the problems they face, and the solutions they seek. This insight allows you to tailor your language and examples to meet their specific needs, ensuring that your content is neither too simplistic nor unnecessarily complex.

      By aligning your writing with the audience's existing knowledge, you enhance comprehension and engagement, making your technical content a helpful resource rather than a daunting chore to read.

      This approach not only improves readability but also builds trust and credibility with your readers, positioning you as a reliable source of information and advice.

      When your audience feels understood, they are more likely to trust your recommendations and take action, which in turn impresses clients and boosts sales.


        2. Simplify Complex Information

        Sticky note says "keep it simple"

          The ability to distill complex technical details into simple, digestible content is the hallmark of an effective tech copywriter.

          You're often tasked with explaining highly specialized or intricate products and processes in a way that is accessible to a broader audience. This doesn't mean dumbing down the content; rather, it's about making it comprehensible without losing the essence of the technicality.

          Use analogies and metaphors to bridge the gap between complex tech concepts and everyday experiences. For example, explaining a machine learning algorithm could be likened to teaching a child how to recognize and categorize animals—it’s a process of learning from examples. This makes the content more relatable and easier to grasp.


          Focus on the benefits rather than just the specifications.

          Technical specs are important, but what really transforms content is illustrating how those specs translate into real-world benefits.

          Instead of just stating "This server has a 2 TB SSD," explain that "With a 2 TB SSD, this server offers blazing-fast speeds and massive storage capacity, reducing load times and enhancing your team’s productivity."

          Breaking down information into bullet points, using subheadings effectively, and incorporating visuals can also help simplify complex information. These elements guide the reader through the material in manageable chunks, making even the most complex topics approachable and understandable.


            3. Use Active Voice

              Using active voice in your technical copywriting is a powerful way to create a more engaging and direct connection with your readers.

              Active voice makes your sentences clearer and more dynamic, which is essential when explaining technical concepts that could otherwise become dry or overly complex.

              In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, which simplifies the construction and delivers your message with greater impact. For example, instead of writing "The system’s performance can be enhanced by the software," say "The software enhances the system’s performance." This not only reduces the cognitive load for your readers but also makes the benefits of the technology more immediate and relatable.

              Active voice contributes to a more confident and authoritative tone, conveying that you are sure of the technology and its benefits. This confidence can be infectious, encouraging your readers to believe in the product and its capabilities as much as you do.

              When your writing reflects certainty and clarity, it builds trust with your audience, making them more likely to follow your calls to action, whether that’s signing up for a demo, downloading a white paper, or making a purchase.


                4. Leverage Storytelling


                  Even in technical copywriting, storytelling can be a powerful tool to engage and persuade your audience.

                  Stories help to humanize complex technologies and make abstract concepts concrete.

                  When readers can see a technology in action through a narrative, they're more likely to understand its impact and value.

                  Incorporate case studies or user testimonials that tell a story about how your technology solved a problem or improved a situation. For example, rather than simply stating that a software increases efficiency, share a narrative about how it helped a specific company reduce its operational hours by 30%, leading to cost savings and happier employees.

                  Stories can also be used to illustrate the development process of a technology, highlighting challenges and breakthroughs. This not only educates your audience about the technical aspects but also builds an emotional connection as they journey through the challenges and triumphs involved in developing and implementing the technology.

                  Effective storytelling in technical copywriting not only informs but also inspires by showing the possibilities and real-world applications of a technology.

                  It makes your content memorable and more likely to leave a lasting impression on your readers.


                    5. Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs)

                      In a world teeming with tech products and services, your ability to clearly highlight what sets your offering apart is crucial.

                      Identifying and articulating the Unique Selling Points (USPs) of a technology can make your copy not just informative, but compelling.

                      Begin by understanding the competitive landscape. What do similar products or services offer, and where does yours stand out? It might be a particular feature, a unique application of the technology, customer service excellence, or even cost efficiency. Once you've pinpointed these USPs, make sure they are front and center in your copy.

                      For instance, if your software offers a proprietary algorithm that speeds up data processing significantly more than competitors, stress this point early in your copy. Explain not just the feature, but why it matters—how it saves time, reduces errors, or enhances user experience.

                      Your USPs should resonate with the specific needs and desires of your target audience, answering the crucial question they always have: "Why should I choose this over something else?" By addressing this directly and convincingly, you empower your copy to drive conversions and sales more effectively.


                        6. Integrate SEO Strategically


                          In the digital age, your technical copy isn't just competing with other content on clarity and engagement—it also needs to be discoverable.

                          Integrating Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategically into your tech copywriting is essential to ensure your content reaches its intended audience.

                          Start by identifying relevant keywords that your target audience is likely to use when searching for information related to your product or service. These keywords should be woven naturally into your copy, including titles, headers, and the body text. For example, if you're writing about cybersecurity solutions, terms like "data breach protection," "cybersecurity best practices," and "enterprise security software" might be key phrases to include.


                          SEO goes beyond just keywords. It’s about creating user-focused content that answers questions, solves problems, and provides value.

                          Search engines favor content that engages users, keeps them on the page, and prompts them to explore further.

                          Use structured data (like bullet points and numbered lists) and ensure your content is mobile-friendly, as these elements also impact SEO performance.

                          By prioritizing SEO in your technical copywriting, not only do you improve visibility in search engine results, but you also enhance the user experience, making it more likely that visitors will stick around, engage with your content, and convert into leads or customers.


                            7. Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features

                              When it comes to technical copywriting, one common pitfall is getting bogged down in the specifications and features of a product without clearly articulating what these mean for the user.

                              It’s crucial to translate these features into tangible benefits that resonate with your audience.

                              For instance:

                              Consider a piece of software that boasts automated data integration capabilities. Instead of merely listing this feature, explain how it simplifies workflows, reduces the need for manual data entry, and minimizes errors, thereby saving time and increasing productivity for users.

                              A feature is what your product does; a benefit is what the user gains from it. Every feature you mention should be directly linked to a benefit. This connection not only helps in making the content more relatable but also enhances the persuasive power of your copy. When potential customers understand how a product can make their lives easier, they’re more likely to be interested in making a purchase.

                              Always ask yourself, “So what?” after describing a feature.

                              This prompts you to think from the audience’s perspective and focus on writing copy that addresses their needs, challenges, and desires.


                                8. Use Clear and Concise Language

                                  In technical copywriting, clarity is king.

                                  The use of clear and concise language cannot be overstated, especially when dealing with complex subjects.

                                  Your goal is to communicate technical information in a way that is easily digestible, avoiding unnecessary jargon and overly complex sentence structures that could alienate or confuse your readers.

                                  Instead of using technical terms that might be familiar only to experts, opt for simpler alternatives that convey the same meaning. For example, instead of writing "utilize," just say "use." Simplifying your language does not mean diluting the content; it means enhancing accessibility and comprehension.

                                  Be direct and get to the point quickly without meandering through convoluted explanations. Break down your points into short, manageable paragraphs and sentences. This not only helps in maintaining the reader's attention but also aids in understanding, as the brain processes shorter pieces of information more effectively.

                                  This approach not only makes your writing more approachable but also reinforces your message by eliminating any potential confusion.


                                  The best technical writing doesn’t impress with complexity; it impresses with clarity.


                                    9. Include Calls to Action

                                    woman jumping through window and shooting gun

                                      Even the most well-crafted technical content should guide readers towards a specific action.

                                      Including clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs) is essential to convert your informational copy into an effective sales tool.

                                      A CTA should be directly linked to the content's objective, whether that's encouraging readers to sign up for a free trial, download a white paper, schedule a consultation, or visit a product page.

                                      For example:

                                      After explaining the benefits of a new software update, you might include a CTA like, “Upgrade now to take advantage of our latest features and enhance your productivity!”

                                      Make sure your CTAs are visible and easy to find. You can use buttons, links, or even visually distinct text. The language should be imperative and create a sense of urgency or benefit, using phrases like “Start your free trial today!” or “Learn more to see how you can boost efficiency!”

                                      Effective CTAs turn passive readers into active participants, driving engagement and ultimately contributing to higher conversion rates.

                                      By strategically placing them throughout your content, you not only maintain momentum but also direct readers on where to go next, making each piece of your technical copywriting work harder towards achieving your business goals.


                                        10. Regularly Update Your Content

                                          Technology evolves rapidly, and your technical copywriting needs to keep pace.

                                          Regularly updating your content ensures that it remains relevant, accurate, and useful for your readers.

                                          This practice not only improves your credibility and authority but also boosts your SEO efforts, as search engines favor fresh, up-to-date content.

                                          Make a habit of reviewing and revising your articles, blogs, and guides periodically. Check for any advancements or changes in the technology you've written about and update your content to reflect these. For example, if new software features have been released since your last article, provide an update that includes these enhancements and explains their implications.


                                          Updating your content gives you the opportunity to refine your messaging based on feedback or new insights into your audience's preferences and pain points. This iterative process can lead to higher engagement rates and better performance of your technical copy in converting readers into customers.

                                          By maintaining a cycle of continuous improvement in your technical copywriting, you demonstrate a commitment to quality and relevance, fostering trust and loyalty among your readership.




                                          That’s a lot of tech copywriting tips.

                                          However, the only way you’ll benefit from them is to APPLY THEM in your writing.

                                          If you do, you’ll experience more readership, sales and happy clients.

                                          Want daily copywriting tips to help you explode your income this year? Enter your email below:

                                          Your Ultimate Guide to Writing Advertising Copy That Boosts Conversions in 2024

                                          Apr 08, 2024 by Jeremy Mac



                                          Writing great ad copy is more than just stringing words together; it's about crafting messages that resonate, convince, and convert.

                                          In the fast-paced world of 2024, where attention spans are shorter than ever, the right words can make all the difference.

                                          Whether you're a seasoned copywriter or just starting out, understanding the power of effective ad copywriting is crucial for your success.

                                          In this post…

                                          You’ll discover what ad copy is, why it’s important for your clients, the 5 main types of ad copy to offer clients and 12 advertising copy tips to boost conversions & impress your clients.


                                          What is Ad Copy?

                                          ad campaign

                                          At its core, ad copywriting is the text that hooks your audience, delivers your message, and drives action.

                                          Think of it as the frontline soldier in the battlefield of marketing.

                                          Its mission?

                                          To grab attention, communicate value, and persuade consumers to take the next step, whether that's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or following a social media account.

                                          Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and targeted, speaking directly to the needs and desires of your audience.

                                          Imagine you're having a one-on-one conversation with your reader.

                                          You wouldn't beat around the bush or bore them with irrelevant details, right? The same principle applies to your ad copy. It's all about writing the most persuasive message, using the fewest number of words.


                                          Why is Advertising Copy Important?

                                          piggy bank

                                          In the digital age, ad copy is your silent salesman.

                                          It's working around the clock, across time zones, and in places you can't physically be.

                                          The importance of ad copy can't be overstated—it's the bridge between your product and your potential customers. If your ad copy is weak or unclear, that bridge crumbles, and with it, the chance of converting a reader into a customer.

                                          Think about it:

                                          When you're scrolling through your feed or browsing online, what makes you stop and take notice?

                                          It's the words that strike a chord, the messages that resonate on a personal level.

                                          Your ad copy needs to do the same.

                                          It's not just about listing features or benefits; it's about connecting those features to the reader's life, showing them how your product or service can solve their problems, improve their day, or bring them joy.


                                          Great ad copywriting boosts your brand's credibility.

                                          It shows that you understand your audience, you know what you're talking about, and you're not just another faceless entity trying to make a quick buck.

                                          It builds trust, and in the world of marketing, trust is RARE.

                                          So, invest time in crafting ad copy that speaks directly to your audience, addresses their pain points, and offers tangible solutions. This is how you convert browsers into buyers and skeptics into advocates.


                                          The 5 Main Types of Advertising Copy Services to Offer Clients


                                          Here are some key platforms where you’ll likely write ad copy for your clients:

                                          1. Google Ads

                                          Writing for Google Ads requires a knack for conciseness and relevance. You're working with limited space to not only attract attention but also match the intent of search queries. This is where understanding SEO and the art of crafting compelling headlines and descriptions become crucial.

                                          2. Facebook Ads

                                          Facebook allows for more creative freedom, but it's essential to blend compelling copy with engaging visuals. The challenge here is to craft messages that resonate on a personal level, making use of the platform's detailed targeting options to speak directly to specific audiences.

                                          3. Instagram Ads

                                          Instagram's visual platform demands ad copywriting that complements images or videos perfectly. The copy needs to enhance the visual message, adding context or a call-to-action that feels natural and enticing in a highly scrolling environment.

                                          4. LinkedIn Ads

                                          Writing for LinkedIn ads involves a more professional tone, suitable for B2B audiences. The copy here should reflect a deep understanding of industry challenges, offering clear, solution-focused messages that appeal to professionals seeking to improve their operations or career prospects.

                                          5. Twitter Ads

                                          Twitter's character limit means every word has to pack a punch. The platform is ideal for timely, topical, and trend-based content, requiring copywriters to be succinct yet impactful, often adding a touch of wit or urgency.

                                          Each platform has its nuances, and mastering ad copy for each can make you an invaluable asset to any client looking to leverage digital advertising for growth.


                                          12 Ad Copy Tips to Help You Boost Conversions & Impress Clients

                                          Advertising Copy Tip #1: Understand Your Audience


                                          This is the cornerstone of great ad copy.

                                          Dive deep into who your audience is, what they care about, what problems they're facing, and how they speak.

                                          Use this understanding to craft messages that resonate on a personal level.


                                          If you're writing Google Ads for a fitness app aimed at busy professionals, focus on quick, efficient workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime. Use language that speaks to their desire for flexibility and time efficiency, such as "Get fit on your schedule. 20-minute workouts for busy professionals."


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #2: Highlight the Benefits, Not Just Features

                                          People don't buy products; they buy better versions of themselves.

                                          Your ad copy should vividly illustrate how the product or service will improve the reader's life or solve their problems.

                                          For example:

                                          If you're crafting Facebook ads for a smart home thermostat, don't just list its features like "Wi-Fi enabled" or "7-day programming."

                                          Instead, show how it makes life easier and more comfortable:

                                          "Imagine returning to a perfectly warm home every winter evening, without ever having to touch your thermostat. Save on your bills while enjoying cozy comfort."

                                          This approach transforms a mundane product feature into a compelling benefit that speaks directly to the user's desires and pain points.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #3: Craft an Irresistible Call-to-Action (CTA)

                                          man jumping across cliffs

                                          The call-to-action is your ad copy's finishing move - it needs to be strong, clear, and compelling.

                                          Here are quick tips to enhance your CTAs:

                                          • Use Action-Oriented Verbs: Start with verbs like "Get," "Start," "Join," or "Discover." These encourage immediate action.
                                          • Create a Sense of Urgency: Phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or "Act Now" prompt quicker decisions.
                                          • Be Specific: Tell your audience exactly what they'll get by clicking. If it's a guide, say "Download Your Free Guide." Clarity is key.
                                          • Keep it Brief: A concise CTA is a powerful CTA. Aim for no more than five words.

                                          Every piece of ad copy you write should have multiple CTAs.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #4: Leverage the Power of Social Proof

                                          Including elements of social proof in your ad copy can significantly boost its persuasiveness.

                                          People are influenced by the actions and approvals of others, especially when making purchasing decisions.

                                          Here's how you can incorporate social proof into your ad copy:

                                          • Highlight Testimonials: Brief, powerful quotes from satisfied customers can add a lot of credibility.
                                          • Mention Awards or Endorsements: If your product or service has been recognized by reputable organizations, make sure to mention it.
                                          • Use Numbers: Quantify your success with stats like "Over 10,000 satisfied customers" or "Join our community of 5,000+ professionals."
                                          • Showcase Media Mentions: If you've been featured in notable publications or media outlets, include that in your copy.
                                          • Leverage Influencer Quotes: If an influencer or industry expert has praised your product, a quote can serve as a powerful endorsement.

                                          Adding these elements subtly within your ad copy can help build trust and confidence in your offer, making it more compelling to potential customers.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #5: Optimize for Each Platform

                                          The main goal of advertising copy, regardless of the platform, remains the same: to get results.

                                          This hinges on a deep understanding of direct response fundamentals, where every word is strategically chosen to drive action.

                                          However, while the core principles of persuasive copywriting hold true across the board, each platform has its nuances that can influence how your message is crafted and received.

                                          • Google Ads: Precision is key. Your copy must match the searcher's intent and include relevant keywords, making your ad the answer to their query.
                                          • Facebook & Instagram: These platforms thrive on storytelling and emotional connections. Your copy should complement visuals and engage users in a conversational and relatable manner.
                                          • LinkedIn: Here, professionalism takes precedence. Your copy should speak to industry-specific needs and professional growth, leveraging a more formal tone.
                                          • Twitter: Brevity reigns supreme. With character limits, your copy needs to be concise yet impactful, often leveraging trending topics for relevance.

                                          While the essence of what makes copy effective—clarity, persuasion, benefits, etc. —remains consistent, these platform-specific adjustments ensure your message is not just heard, but also resonates deeply with your intended audience, driving the desired action.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #6: Invoke Emotion with Storytelling

                                          director's cut

                                          One of the most powerful tools in a copywriter's arsenal is the ability to weave a narrative that resonates emotionally with the audience.

                                          Storytelling in ad copy isn't about recounting lengthy tales; it's about connecting your message with a relatable scenario or emotion that sparks interest and empathy.

                                          Imagine you're writing for a brand that sells eco-friendly water bottles.

                                          Instead of focusing solely on the product's features, you could start with a vivid picture of the problem it solves: the alarming rate of plastic waste in our oceans, affecting marine life and ecosystems. Then, transition into how your product offers not just a way to hydrate but to be part of the solution, turning an everyday action into a stand against pollution.

                                          This approach goes beyond the transactional nature of buying and selling, tapping into the deeper desires of consumers to make a difference, to belong to a community with shared values, and to contribute to a cause greater than themselves.

                                          By employing storytelling, your ad copy doesn't just sell a product; it offers an opportunity to be part of a narrative that matters, creating a powerful emotional pull that's hard to resist.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #7: Lead with Problems to Present Your Solution

                                          Starting your ad copy by highlighting a common problem or pain point can immediately grab your audience's attention.

                                          It's a powerful technique because it shows empathy and understanding; you're acknowledging their struggles or frustrations before presenting your product or service as the solution.

                                          This approach not only draws readers in but also sets the stage for a more compelling narrative where your offering is the hero.

                                          When you articulate the problem clearly, you resonate with the audience's experiences, making them feel seen and understood. This builds a connection and primes them for your solution. For example, if your product is a time-management app, begin by painting a picture of the chaos and stress of a disorganized life. By vividly describing scenarios that your target audience faces daily, you create a sense of urgency and need.

                                          Following this, when you introduce your product as the answer to these challenges, it feels like a natural and necessary progression.

                                          The transition from problem to solution in your ad copy becomes a compelling story of transformation that your audience can see themselves in, making the click or purchase feel like the obvious next step.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #8: Craft Attention-Grabbing Headlines

                                          newspaper headline

                                          The first battle in the war for your audience's attention is won or lost at the headline.

                                          It's the make-or-break element that decides whether the rest of your ad copy even gets a glance. In the crowded digital landscape, your headline must stand out and promise something valuable or intriguing enough to warrant a pause in the endless scroll.

                                          An effective headline taps into the desires, curiosities, and pain points of your audience, offering them a compelling reason to read on.

                                          Here are a few proven types of headlines that can increase engagement:

                                          • How-To Headlines: These promise a solution or improvement, e.g., "How to Double Your Productivity in 7 Days." They work because they offer practical value and imply an easy-to-follow guide.
                                          • Secrets and Insider Knowledge: Everyone wants to be in the know. Headlines like "The Secret Investment Strategies of the Wealthy" play on our desire for exclusive information.
                                          • Question Headlines: Posing a question can engage readers' curiosity and make them seek the answer. "Are You Making These SEO Mistakes?" prompts readers to find out what they might be doing wrong.
                                          • Listicles: People love lists for their clarity and digestibility. "10 Mind-Blowing Hacks for Better Sleep" is a headline that promises multiple solutions and easy reading.
                                          • Urgency or Scarcity: Creating a sense of urgency can prompt immediate action. "Limited Offer: Get Your Free Copy Before Midnight" leverages time-sensitivity to drive quicker engagement.

                                          Each of these headline types has its strengths, and the choice depends on your audience's preferences and the context of your offer.

                                          The key is to match the headline with the core message of your great ad copy, ensuring it delivers on the promise made to your readers.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #9: Raise and Handle Objections in Your Copy

                                          Addressing potential objections within your ad copy is a powerful strategy to remove barriers to conversion.

                                          It's about acknowledging the doubts and concerns your audience might have and addressing them head-on.

                                          This not only demonstrates transparency but also builds trust by showing that you understand your audience well enough to anticipate their hesitations.

                                          When you proactively tackle objections, you're effectively having a two-way conversation, even in a one-way communication medium.


                                          If price is a common concern, address it by emphasizing the value and return on investment your product offers. If the objection is about the effectiveness of your solution, include testimonials or data points that validate your claims.

                                          The trick is to raise objections in a way that doesn't deter the reader but instead smoothly transitions into the solution your product or service offers. For example, you might say, "Wondering if this can really save you time? Our tool automates X, Y, and Z, streamlining your workflow like never before." This approach not only acknowledges the concern but also counters it with a strong, benefits-focused argument.

                                          Handling objections in your ad copy requires a delicate balance. You don't want to introduce doubt where none exists, so it's crucial to base this strategy on real feedback and common questions from your target audience.

                                          Done right, this technique can significantly enhance the persuasiveness of your ad copy, making it more compelling and relatable to potential customers.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #10: Anchor Your Copy Around a Big Idea

                                          At the heart of every memorable ad copy lies a 'Big Idea,' a unique, compelling concept that ties your message together and makes it stand out.

                                          This Big Idea should be something that resonates deeply with your audience, addressing their desires, fears, or aspirations in a way that hasn't been done before. It's what transforms your copy from mere words into a movement that people want to be a part of.

                                          Crafting a Big Idea involves looking beyond the product features or benefits and finding an emotional or intellectual hook that's both relevant and engaging. It could be a bold statement, a surprising insight, or a counterintuitive angle that challenges conventional wisdom.

                                          For example, if you're selling a fitness app, your Big Idea might be about reclaiming your time and living a fuller life, not just getting in shape.

                                          Your Big Idea should inform every part of your ad copy, from the headline to the CTA, ensuring a cohesive and compelling narrative. It's not just what you're selling; it's the story you're telling and the change you're promising.

                                          This overarching concept makes your message memorable and shareable, giving it the power to cut through the noise and truly connect with your audience.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #11: Create a Slippery Slide with Your Copy

                                          water slide

                                          The concept of the "slippery slide" in copywriting is all about ensuring that once a reader starts on your copy, they're compelled to keep reading until the very end, sliding down the page as if they can't stop.

                                          Each sentence, each line, and each paragraph should naturally lead to the next, with the reader barely noticing the transition, captivated by the flow of ideas and the unfolding narrative.

                                          To achieve this, start with a strong hook in your opening line that piques curiosity or strikes an emotional chord. From there, each subsequent piece of information should build on the last, maintaining momentum. Use short, punchy sentences and paragraphs to keep the pace brisk, and employ elements like intriguing subheadings, bullet points, and occasional rhetorical questions to maintain engagement.

                                          The language you use should be conversational and accessible, avoiding jargon or complex terminology that might trip up the reader. The goal is to make the experience of reading your ad copy so smooth and engaging that the reader is drawn down the page, right to your call to action, without ever feeling like they're being pushed or sold to.

                                          Think of your ad copy as a story or a journey where each step is clear and enticing, and the path leads inexorably towards the action you want the reader to take.

                                          By crafting your copy as a slippery slide, you not only keep your audience engaged but also significantly increase the likelihood of converting their interest into action.


                                          Advertising Copy Tip #12: Write to a Friend

                                          One of the most effective ways to connect with your audience through ad copy is to write as if you're speaking to a friend.

                                          This approach breaks down barriers, creates a sense of intimacy, and fosters trust between you and the reader. When your copy feels personal and genuine, it's more likely to resonate and persuade.

                                          Adopting a friendly, conversational tone doesn't mean sacrificing professionalism. It means using simple, direct language that's free of jargon and industry speak. It's about being clear, concise, and relatable, ensuring your message is understood and felt.

                                          Imagine explaining your product or service to a friend over coffee.

                                          How would you describe it? What words would you use? You'd likely focus on how it can help them, why it matters, and do so with genuine enthusiasm and clarity. That's the energy and simplicity you want to capture in your ad copy.

                                          This approach can be particularly effective in platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where users are accustomed to casual, social interactions. By writing as if to a friend, your ad can seamlessly blend into the user's feed, engaging them in a conversation rather than interrupting their experience with a hard sell.



                                          You now have some serious weapons in your advertising copy arsenal.

                                          Take them out for target practice and watch as your sales explode.

                                          Want daily copywriting tips to help you achieve your BIG copywriting goals? Enter your email below:


                                          20 Landing Page Copywriting Tips That Convert Like Crazy in 2024 (Beginner-Friendly)

                                          Apr 07, 2024 by Jeremy Mac

                                          Landing page


                                          Ever landed on a page and felt an irresistible urge to keep scrolling, devouring every word, and ultimately, clicking that shiny, promising CTA button?

                                          That's the magic of killer landing page copy.

                                          It's not just words thrown together; it's a methodically crafted message designed to convert visitors into customers, subscribers, or followers.

                                          As we sail through 2024, the digital ocean continues to evolve, and so do the strategies for nailing that perfect landing page copy.

                                          Whether you're a budding copywriter or a seasoned pro looking to freshen up your skills, mastering the art of landing page copywriting is essential.


                                          Because your landing page is often the make-or-break point for your online presence.

                                          It's where first impressions are formed and decisions are made.

                                          Alrighty, let's dive into some game-changing tips that'll transform your landing pages and leave your clients in awe.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #1: Know Your Audience Inside Out

                                          target with arrows in it

                                          The golden rule of landing page copywriting?

                                          Understand your audience so well that your copy speaks directly to their deepest desires, fears, and needs.

                                          Here’s the deal:

                                          Your landing page isn't about you; it's about your readers.

                                          By crafting your message with a deep understanding of your audience's psyche, you make your copy resonate on a personal level. This connection is what transforms casual browsers into eager buyers.

                                          So, before you even think about writing your headline, invest time in audience research.

                                          Use surveys, social media polls, or even one-on-one conversations to gather insights.

                                          The more you know about your audience, the more targeted and effective your copy will be.

                                          And make sure you address the specific challenges and aspirations of your audience, making your landing page the answer they've been searching for.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #2: Craft a Headline That Stops Them in Their Tracks

                                          woman stop with hand

                                          Your headline is the gatekeeper of your landing page.

                                          It's the first thing visitors see, and it has the power to either draw them in or send them packing.

                                          A compelling headline acts like a magnetic force, pulling readers into the rest of your copy.

                                          It needs to be so intriguing, so compelling, that your audience can't help but want to read on.

                                          How do you achieve this?

                                          By making a bold promise, stirring up curiosity, or highlighting a pain point that hits close to home.

                                          For instance:

                                          Instead of saying "Learn Social Media Marketing," a headline that says "10 Days to Social Media Mastery: Transform Your Online Presence" adds urgency and promises a transformation. It's specific, it's benefit-driven, and it gives a clear indication of what the reader can expect.

                                          But here's the thing:

                                          Your headline must also be credible.

                                          Overhyping or making promises you can't keep is the fastest way to lose trust. Keep it real, keep it exciting, and most importantly, make sure it aligns with the content of your landing page.

                                          The goal is to set the stage for what's to come and ensure that the reader's journey from headline to CTA is seamless and compelling.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #3: Make Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) Crystal Clear


                                          The heartbeat of your landing page lies in your Unique Value Proposition (UVP).

                                          It's the one-liner that tells your visitors why they should care about what you're offering over anything else out there.

                                          Your UVP is your battle cry in the crowded marketplace, so it needs to be loud, clear, and compelling.

                                          Here's the thing:

                                          People are bombarded with choices every day.

                                          Why should they choose you?

                                          Your UVP should answer this question without a beat of hesitation.

                                          It should highlight what makes you different, better, or more desirable than your competitors.

                                          But how do you craft a UVP that sticks?

                                          Start with the benefits. What tangible outcomes can your audience expect from using your product or service? Then, add a dash of what makes you unique. Maybe it's your method, your experience, your unique story, or an innovative feature you offer.

                                          For example:

                                          Instead of saying "High-Quality Consulting Services," a UVP like "Transform Your Business in 90 Days with Our Proprietary Growth Framework" promises a specific outcome and hints at a unique method.

                                          Remember, your UVP isn't the place to be modest.

                                          It's your chance to shine, to show your audience exactly why they're in the right place.

                                          Make it bold, make it specific, and make it all about the value they'll get by choosing you and how they CAN NOT get this value anywhere else.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #4: Use Social Proof to Build Trust

                                          customer reviews

                                          Let's face it…

                                          We're all a little skeptical when we land on a new page, especially if we're thinking about parting with our hard-earned cash or precious time.

                                          That's where social proof comes in.

                                          It's the psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others reflect the correct behavior for a given situation. It’s human nature - we feel more comfortable doing something if we see others doing it too.

                                          So, how do you weave social proof into your landing page copy to ease the minds of your visitors?

                                          Testimonials, my friend.

                                          And not just any testimonials, but those that tell a story.

                                          A great testimonial goes beyond "Product X is great!" It dives into the before, the after, and the transformation experienced by the user.

                                          Imagine a testimonial that reads, "Before Product X, I was overwhelmed and close to giving up. Now, I've doubled my revenue and regained my passion for my business!" It's relatable, it's specific, and it paints a picture of a journey your potential customers might desire for themselves.

                                          Don't stop at testimonials, though.

                                          Leverage other forms of social proof like case studies, industry awards, or media mentions. The goal is to show that not only do people love what you offer, but credible sources do too.

                                          Remember, social proof strengthens your landing page by validating your claims. It reassures visitors that they're making the right choice by engaging with your page, pushing them one step closer to conversion. So, showcase your social proof proudly and watch as it works its trust-building magic.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #5: Address Objections Head-On

                                          Every potential customer landing on your page carries a suitcase full of objections and hesitations.

                                          Your job?

                                          To unpack those suitcases and put those concerns to rest, right there on your landing page.

                                          Think about the common reasons someone might hesitate to take the action you're asking for.

                                          Is it the price?

                                          The time commitment?

                                          The fear of it not working?

                                          Whatever those objections might be, address them directly in your copy. This shows that you understand your audience's concerns and you're not trying to sweep them under the rug.

                                          For example, if you know that price is a common sticking point, reassure your visitors by highlighting the value they get, or offer a satisfaction guarantee.

                                          A line like, "Invest in [Product/Service] now and watch it pay for itself in less than 3 months, or your money back!" can go a long way in easing price concerns.

                                          But here's the trick:

                                          Don't just state these reassurances blandly.

                                          Weave them into your copy in a way that feels natural and part of the overall narrative. Use stories, analogies, or testimonials to illustrate your points and make them more relatable.

                                          By addressing objections upfront, you're not only building trust, but you're also smoothing out the path to conversion.

                                          It's like you're saying, "I get it, I've got you, and here's why you don't need to worry." And in the world of landing pages, that kind of reassurance is golden.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #6: Leverage the Power of Visuals

                                          eye ball

                                          While words do the heavy lifting in conveying your message, visuals serve as the emotional catalysts on your landing page.

                                          They're not just there to break up the text or add aesthetic appeal; they play a crucial role in reinforcing your message and evoking the desired emotional response from your audience.

                                          The right image, video, or infographic can amplify your message and make it more digestible and memorable. For instance, if you're selling a productivity tool, an image that depicts a relaxed, happy person in a clutter-free workspace can instantly convey the benefits of using your tool.

                                          But beware, the wrong visuals can just as easily detract from your message or confuse your audience.

                                          Here are a few tips to get the visuals right on your landing page:

                                          • Relevance is key: Every visual should have a clear connection to the adjacent text and overall message of your landing page. If it doesn't add value or reinforce your message, it doesn't belong there.
                                          • Quality matters: Low-quality images or poorly produced videos can harm your credibility. Invest in high-quality, professional visuals that reflect the standard of your brand.
                                          • Emotion drives action: Choose visuals that evoke the emotions you want your audience to feel. Whether it's relief, joy, excitement, or trust, your visuals should align with the emotional journey you're guiding your visitors through.
                                          • Keep it simple: Avoid clutter or overly complex visuals that might overwhelm or distract your visitors. The goal is to aid comprehension and enhance the user experience, not hinder it.

                                          Remember, the interplay between your copy and visuals is what brings your landing page to life.

                                          They should work in tandem, each amplifying the other, to create a cohesive and persuasive narrative that guides your visitors toward the desired action.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #7: Create a Sense of Urgency

                                          One of the most powerful triggers you can pull in your landing page copy is urgency.

                                          When done right, it encourages visitors to act now rather than later, tapping into the fear of missing out (FOMO).

                                          But tread carefully…

                                          There's a fine line between creating genuine urgency and coming off as pushy or manipulative.

                                          So, how do you strike the right balance?

                                          Start by making sure there's a legitimate reason for the urgency.

                                          Maybe you're running a limited-time offer, a special discount, or there's a genuine scarcity of the product or service you're offering. Whatever it is, it needs to be real.

                                          For example:

                                          Instead of the overused "Buy now!" try something like, "Secure your spot before [specific date] and save 20%!" or "Join the exclusive group of [number] customers enjoying [benefit]. Don't miss out!"

                                          Also, make this urgency super clear.

                                          Your visitors should understand exactly what they're getting and why they need to act fast.

                                          Combine urgency with clear, compelling benefits, and you've got a recipe for action.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #8: Keep It Simple and Focused


                                          In the world of landing page copy, less is often more.

                                          Your visitors are on a mission – they want to understand what you're offering and decide whether it's right for them, fast.

                                          That means your copy needs to be clear, concise, and to the point.

                                          No fluff, no jargon, just straight-up value and benefits.

                                          But here's the thing:

                                          Simplicity doesn't mean boring.

                                          You can still be engaging, persuasive, and even entertaining while keeping your message focused. The key is to hone in on the most important information your audience needs to know and present it in a digestible format.

                                          Start with a clear structure.

                                          Break your content into sections with headings that guide the reader through your message. Use bullet points to highlight key benefits or features, and ensure every word on the page serves a purpose.

                                          And remember, clarity is king.

                                          Avoid industry jargon or complex terms that might confuse your audience. Instead, use language that speaks directly to them, as if you're having a conversation. This approach not only makes your message more accessible but also helps build a connection with your readers.

                                          Finally, stay laser-focused on your main goal – whether it's to get visitors to sign up, make a purchase, or download a resource.

                                          Every element of your landing page, from the headline to the CTA, should align with this goal. By keeping it simple and focused, you make it easy for your visitors to understand what's in it for them and take the desired action.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #9: Optimize for Mobile Experience

                                          In today's fast-paced digital world, MOST of your audience will interact with your landing page on a mobile device.

                                          Ignoring the mobile experience is like turning your back on a massive chunk of potential conversions.

                                          So, make sure your landing page isn't just mobile-friendly, but mobile-optimized.

                                          This means more than just ensuring your page 'fits' on a smaller screen.

                                          It's about delivering a seamless, intuitive mobile experience.

                                          Text should be easily readable without zooming in, images should load quickly and look crisp on smaller screens, and buttons or links must be easy to tap with a thumb.

                                          Also, consider the mobile mindset.

                                          People on mobile devices are often on the go or multitasking. They're looking for information quickly and efficiently. This means your mobile landing page might need to be even more concise than the desktop version. Get straight to the point, prioritize the most critical information, and streamline the journey towards the call-to-action (CTA).


                                          Page loading speed is crucial for mobile users.

                                          A slow-loading page can lead to frustration and a higher likelihood of visitors bouncing before they even see your offer. Optimize images, minify code, and leverage mobile-specific features like accelerated mobile pages (AMP) to enhance loading times.

                                          By optimizing for the mobile experience, you're not just accommodating a jumbo slice of your audience; you're actively engaging them in the environment they're most comfortable in.

                                          This attention to detail can significantly boost your landing page's effectiveness and, ultimately, your conversion rates.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #10: Pique Curiosity

                                          curious woman

                                          Curiosity is a powerful human emotion.

                                          It draws people in and keeps them engaged.

                                          So, when crafting your landing page copy, sprinkle in elements that pique the curiosity of your visitors.

                                          You want them to think - "I need to know more about this!"

                                          But how do you ignite this spark of curiosity?

                                          Start with your headline and subheadings.

                                          Instead of giving away everything upfront, use them to tease the value and insights that lie further down the page. Phrases like "The secret to..." or "Why thousands are switching to..." can trigger a desire to uncover the hidden knowledge.

                                          You can also use questions to provoke thought and curiosity.

                                          Questions like:

                                          "Ever wondered why...?"

                                           "What if you could...?"

                                          These questions encourage readers to seek the answers, which, conveniently, your landing page provides.

                                          However, there's a fine line between piquing curiosity and being vague.

                                          Your copy should tease enough to intrigue but also deliver substantial information to satisfy the initial curiosity and guide the visitor towards the action you want them to take.

                                          Your goal is to create a compelling narrative that your audience wants to follow, leading them seamlessly from their initial curiosity to the realization that your product or service is the solution they've been seeking.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #11: Ask Relevant Questions

                                          Engaging your audience with relevant questions is like opening a dialogue directly on your landing page.

                                          It's a powerful technique that not only captures attention but also encourages visitors to reflect on their own needs and challenges.

                                          When you pose a question that resonates with your audience's experiences, you're essentially saying, "I understand what you're going through."

                                          This creates a connection, making your visitors more receptive to the solutions you're offering.


                                          Your questions need to be highly relevant and targeted.

                                          They should reflect the specific pain points, desires, or dilemmas your audience faces.

                                          For example:

                                          If your landing page is for a time management tool, a question like, "Tired of feeling overwhelmed by your endless to-do list?" directly addresses a common issue your target audience likely faces.

                                          Incorporate these questions strategically throughout your copy, especially at points where you want to deepen engagement or highlight a particular benefit.

                                          The aim is to prompt a mental nod of agreement, making the reader feel understood and more invested in the content that follows.

                                          However, the questions you ask should lead the reader naturally into the next section of your copy, where you present your solution. This way, you're not just asking questions; you're guiding your visitors on a journey from recognizing their problem to seeing your offering as the solution.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #12: Embrace Storytelling


                                          Storytelling is one of the most potent tools in a copywriter's arsenal, especially on a landing page.

                                          A well-crafted story can transport your audience, making them feel connected to your brand on a personal level.

                                          It transforms your copy from a mere sales pitch into a relatable narrative that resonates with your audience's experiences and emotions.

                                          But how do you effectively incorporate storytelling into your landing page?

                                          Start with a relatable protagonist who mirrors your target audience.

                                          This character should face a challenge or problem that your product or service can solve. As the story unfolds, show how your offering comes to the rescue, leading to a satisfying resolution.

                                          Your story doesn't have to be long or complex.Even a brief anecdote can be powerful if it's relatable and ties directly to the benefits of your offering. The key is to evoke emotions and create a connection that transcends the transactional nature of a landing page.

                                          The best stories are those that your audience can see themselves in.

                                          They should be able to think, "That's me. That's what I'm going through." This level of identification not only keeps them engaged but also makes the case for your product or service in a way that's natural and compelling.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #13: Craft Persuasive Bullet Points

                                          Bullet points are your secret weapon for making your landing page copy both skimmable and persuasive.

                                          They help break down complex information into digestible, bite-sized pieces that are easy for your visitors to consume. But don't be fooled by their simplicity; each bullet point is an opportunity to deliver a compelling mini-pitch.

                                          To craft bullet points that pack a punch, start by focusing on the benefits, not just the features.

                                          What will your audience gain by using your product or service? How will it make their life easier, better, or more fulfilling? For instance, instead of saying "Includes 24/7 customer support," you could say "Enjoy peace of mind with our 24/7 expert support, ready to help you anytime, anywhere."


                                          Use action words to give your bullet points an energetic and dynamic feel.

                                          Verbs like "transform," "boost," "unleash," and "discover" can add a sense of excitement and movement to your copy.

                                          But remember, clarity is crucial.

                                          Each bullet point should be concise and to the point, conveying a single benefit or feature. This ensures that even a quick glance can communicate value to your visitors.

                                          Lastly, arrange your bullet points in a hierarchy, with the most compelling or important points at the top. This ensures that even if your visitor reads only the first few points, they've seen the best of what you have to offer.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #14: Use Metaphors and Analogies

                                          Metaphors and analogies are like the secret sauce that can make your landing page copy more flavorful and engaging.

                                          They help explain complex ideas or benefits in a way that's relatable and easy to understand. By drawing comparisons to familiar concepts, you can illuminate your points in a vivid, memorable manner.

                                          Imagine you're explaining a technical product or service. Instead of getting bogged down in specs or features, you could say something like, "Our software works like a Swiss Army knife for your digital marketing—every tool you need in one compact, efficient package." This analogy instantly conveys versatility and utility without delving into technical jargon.

                                          But here's the key:

                                          Your metaphors and analogies must be relatable to your audience. They should tap into experiences or concepts that are familiar and meaningful to them. This not only aids understanding but also builds a stronger emotional connection with your content.

                                          Use metaphors and analogies sparingly, though. They're powerful when used judiciously, but too many can make your copy feel forced or convoluted. The goal is to clarify and enrich your message, not overshadow it.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #15: Paint a Vivid Image of Their Problem

                                          confused man

                                          Before you can convince your audience that they need your solution, you need to make them feel the weight of their problem.

                                          This means painting a vivid, almost tangible picture of the challenges they're facing.

                                          When done effectively, this not only captures their attention but also primes them for the solution you're about to offer.

                                          To achieve this, dive deep into the specifics of their problem. Use descriptive language to bring their struggles to life. For instance, instead of saying, "Struggling with project management?" you could say, "Drowning in a sea of unorganized tasks, looming deadlines, and endless email threads?"

                                          This approach does more than just describe the problem; it evokes the emotions associated with it. It makes the pain points real and urgent, compelling your audience to seek a resolution.

                                          But here's the balance you need to strike:

                                          While you want to highlight the problem, you don't want to leave your audience feeling hopeless.

                                          The key is to transition smoothly from painting the problem to presenting your solution as the beacon of hope. This not only motivates them to read on but also positions your offering as the much-needed solution to their pressing challenges.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #16: The Takeaway Close

                                          The Takeaway Close is a powerful psychological tactic used in landing page copy to create a sense of exclusivity and urgency.

                                          It's about subtly suggesting that your offer might not be for everyone or that it's available only for a limited time or to a select group.

                                          This can significantly boost your conversion rates by tapping into the fear of missing out (FOMO) and making your audience feel like they're getting exclusive access to something valuable.

                                          To implement the Takeaway Close effectively, you might hint at limited availability, such as "We're only accepting 100 new members this month," or suggest a high level of commitment, like "Designed for serious enthusiasts only." This approach makes your audience feel like they're part of an exclusive club, increasing the perceived value of your offer.

                                          However, it's crucial to use this technique ethically and truthfully.

                                          Don't manufacture scarcity or exclusivity if it doesn't exist, as this can damage your credibility. The key is to make your audience feel special and privileged for being able to access your offer, encouraging them to take action before the opportunity slips away.

                                          By incorporating the Takeaway Close towards the end of your landing page, right before your call-to-action (CTA), you can create a powerful last push that motivates your audience to take the desired action, ensuring they don't miss out on what could be a life-changing opportunity.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #17: Sell with Emotions


                                          Humans are emotional creatures.

                                          Our decisions are driven more by how we feel than by logic or reason.

                                          This is why tapping into emotions can be a game-changer when it comes to your landing page copy. By connecting with your audience on an emotional level, you can make your offer not just something they understand, but something they feel they need.

                                          To sell with emotions, you first need to understand the emotional drivers behind your audience's decisions.

                                          Are they seeking relief from frustration? The joy of achieving a goal? The pride of mastery? Or the security of making a safe choice?

                                          Once you've identified these emotional triggers, weave them into your copy.

                                          For example:

                                          If your product offers a solution to a frustrating problem, paint a picture of the calm and relief they'll feel once the problem is gone. Use words that evoke these emotions, and include testimonials or stories that illustrate these emotional transformations.

                                          Authenticity is key.

                                          Your audience can tell when emotions are being manipulated rather than genuinely addressed. Focus on creating an authentic emotional connection by understanding and empathizing with your audience's needs and desires. This way, your landing page will not just capture their interest, but also their hearts.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #18: Sandwich Your Claims with Proof Elements

                                          Borrowing a page from the playbook of legendary copywriter Gary Bencivenga, the technique of sandwiching your claims between proof elements can significantly enhance the credibility and persuasiveness of your landing page copy.

                                          This approach is about not just stating what your product or service can do but backing up each claim with solid evidence.

                                          When you make a claim about your offering, immediately follow it up with a proof element, such as a statistic, testimonial, case study, or third-party endorsement. Then, reinforce the claim with another proof element. This "proof sandwich" ensures that your audience is presented with a compelling reason to believe each claim you make.

                                          For example:

                                          If you claim that your program can double a business's revenue within a year, follow that claim with a testimonial from a real client who experienced this transformation. Then, solidify the claim with a relevant statistic or another testimonial. This not only makes your claim more believable but also builds a stronger case for your offering.

                                          Using this technique throughout your landing page can transform your copy from mere assertions to a compelling, evidence-backed narrative.

                                          It reassures your audience that what you're offering isn't too good to be true and that others have already achieved the results they're hoping for. This can be a powerful motivator for taking action.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #19: Master the Art of Copywriting Hooks

                                          fish on hook

                                          A compelling hook is the linchpin of effective landing page copy. It's the opening statement or question that grabs your audience's attention and pulls them into the narrative of your page. Mastering the art of crafting these hooks is crucial because, in the digital world, attention is the most scarce resource.

                                          A great hook does three things:

                                          It resonates with the reader, it piques curiosity, and it promises value. It's the "why should I care?" element that keeps your audience reading beyond the first few seconds. To craft a hook that hits home, start with a deep understanding of your audience's desires, fears, and challenges.

                                          Consider opening with a provocative question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement that challenges common beliefs.

                                          For instance:

                                          Instead of a generic opening like "Improve Your Digital Marketing Skills," a hook like "Are You Making These 3 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes?" immediately addresses potential pain points and ignites curiosity.


                                          The best hooks are often concise, clear, and directly connected to the core message of your landing page. They set the tone for what's to come and make a silent promise to the reader that their time invested in reading further will be worthwhile.

                                          By honing your skills in crafting compelling hooks, you ensure that your landing page doesn't just capture attention but maintains it, guiding your audience smoothly towards your call to action.


                                          Landing Page Copywriting Tip #20: Test, Learn, and Iterate

                                          The final tip, but perhaps the most crucial, is to embrace the power of testing.

                                          Even the most experienced copywriters can't always predict how an audience will react to a particular piece of copy. That's where A/B testing comes in – it allows you to pit two versions of your landing page against each other to see which performs better.

                                          Start small.

                                          Test one element at a time, be it the headline, the main image, the CTA button color, or the copy around your form. This way, you can pinpoint exactly what's driving changes in your conversion rates.

                                          Testing is not a one-and-done deal.

                                          It's an ongoing process of optimization. The digital landscape and your audience's preferences are always evolving, and your landing page should too. Every test gives you valuable insights into what resonates with your audience, allowing you to continually refine and improve your copy.

                                          The goal of A/B testing is not just to increase conversions in the short term.

                                           It's about learning more about your audience, what appeals to them, and how they interact with your page. This knowledge is invaluable, not just for your landing page, but for all your marketing efforts.

                                          So, embrace testing as a part of your landing page strategy.

                                          Be patient, be methodical, and be ready to learn.                                       

                                          With each test, you're not just optimizing your page; you're deepening your understanding of your audience and crafting more compelling copy that speaks directly to their needs and desires.



                                          You now have 20 powerful tips to write persuasive landing page copy.

                                          Use the few tips that speak to you and test them out TODAY.


                                          If you want daily tips to help you leapfrog over common hurdles with ease and shortcut your copywriting success, enter your email below:


                                          18 Amazon Copywriting Tips to Skyrocket Your Conversions (From a 6-Figure Copywriter)

                                          Apr 06, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
                                          amazon product listing


                                          Ever wonder why some Amazon listings pull you in & make you hit that 'Add to Cart' button without a second thought?

                                          Or, on the other hand, why you scroll past other listings faster than Usane Bolt?

                                          2 words…

                                          Amazon copywriting.

                                          Today, you're in for a juicy treat.

                                          Because I'm about to spill the beans on 18 explosive Amazon copywriting tips that I've personally used to turbocharge conversions for my clients.

                                          These aren't your run-of-the-mill copywriting for Amazon tips either.

                                          We're talking about game-changing strategies that can transform your listings - overnight.


                                          Let’s ride…


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #1: Understand Your Audience Inside Out

                                          Before you even think about crafting that killer product description, you need to get into the heads of your potential customers.

                                          Who are they?

                                          What ticks them off?

                                          What gets them excited?

                                          Understanding your audience is like having a roadmap in the wild—it guides every word you write.

                                          But how do you get to know your audience that well?

                                          Market research.

                                          Dive into customer reviews, hang out in forums where your target audience gathers, and keep an eye on social media chatter.

                                          The gold is in the details.

                                          Once you've got a solid grasp of your audience's desires, fears, and pain points, you're ready to tailor your copy to speak directly to them, hitting all the right emotional triggers.

                                          Remember, the best Amazon copy doesn't just describe a product; it connects with the reader on a personal level, making them feel understood and catered to.

                                          And that, my friends, is the first step to skyrocketing your conversions.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #2: Highlight Benefits Over Features


                                          It's easy to fall into the trap of listing all the fancy features your product has.

                                          But here's the thang…

                                          Your customers don't buy features; they buy solutions and experiences.

                                          They want to know how your product will make their life better, easier, or more enjoyable.

                                          Let's say you're selling a smartwatch. Sure, it's water-resistant, has a heart rate monitor, and comes with GPS. But what does that mean for your buyer? It means they can go for a swim or a run without worrying about their watch. It means they can keep an eye on their health effortlessly. And with GPS, they're not just wearing a watch; they're carrying a navigator on their wrist.


                                          Instead of focusing solely on the technical specs, turn each feature into a benefit that solves a problem or enhances your customer's life.

                                          This approach makes your product more relatable and desirable, leading to higher conversion rates.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #3: Use Power Words That Sell

                                          kid dressed as superhero

                                          Words have power.

                                          Some words have the ability to trigger emotional responses, prompt action, or create a sense of urgency.

                                          These are your power words.

                                          And sprinkling them throughout your Amazon copy can significantly amplify its persuasive force.

                                          Imagine your product is a luxurious, organic face cream.

                                          Instead of saying "This face cream improves skin texture," amp it up with power words: "Indulge in transformative radiance with our luxurious, organic face cream." Words like "indulge," "transformative," and "luxurious" elevate the product from a simple skincare item to an irresistible, must-have beauty ritual.

                                          Power words tap into emotions and desires, making your product not just something to buy, but something to experience.

                                          Use them wisely and watch your conversions soar.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #4: Craft Irresistible Bullets

                                          Bullet points are your secret weapon on Amazon.

                                          They're the perfect spot to distill your product's key benefits and features into bite-sized, easily digestible nuggets of information that buyers can scan quickly.

                                          Think of each bullet as a mini sales pitch. Start with the most compelling benefit or feature.

                                          For instance:

                                          If you're selling a durable backpack, lead with something like, "Embark on any adventure with confidence thanks to our backpack's military-grade durability."

                                          This instantly tells your customer that this backpack isn't just any backpack—it's a companion for life's adventures.

                                          Keep your bullets concise, clear, and focused on how the product enhances the buyer's life or solves a problem.

                                          With attention spans shorter than ever, your bullets are your chance to capture interest and convince shoppers that your product is exactly what they've been looking for.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #5: Create a Compelling Product Title

                                          Your product title isn't just an identifier; it's one of the most critical elements of your Amazon listing.

                                          It's the first thing customers see and plays a huge role in both your visibility in search results and click-through rates.

                                          Crafting a compelling title involves a delicate balance:

                                          It needs to be descriptive, packed with relevant keywords for SEO, and yet, it must also be engaging.

                                          For example, if you're selling a thermal insulated coffee mug, a strong title might be something like, "Stay Hot for Hours: Premium Stainless Steel Thermal Insulated Coffee Mug - Leakproof, Travel-Friendly, 16oz."

                                          This title does a lot of work.

                                          It highlights the primary benefit (hot for hours), specifies the material (stainless steel), points out a key feature (leakproof), and even suggests a use case (travel-friendly), all while including relevant keywords without feeling spammy.

                                          Remember, your title is not just a label; it's your first sales pitch. Make it count!


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #6: Leverage Social Proof

                                          customer reviews

                                          Social proof is a powerful persuader in the world of e-commerce. Incorporating customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials within your copy can significantly boost trust and credibility.

                                          Think about it:

                                          When was the last time you bought something online without glancing at the reviews?

                                          Here’s the trick:

                                          Weave positive customer feedback into your product description or bullet points.

                                          For example, "Join the thousands who've experienced life-changing sleep comfort with our memory foam pillow," followed by a brief, impactful customer testimonial.

                                          This copywriting tactic not only showcases your product’s value but also builds a community around it, making new customers feel like they’re making a safe, validated choice.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #7: Use A/B Testing for Your Copy

                                          Not all words strike the same chord with every audience.

                                          That's where A/B testing comes into play.

                                          By testing different versions of your product listings, you can hone in on what truly resonates with your customers.

                                          Start with two variations of your product title, description, or bullet points, each emphasizing different features or benefits. Perhaps Version A highlights the eco-friendly aspect of your product, while Version B focuses on durability. Monitor the performance of each version in terms of clicks and conversions over a set period.

                                          This hands-on approach not only improves your copy's effectiveness but also gives you invaluable insights into your customers' preferences and priorities.

                                          Remember, in the fast-paced world of Amazon sales, staying adaptable and responsive to customer feedback is key to staying ahead.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #8: Optimize for Mobile Users

                                          people on their phones

                                          In today’s world, a significant chunk of online shopping happens on smartphones and tablets.

                                          This means your Amazon copy needs to be not just engaging but also mobile-friendly.

                                          Long paragraphs and overly complex sentences can be the kiss of death on a small screen.

                                          To win over the mobile crowd, keep your sentences short and your paragraphs punchy.

                                          Use bullet points to break down benefits and features, making them easy to scan with a quick swipe.

                                          And remember, on mobile, the beginning of your product title and bullets matter more than ever, as users may not see the full text unless they tap to read more.

                                          Designing your copy with mobile users in mind ensures that no matter how your customers are shopping, they’re getting the best possible view of your products, leading to better engagement and higher conversions.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #9: Emphasize Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

                                          In a sea of similar products, your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what makes your item stand out.

                                          It's that special something that answers the customer's ultimate question:

                                          "Why should I buy this one?"

                                          Identify what sets your product apart and make it the centerpiece of your copy.

                                          Is it handcrafted? Does it come with a lifetime warranty? Is it the only one on the market with a certain eco-friendly certification?

                                          That's what you want to highlight.

                                          For example, if you're selling a water bottle and your USP is that for every bottle sold, you donate clean water to communities in need, make that the hero of your story.

                                          This not only positions your product as unique but also taps into the buyer's desire to contribute to a greater cause, adding an emotional pull to the practical purchase.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #10: Incorporate Scarcity and Urgency

                                          office man running with clocks in background

                                          Creating a sense of scarcity and urgency can significantly boost your conversion rates.

                                          When customers feel like they might miss out on a great product or deal, they're more likely to take immediate action.

                                          You can achieve this by highlighting limited stock, special edition products, or time-sensitive offers.

                                          Phrases like "Only 5 left in stock," "Limited Edition Release," or "Sale ends in 2 hours" can trigger that sense of urgency. However, it's crucial to use these tactics ethically and honestly to maintain trust with your customers.

                                          Incorporating these elements into your Amazon copy makes your offer more compelling and can push those on-the-fence shoppers towards making a purchase.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #11: Use Storytelling to Connect

                                          Humans are wired for stories.

                                          They help us connect, empathize, and, most importantly, remember. When you weave a story around your product, you're not just selling; you're engaging your audience on a deeper level.

                                          Try to include a brief narrative in your product description that illustrates how your product fits into the buyer's life or solves a problem. Maybe it's a story about the inspiration behind your product, a customer's transformative experience, or a hypothetical scenario that your target audience can see themselves in.


                                          If you're selling a camping lantern, paint a picture of a family gathered around a campfire, sharing stories under the stars, with your lantern casting a warm, reliable glow.

                                          This not only showcases the product's features (like its long battery life and soft lighting) but also positions it as an essential part of a cherished memory.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #12: Highlight Compatibility and Versatility

                                          highlight text

                                          When customers shop, they often think about how a new product will fit into their existing ecosystem.

                                          Whether it's tech gadgets, fashion accessories, or home goods, compatibility and versatility can be key selling points.

                                          Make it clear in your copy if your product works well with others or serves multiple purposes.

                                          For example, if you're selling a smart home device, mention its compatibility with popular platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. If it's a piece of clothing, highlight how it can be dressed up for a night out or dressed down for casual wear.

                                          This approach not only broadens your product's appeal but also helps customers visualize it in their lives, making it an easier and more attractive buy.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #13: Be Specific

                                          Clarity is key in copywriting, especially on a platform like Amazon where competition is fierce.

                                          Being specific in your product descriptions can significantly enhance the perceived value of your product.

                                           Instead of making broad claims, drill down into the exact details that set your product apart.

                                          For example, rather than saying your wireless headphones have a "long battery life," specify that they offer "24 hours of uninterrupted playtime on a single charge."

                                          This level of specificity not only provides clear, useful information to your potential customers but also builds trust. It shows that you know your product inside out and are confident in its capabilities.

                                          By being specific, you give your customers the details they need to make an informed decision, reducing ambiguity and leading to higher satisfaction and fewer returns.

                                          It's about setting the right expectations and then meeting (or exceeding) them.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #14: Use Vivid Word Imagery

                                          vivid scenery

                                          Engage your audience's senses with vivid word imagery to make your product descriptions come alive.

                                          Sensory language—words that evoke sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell—can transform a flat, feature-focused description into a rich, immersive experience that captures the imagination of your customers.

                                          Imagine you're selling gourmet chocolate.

                                          Instead of simply stating it's "delicious," describe it as "a decadent symphony of rich, velvety chocolate with a hint of Madagascar vanilla, melting smoothly on your tongue."

                                          This kind of vivid description invites the reader to imagine not just eating the chocolate, but experiencing a moment of indulgence.

                                          Using vivid word imagery in your Amazon copy helps paint a picture that's hard to resist, drawing customers in and making your product more memorable and desirable.

                                          It's about turning shopping from a transaction into an experience, one that starts in the imagination and leads straight to the checkout.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #15: Use Numbers and Symbols Wisely

                                          Incorporating numbers and symbols in your Amazon copy can draw the eye and make important information stand out.


                                          The key is to use them wisely and sparingly to enhance readability and highlight key points without overwhelming your audience.

                                          Numbers can provide concrete details and lend credibility to your claims.

                                          For instance, stating "98% pure organic aloe vera" is more impactful than just saying "high purity." It gives a quantifiable measure of quality that customers can trust. Similarly, using symbols like checkmarks (✓) can effectively bullet-point key benefits, making them easier to scan and digest.

                                          But remember, overusing numbers and symbols can clutter your copy and dilute their impact.

                                          Use them strategically to emphasize the most compelling aspects of your product, like top features, performance metrics, or special offers, ensuring they serve to clarify rather than confuse.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #16: Capitalize on Brand and Model Recognition

                                          If your product is associated with a well-known brand or is a part of a recognized model line, make sure to highlight this in your copy.

                                          Brand and model recognition can be a powerful tool in establishing trust and credibility with your audience.

                                          When customers are browsing on Amazon, seeing a familiar brand or model name can immediately grab their attention and lend your product an air of quality and reliability. For example, if you're selling accessories compatible with popular gadgets, mentioning "Designed for iPhone 12" or "Perfect Fit for Samsung Galaxy S21" in your title or bullet points can significantly increase your product's appeal.

                                          This strategy leverages the existing reputation of established brands or models to boost your product's perceived value.

                                          It reassures customers about compatibility and quality, making them more likely to consider your product a safe and worthwhile purchase.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #17: Employ Persuasive CTAs and Action-Oriented Language

                                          act now

                                          A strong call-to-action (CTA) can be the tipping point that converts a browser into a buyer.

                                          Using persuasive, action-oriented language in your CTA invites the customer to take the next step, whether it's making a purchase, learning more about a product, or taking advantage of a limited-time offer.

                                          Your CTA should be clear, compelling, and convey a sense of urgency or benefit. For example, instead of a generic "Buy now," try "Secure your peace of mind today," for a security product, or "Start your journey to flawless skin," for a skincare item. This not only tells customers what action you want them to take but also why they should take it, emphasizing the value or transformation your product offers.

                                          Incorporating action-oriented verbs and phrases throughout your copy, not just in your final CTA, also helps maintain momentum and guide the reader towards the purchase.

                                          Words like "discover," "experience," "unlock," and "achieve" can motivate and inspire action, making your product an integral part of the customer's aspirations.


                                          Amazon Copywriting Tip #18: Optimize for SEO

                                          In the vast marketplace of Amazon, being visible is as crucial as having a great product. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes into play.

                                          By optimizing your product listing with relevant keywords, you can improve your visibility in Amazon's search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

                                          Start by researching keywords that are relevant to your product and highly searched by your target audience.

                                          Tools like Amazon's own search bar (autocomplete feature) and third-party keyword research tools can provide insights into popular search terms. Once you've identified your keywords, weave them naturally into your title, bullet points, and product description.

                                          Remember, while keywords are important, they should never compromise the readability and persuasiveness of your copy.

                                          The goal is to incorporate them seamlessly, enhancing your copy's appeal to both Amazon's search algorithm and your human audience.

                                          This balanced approach ensures that your product not only ranks higher in search results but also resonates with potential buyers, leading to higher click-through and conversion rates.




                                          That was a lot of copywriting for Amazon tips.

                                          Pick the few that resonate with you most and take them out for a test drive. Trust me amigo, you’ll be shocked by the difference these tips can make.


                                          If you want daily copywriting tips to help you achieve your BIG copywriting goals, enter your email below:


                                          How to Create a Copywriting Contract in 60 Seconds (Free Fill-in-Blank Template)

                                          Apr 02, 2024 by Jeremy Mac


                                          writer contract


                                          "How do I protect my work as a freelance copywriter?”

                                          "How do I handle revisions and edits after I submitted work?"

                                          "What should I include in my freelance copywriting contract?"

                                          "What payment terms are standard in these contracts?"

                                          If these questions are buzzing around your head like angry bees, then this ultimate guide on copywriting contracts will help you out BIG TIME.

                                          In this blog post…

                                          You’ll discover what copywriting contracts are, why you need one ASAP and how to create your very own copywriter contracts in under 60 seconds (with a fill-in-blank template – 100% FREE).


                                          What is a Copywriting Contract?


                                          Think of a copywriting contract as a mutual agreement between you, the freelance copywriter, and your client.

                                          It's a very important document that sets clear expectations and guidelines for each project you work on.

                                          Copywriter contracts act as a safeguard for both parties, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding project scope, responsibilities, and terms of engagement.

                                          5 Main Elements Every Copywriting Contract Should Include:

                                          1. Scope of Work

                                          This section outlines the specific tasks and deliverables that you will provide.

                                          It details the type of content to be created (e.g., website copy, blog posts, advertisements), word count, revisions, and any additional services agreed upon.

                                          2. Timeline and Deadlines

                                          Time is of the essence in freelance work.

                                          Clearly defining project timelines and deadlines helps to manage expectations and ensures that both parties are aware of when deliverables are due.

                                          This section may include milestones for larger projects and penalties or bonuses for meeting or missing deadlines.

                                          3. Payment Terms

                                          This is the most important aspect of copywriting contracts.

                                          This section outlines how and when you will be compensated for your work.

                                          This includes the total project fee, payment schedule (e.g., upfront deposit, milestone payments, final payment), accepted payment methods, and any late payment fees.

                                          4. Intellectual Property Rights

                                          Intellectual property rights address who owns the content created during the project.

                                          Typically, the copywriter retains copyright ownership of their work until full payment is received.

                                          Upon payment, the rights may transfer to the client, or the contract may specify certain rights granted to the client while allowing the copywriter to retain ownership for portfolio purposes (strive for this).

                                          5. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

                                          This section ensures that both parties agree to keep confidential information shared during the project confidential.

                                          It may include provisions for non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect sensitive information such as trade secrets, proprietary data, or future business plans.

                                          By clearly outlining these aspects in a copywriting contract, both you and your client can proceed with confidence, knowing that you're both protected and aligned in your expectations.


                                          Why Do I Need a Copywriting Contract?

                                          woman pointing at you

                                          You might be wondering why bother with a copywriting contract in the first place.

                                          After all, can't you just rely on verbal agreements or emails to outline project details?

                                          Heeeeck no!

                                          Without a clear copywriter contract, you will run into migraine-inducing misunderstandings, disputes, and potential legal issues down the line.

                                          Here's why you should ALWAYS send a copywriting contract BEFORE starting a new project:

                                          Clarity and Protection

                                          A copywriting contract provides clarity and protection for both you and your client.

                                          By clearly defining the scope of work, timelines, payment terms, and intellectual property rights, you minimize the risk of misunderstandings or disagreements.

                                          Should any disputes arise during the project, you can refer back to the contract to resolve them swiftly.


                                          Presenting a copywriting contract demonstrates professionalism and reliability.

                                          It shows that you take your work seriously and are committed to delivering high-quality results in a professional manner.

                                          Clients are more likely to trust and respect you when you provide clear documentation of your working relationship.

                                          Legal Safeguard

                                          While no one likes to think about legal issues, having a copywriting contract in place can protect you legally in case of disputes or non-payment.

                                          It serves as a legally binding agreement that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, giving you recourse in the event of breach of contract.

                                          Peace of Mind

                                          Knowing that you have a solid contract in place can provide peace of mind throughout the project.

                                          Instead of worrying about potential conflicts or misunderstandings, you can focus on delivering exceptional work and building positive relationships with your clients.


                                          How to Create Your Own Copywriting Contract in Minutes

                                          sand clock

                                          Creating a copywriter contract doesn't have to be daunting or time-consuming.

                                          In fact, with the right approach, you can cook up a comprehensive contract in just a few simple steps.

                                          Here's how:

                                          Step 1: Gather Essential Information

                                          Before you begin drafting your contract, gather all the necessary information related to the project.

                                          This includes details such as the client's name and contact information, project scope, timelines, and payment terms.

                                          Having this information readily available will streamline the contract creation process and ensure that all relevant details are included.


                                          Step 2: Use a Copywriting Contract Template

                                          Using a template for your copywriting contract offers several advantages over creating one from scratch.

                                          Templates provide a structured framework that ensures you cover all the essential aspects of the agreement, such as scope of work, payment terms, and intellectual property rights.

                                          They save you time and effort by eliminating the need to draft every section from scratch, allowing you to focus on customizing the template to fit your specific project requirements.

                                          Also, templates are often created by legal experts or experienced professionals, ensuring that they are comprehensive and legally sound.


                                          Stay tuned for the next section, where I'll provide you with a free copywriting contract template to help you get started quickly and easily.


                                          Step 3: Customize the Template

                                          Once you have your copywriting contract template ready, it's time to customize it to fit your specific needs and preferences.

                                          Review each section carefully and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the contract accurately reflects the details of your project and the agreement between you and your client.

                                          This may include adding or removing sections, modifying language to suit your communication style, and updating terms and conditions as needed.

                                          Customizing your copywriting contract template allows you to tailor the contract to the unique requirements of each project, ensuring clarity and transparency in your working relationship with the client. Take your time to review and fine-tune the contract to ensure that it meets both your needs and those of your client.


                                          Step 4: Review and Finalize

                                          After customizing the template to fit your project requirements, it's crucial to review the contract thoroughly before presenting it to your client.

                                          Double-check all the details to ensure accuracy and completeness, paying special attention to sections such as scope of work, payment terms, and intellectual property rights. Make sure that the language used is clear and concise, and that there are no ambiguities or inconsistencies.

                                          Once you're satisfied with the contract, it's time to finalize it.

                                          Send a copy to your client for review and signature, and be prepared to address any questions or concerns they may have.

                                          Remember, the contract serves as a mutual agreement between you and your client, so it's essential that both parties understand and agree to its terms before proceeding with the project.


                                          Step 5: Keep a Copy for Your Records

                                          Once both you and your client have signed the contract, it's essential to keep a copy for your records.

                                          This copy serves as a reference in case any questions or disputes arise during the project.

                                          Store the contract in a safe and easily accessible location, such as a digital folder or cloud storage platform, so that you can refer back to it as needed.

                                          Keeping a copy of the copywriting contract for your records ensures that you have documentation of the agreed-upon terms and conditions, providing you with peace of mind throughout the project and beyond.

                                          Plus, it demonstrates professionalism and accountability, reinforcing your commitment to transparent and clear communication with your clients.


                                          Your Freelance Copywriting Contract Template (Fill Out in 60 Seconds)

                                          fill in blank contract

                                          Looking for a ready-to-use freelance copywriting contract template to streamline your projects?

                                          Look no further!

                                          Below, you'll find a comprehensive template that covers all the essential aspects of a copywriting agreement.

                                          Simply fill in the blank lines with relevant details.

                                          Also, feel free to customize the template to fit your specific project requirements.

                                          Once finalized, use it to formalize your agreements with clients and ensure a smooth and successful collaboration.


                                          Freelance Copywriting Contract

                                          Client Details:

                                          Name: ___________________________
                                          Company: _________________________
                                          Address: _________________________
                                          Phone: ___________________________
                                          Email: ___________________________

                                          Copywriter Details:

                                          Name: ___________________________
                                          Address: _________________________
                                          Phone: ___________________________
                                          Email: ___________________________

                                          Project Details:

                                          Project Title: _____________________
                                          Description: ______________________
                                          Scope of Work: ___________________
                                          Deadline: ________________________
                                          Word Count: ______________________

                                          Payment Terms:

                                          Total Project Fee: ____________________
                                          Deposit Amount (if applicable): __________
                                          Payment Schedule: ____________________

                                          Intellectual Property:

                                          The copywriter retains copyright ownership of all content until full payment is received. Upon payment, all rights transfer to the client for the agreed-upon use.


                                          Both parties agree to keep confidential information shared during the project confidential and not disclose it to third parties without consent.

                                          Termination Clause:

                                          Either party may terminate this agreement with written notice if the other party breaches its obligations. In the event of termination, the client shall pay for all work completed up to the termination date.


                                          Client Signature: _____________________
                                          Date: _______________

                                          Copywriter Signature: ________________
                                          Date: _______________


                                          You now have everything you need to create your own copywriting contract and protect your work (and get paid on time).

                                          Speaking of pay…

                                          Want daily copywriting tips to help you explode your income in 2024 & beyond? Enter your email below:


                                          10 Beginner-Friendly Copywriting Prompts to Improve Your Skills & Impress Clients

                                          Apr 01, 2024 by Jeremy Mac


                                          practice makes perfect


                                          Trying to improve your copywriting skills but don’t know how?

                                          Staring at a blank page when trying to write?

                                          Struggling to gain samples for your portfolio?

                                          Copywriting prompts to the rescue!

                                          In this blog post…

                                          You’ll discover what copywriting prompts are, 5 reasons why you should use them and 10 beginner-friendly copywriting prompts to help you quickly improve your skills and impress clients.


                                          What are Copywriting Prompts?


                                          Think of copywriting prompts as your personal writing gym.

                                          They're specific exercises designed to flex your creative/persuasive muscles and improve your copywriting skills.

                                          These prompts can take many forms…

                                          From simple word exercises to more complex scenarios or challenges.

                                          For example:

                                          A copywriting prompt might ask you to write a catchy headline for a new product, craft a compelling call-to-action for a website, or reimagine a familiar brand slogan in a fresh way.

                                          The goal is to stimulate your imagination, spark new ideas, and ultimately enhance your ability to craft persuasive and engaging copy.


                                          5 Reasons Why YOU Should Use Copywriting Prompts for Practice

                                          five fingers

                                          1. Overcome Writer's Block

                                          The dreaded blank page monster can halt even the most seasoned writers in their tracks.

                                          Copywriting prompts provide a jumpstart when inspiration seems impossible, guiding you past writer's block and into the flow of creativity.

                                          2. Add Impressive Samples to Your Portfolio

                                          Before clients hire you, you must prove that you’re an expert and can provide them results.

                                          Copywriting prompts are a great way to show off your writing abilities – before taking on real copywriting gigs.

                                          By tackling a variety of copywriting prompts, you'll add impressive samples to your copywriting portfolio that demonstrate your versatility and expertise.

                                          3. Build Your Skills

                                          Like any craft, copywriting requires practice to master.

                                          Copywriting practice prompts offer structured exercises that target specific aspects of your writing.

                                          Crafting attention-grabbing headlines, mastering persuasive language, perfecting your call-to-actions, etc.

                                          Each prompt you tackle is an opportunity to sharpen your skills and grow as a copywriter.

                                          4. Boost Confidence

                                          Nobody wants to hire a newbie who is not confident in their writing skillz.

                                          Luckily, copywriting prompts provide a low-pressure environment to experiment and refine your writing style.

                                          As you conquer each prompt, your confidence will soar through the sun and empower you to tackle more challenging projects with ease.

                                          5. Spark Creativity

                                          Creativity thrives on stimulation, and copywriting prompts provide the fuel your imagination craves.

                                          By regularly engaging with copywriting prompts, you'll keep your creative juices flowing, sparking fresh ideas and innovative approaches to your copywriting.

                                          Alright, enough build-up. Let’s get to the chicken wings and biscuits of this post…


                                          10 Copywriting Prompts to Sharpen Your Skills & Impress Clients

                                          sharpening blade

                                          Copywriting Prompt 1: Craft a Compelling Headline

                                          Attention-grabbing headlines are important for drawing in your target audience and getting them to read your body copy. So, here’s a handy copywriting prompt to improve your headline writing skills.


                                          Imagine you're writing a headline for a new product launch: a revolutionary smartwatch designed for fitness enthusiasts. This smartwatch not only tracks health metrics but also offers personalized coaching to help users achieve their fitness goals.

                                          Your task is to create a headline in 10 words or less that appeals to fitness enthusiasts and highlights the smartwatch's ability to track health metrics and provide personalized coaching.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 2: Write an Irresistible Call-to-Action (CTA)

                                          A strong call-to-action (CTA) is essential for guiding readers towards the desired action.

                                          Making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, booking a consultation, etc.

                                          This prompt will sharpen your ability to create clear, persuasive CTAs that drive conversions.


                                          You're writing an email campaign promoting a limited-time offer for a fitness app subscription. The target audience is health-conscious individuals looking to kickstart their fitness journey.

                                          Create a compelling CTA that encourages readers to take advantage of the offer and sign up for the subscription.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 3: Tell a Captivating Story


                                          Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of effective copywriting.

                                          It enables you to create a connection with your audience, making your message more relatable, persuasive and interesting.

                                          This copywriting prompt will enhance your storytelling skills, allowing you to craft narratives that resonate with your target audience.


                                          Imagine you're writing a blog post for a travel agency promoting a luxurious vacation package to a tropical paradise.

                                          Your task is to tell a captivating story about a couple who embarked on this dream vacation and experienced unforgettable adventures, relaxation, and romance.

                                          Your story should transport readers to the exotic destination and evoke a sense of wanderlust and excitement.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 4: Create an Engaging Social Media Post

                                          Writing engaging social media posts is essential for capturing attention in today's fast-paced digital world.

                                          This prompt will hone your ability to distill key messages into bite-sized content that resonates with your audience and encourages interaction.


                                          You're managing the social media accounts for a boutique coffee shop known for its artisanal brews and cozy ambiance.

                                          Your task is to create an engaging Instagram post promoting the shop's newest seasonal blend.

                                          The post should include visually appealing imagery of the coffee, a catchy caption that highlights the flavor profile and unique selling points, and a call-to-action encouraging followers to visit the shop to try the new blend.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 5: Write a Persuasive Product Description

                                          Writing compelling product descriptions is crucial for enticing customers to make a purchase.

                                          This copywriting prompt will sharpen your ability to highlight the features and benefits of a product in a persuasive and engaging manner.


                                          You're tasked with writing a product description for a sleek, minimalist smartwatch designed for busy professionals.

                                          The target audience is tech-savvy individuals looking for a stylish yet functional accessory to streamline their daily routines.

                                          Your description should emphasize the smartwatch's sleek design, advanced features such as activity tracking and notifications, and how it enhances productivity and convenience for the modern professional.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 6: Craft an Attention-Grabbing Email Subject Line

                                          Email subject lines are the gatekeepers to your message.

                                          Crafting attention-grabbing subject lines is crucial for increasing open rates and enticing recipients to engage with your email content.

                                          This prompt will enhance your ability to create subject lines that stand out in crowded inboxes and compel recipients to click.


                                          You're writing an email campaign to promote a limited-time sale for a trendy fashion boutique.

                                          The target audience is fashion-forward individuals interested in staying ahead of the latest trends.

                                          Your task is to craft a subject line that not only grabs attention but also conveys the exclusivity and urgency of the sale, compelling recipients to open the email to learn more.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 7: Develop a Persuasive Social Media Ad Copy

                                          social media

                                          Persuasive ad copy is essential for driving engagement and conversions on social media platforms.

                                          This prompt will enhance your ability to communicate key selling points effectively and compel your target audience to take action.


                                          You're creating a Facebook ad campaign for a new line of eco-friendly skincare products.

                                          The target audience is environmentally conscious individuals interested in sustainable beauty solutions.

                                          Your task is to write ad copy that highlights the natural ingredients, benefits for the skin, and the brand's commitment to sustainability.

                                          The copy should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to resonate with the values and interests of the target audience.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 8: Write an Enticing Product Review

                                          Product reviews can influence purchasing decisions and build trust with potential customers.

                                          This prompt will sharpen your ability to convey the features and benefits of a product in a persuasive and authentic manner.


                                          You're tasked with writing a product review for a high-performance blender designed for health enthusiasts and home cooks.

                                          Your review should highlight the blender's powerful motor, versatility for making smoothies, soups, and sauces, and durable construction.

                                          Additionally, share your personal experience using the blender, including any standout features, benefits, and recommendations for potential buyers.


                                          Copywriting Prompt 9: Turn Features into Benefits

                                          One of the key skills in persuasive copywriting is the ability to turn product features into compelling benefits that resonate with your audience.

                                          This prompt will enhance your ability to identify and articulate the value proposition of a product by translating its features into tangible benefits that address your customers' needs and desires.


                                          Below are several features of a fictional product – a smart home security system.

                                          Your task is to turn each feature into a compelling benefit that emphasizes how it enhances the customer's life:

                                          1. Feature: Advanced motion detection technology
                                          2. Feature: Smartphone integration for remote monitoring
                                          3. Feature: Two-way audio communication
                                          4. Feature: Customizable alarm settings
                                          5. Feature: Cloud storage for recorded footage


                                          Copywriting Prompt 10: Craft an Authentic Brand Story

                                          Authenticity is key to building trust and connecting with your audience.

                                          Crafting a compelling brand story allows you to humanize your brand, share its values and mission, and create a deeper emotional connection with your customers.

                                          This prompt will enhance your ability to tell an engaging story that resonates with your target audience.


                                          Imagine you're writing a brand story for a family-owned bakery that has been passed down through generations.

                                          Your task is to craft a narrative that captures the bakery's rich history, traditions, and passion for baking.

                                          Highlight key milestones, memorable moments, and the unique charm that sets the bakery apart from competitors. Your brand story should evoke nostalgia, warmth, and a sense of community, inviting customers to become part of the bakery's story.



                                          Enough reading.

                                          Time to write some engaging copy.

                                          Want daily copywriting tips to help you reach your BIG goals in far less time? Enter your email below:

                                          Jeremy Mac

                                          Shows aspiring & struggling copywriters how to break into copywriting, feel confident in their copywriting skills and get a steady stream of high-paying clients - WITHOUT the confusion, hassle or guesswork

                                          Want Daily Tips to Help YOU Become A 6-FIGURE COPYWRITER?

                                          Enter your primary email address below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular paid membership – Copy Kings

                                          Become a “Copy King” TODAY!

                                          Discover why hundreds of copywriters are raving about my popular monthly membership – Copy Kings

                                          Copy Kings Membership

                                          Jeremy Mac

                                          Shows aspiring & struggling copywriters how to break into copywriting, feel confident in their copywriting skills and get a steady stream of high-paying clients - WITHOUT the confusion, hassle or guesswork

                                          Want Daily Tips to Help YOU Become A 6-FIGURE COPYWRITER?

                                          Enter your primary email address below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his popular paid membership – Copy Kings

                                          Struggling to Gain Clients?

                                          This 3.5 hr video course shows beginners how to attract a FLOOD of new clients - in as quick as 24 hours - WITHOUT a portfolio or experience. Check it out 👇


                                          Hear From These Thriving Copywriters Who Are Now Living Like Kings & Queens... Will YOU Be Next?

                                          ❝I can't recommend Copy Kings enough! It gave me the skills, the confidence, and THE CLIENTS to become a successful copywriter.❞

                                          Kevin Davis

                                          ❝If you're a budding copywriter, this is your secret weapon. I've landed clients I only dreamed of thanks to this membership!❞

                                          Alex Rodriguez

                                          ❝As someone who knew nothing about copywriting, this membership turned me into a pro! Seriously, like within the 1st month of joining. Highly recommended!❞

                                          Benjamin J

                                          ❝Incredible value! This program has opened up new doors for my copywriting career.❞

                                          Ethan Ramirez

                                          ❝Top-notch content and support. It's like having a mentor by your side. I refer to the resources whenever I feel stuck.❞

                                          Franklin Nguyen

                                          ❝One new client and it pays for itself 10x over. Already closed 5 new clients since enrolling in this membership!❞

                                          Isaiah Patel

                                          ❝This copywriting membership is a must-have for any copywriter looking to grow their business. I love how Jeremy provides detailed insights into the psychology of what makes people buy. He offers a TON of actionable tips to apply to your own business in each training.❞

                                          Quentin James

                                          ❝This membership is worth THOUSANDS. I’ve already made back AT LEAST 20x the monthly cost.❞

                                          Thomas P

                                          ❝Joining was the best decision of my life. It's the best investment I've made in my career as a copywriter.❞

                                          Xavier Boseman

                                          ❝I was initially skeptical about yet another copywriting course, but this continues to blow me away. It's not just about theory; it's a hands-on, results-driven approach from a real expert who gets it.❞

                                          Ulysses F

                                          ❝I love how Jeremy really focuses on the importance of relationship-building with clients. Almost no 1 is teaching this sort of stuff. Some of the tips and knowledge he gives away are truly MIND OPENING. I can’t wait to start applying the tips from last week's vid into conversations with clients.❞

                                          Vincent Martin

                                          ❝I had my doubts, but this membership genuinely overdelivered. The practical and real-world advice exceeded my expectations.❞

                                          Patrick McMullin

                                          ❝His enthusiasm for copywriting and marketing is contagious. It makes all his content very engaging and enjoyable to listen to. I usually go through his teachings several times to really dig out all the gold. I love listening while on my morning runs.❞

                                          Michaela Meyers

                                          ❝SO MANY options for getting clients. He wasn’t joking when he said you can choose the ones that you enjoy most. I found a few that work best for me and my personality. These are NOT the same ol lead generation tips. He gives advanced tips on all the newest strategies from his “in the trenches” experience with getting clients and they are practical and easy to use not just generic advice or puffy theory.❞

                                          Jonathon Gold

                                          ❝Jeremy covers so much more than just copywriting. He gives away tons of actionable tips on marketing, sales, lead gen, customer relations and overall business growth strategies.❞

                                          Liam Williamson

                                          ❝He provides practical examples and tips that I never would have thought of on my own. It opened my eyes to new and VERY PROFITABLE copywriting strategies.❞

                                          Jacob Thompson

                                          ❝I love the bite-sized weekly lessons, which makes it easy to fit into my busy schedule. There’s no fluff at all, only how-to advice that anyone can benefit from.. like tomorrow!❞

                                          Tomas Henderson

                                          ❝I really liked how a bunch of lessons focus on the importance of follow-up and building relationships with clients. This is crucial for long-term success in copywriting and Jeremy gave great insider tips on how to build long-term relationships and get referrals from them.❞

                                          Harrison peppers

                                          ❝The membership provides actionable steps and easy to use worksheets to help me apply the copywriting strategies to my writing. This made it easy to implement the strategies in a practical way.❞

                                          Brianna Carter

                                          ❝No theory, all actionable advice from real-world experience. Jeremy’s a master copywriter and teacher. I learned so much from his insights and tips.❞

                                          Aaliyah Jackson

                                          ❝The program really highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to yourself in your marketing efforts. This is crucial for building trust with clients and makes freelancing much more enjoyable and comfortable.❞

                                          Camille Green

                                          ❝This membership was a great investment. I saw an immediate improvement in my writing after implementing the new strategies.❞

                                          Jasmine Thomas

                                          ❝I was concerned that this program might not be tailored to my specific niche, but it turned out to be adaptable and beneficial for all copywriters.❞

                                          Latoya Washington

                                          ❝Jeremy provided great tips for leveraging social media platforms for lead generation. This was particularly helpful for me, becuz I was unsure how to effectively use social media to promote my freelance business.❞

                                          Dominique Sanchez

                                          ❝As an experienced copywriter, I thought I knew it all. But this program brought new tips and ideas to my attention, making it a worthwhile investment even for seasoned pros.❞

                                          Gabrielle Adams

                                          ❝I now have clear goals and expectations for business. This helped me focus my efforts and achieve better results. I feel very confident now about copywriting career and just know my business will thrive!❞

                                          Beatriz Flores

                                          ❝I had reservations about the ROI claims he made, but I've already seen a significant increase in my income.❞

                                          Ana Chavez

                                          ❝Initially, I wondered if the cost was justified. But the copywriting and business-building skills I gained here are already paying off tenfold. Worth every penny!❞

                                          Carolina Green

                                          ❝The strategies taught are so practical and easy to implement. Really enjoying it so far!❞

                                          Isabella Perez

                                          ❝As a copywriter, I've taken a lot of courses, but this is by far the best. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to copywriting, marketing, and getting clients. Stuff that no copywriter or guru talks about.❞

                                          Sophia Wilson

                                          ❝If you're struggling to break into copywriting, this membership is a must-have. It will change the way you write and do business.❞

                                          Ava Brown

                                          ❝I learn so much from each lesson, I’ve already implemented some of the gold nuggets and seen VERY impressive results.❞

                                          Mia Adams

                                          ❝I questioned whether I could really get clients as a newbie, but this program breaks it down into manageable steps. It's changed my perspective completely!❞

                                          Aiden Kim

                                          ❝I used to think copywriting courses and memberships were just a waste of money, but this one completely changed my mind. It's practical, results-driven, and worth every cent.❞

                                          Danial Chen

                                          ❝At first, I thought, 'Why should I pay for something I can learn online for free?' But the insider tips and expert guidance are unmatched. I've already made my money back in spades.❞

                                          Connie Chinburg

                                          ❝I questioned whether this could really help me land clients, but the client acquisition strategies and networking tips it provides are a game-changer.❞

                                          Esther Zhang

                                          ❝I'm so glad I invested in this subscription. It's already paid off BIG TIME.❞

                                          Harper Twinsly

                                          ❝This is perfect for copywriters of all experience levels. It provided me so many new insights on copywriting and sales, even though I've been in this business for years.❞

                                          Caitlin Wilson

                                          ❝Each lesson is so informational and entertaining. Jeremy keeps my attention throughout. I never feel bored or overwhelmed.❞

                                          Giselle Davis

                                          ❝The membership was a great investment. It provides a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to grow my copywriting business.❞

                                          Peter W.

                                          ❝His trainings are filled with practical tips and tricks that I never would have thought of on my own. Literally no one else is teaching this stuff.❞

                                          Tracy Berkshire

                                          ❝I thought I could figure it out on my own, but this has streamlined the learning process, saving me valuable time and effort.❞

                                          Lauren Parker

                                          ❝Since joining, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of clients and projects I am getting.❞

                                          Erin P

                                          ❝The knowledge and expertise in Copy Kings are unparalleled. It's a copywriter's dream come true!❞

                                          Davis N.

                                          ❝I was scared of enrolling in this program due to all the scammers out there but Jeremy is the real deal. I have been blown away by the results. I’ve already seen a significant increase in the number of clients I am generating. I recommend to any copywriter whose struggling with getting clients or looking to take their business to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!❞

                                          Fiona Brown

                                          ❝One of the most valuable benefits of joining has been the significant reduction in rejection I have experienced from prospects. He's taught me how to attract more qualified leads who are already interested in my services. This has resulted in waaaay less rejections and more successful conversions.❞

                                          Peyton P.

                                          ❝Before joining, I was constantly struggling to generate leads and get work, which left me feeling burnt out and extremely stressed. This has helped me achieve a better work-life balance and reduce burnout while still growing my business.❞

                                          Rebecca Anderson

                                          ❝I am now more confident than ever in my writing ability! I am super confident I will succeed!❞

                                          Sara Ortiz

                                          ❝This program turned me from a novice into a copywriting expert. I'm amazed!❞

                                          Mike Vega

                                          ❝This has really given me an unfair advantage over my competition! The expert advice has given me the power to stand out in a VERY crowded market.❞

                                          Jake Upton

                                          ❝Before Copy Kings, I often felt intimidated by my competition and feared losing out on potential clients. However, Jermey has taught me how to differentiate myself from other writers and leverage my unique strengths to attract more business. I now feel much more confident in my copywriting ability. I am excited to see the results in the upcoming months.❞

                                          William Foster

                                          ❝I used to struggle with crippling imposter syndrome and fear of rejection, which held me back from pursuing really going all in with copywriting and growing my business. However, this membership has shot me with confidence. I no longer have imposter syndrome with my writing and feel confident in building a more successful business and a much more fulfilling career.❞

                                          Taylor Bradberry

                                          ❝The step-by-step guidance and mentorship are what every aspiring copywriter needs.❞

                                          Jason Kim

                                          ❝This membership has had a TREMENDOUS impact on the quality of my clients and my overall business. Before joining Copy Kings, I often found myself working with difficult clients who did not respect my time or expertise. But jeremy has shown me how to attract higher-quality clients who are more likely to value my services and treat me with respect. As a result, I now work with AMAZING clients who are a better fit for my business and who are more likely to refer me to others in their professional network.❞

                                          Nick Smith

                                          ❝Completely transformed the way I write copy! I no longer feel stuck. I know exactly what to say and how to say it. It's like magic!❞

                                          Heather Mackenzie

                                          ❝I'm in awe of the results I've achieved with the help of this membership.❞

                                          Ken Burke

                                          ❝I can confidently say this has been one of the best investments I've made in my copywriting career.❞

                                          Nicole Orlando

                                          ❝If you're serious about a copywriting career, this program is your launchpad to success!❞

                                          Brett T.

                                          ❝I used to struggle with writer's block, but not anymore. Like seriously, it's gone! Jeremy has unlocked my true copywriting potential!❞

                                          Brooke White

                                          ❝Prior to joining, I was extremely burnt out and lost my fire. I struggled to generate leads and find success as a freelancer. But not anymore! I now enjoy my career again, feel very passionate and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.❞

                                          Yvette Rodriguez

                                          ❝I used to struggle HARD at building strong relationships with my clients because it was hard for me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs and concerns. Since joining Copy Kings, I’ve been able to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with my clients, and I feel great about helping them achieve their business goals.❞

                                          Giannas P.

                                          ❝My income has doubled since joining. I can't thank Jeremy enough!❞

                                          Rachel Garret

                                          ❝From raw beginner to copy GOD, this program caters to all levels. It's an all-in-one copywriting solution.❞

                                          Olivia Smith

                                          ❝I’ve taken on over 12 HIGH QUALITY clients since joining, resulting in a 50% increase in income compared to last year. These numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of this membership.❞

                                          Bobby C.

                                          Hear From These Thriving Copywriters Who Are Now Living Like Kings & Queens... Will YOU Be Next?

                                          ❝I can't recommend Copy Kings enough! It gave me the skills, the confidence, and THE CLIENTS to become a successful copywriter.❞

                                          Kevin Davis

                                          ❝If you're a budding copywriter, this is your secret weapon. I've landed clients I only dreamed of thanks to this membership!❞

                                          Alex Rodriguez

                                          ❝As someone who knew nothing about copywriting, this membership turned me into a pro! Seriously, like within the 1st month of joining. Highly recommended!❞

                                          Benjamin J

                                          ❝Incredible value! This program has opened up new doors for my copywriting career.❞

                                          Ethan Ramirez

                                          ❝Top-notch content and support. It's like having a mentor by your side. I refer to the resources whenever I feel stuck.❞

                                          Franklin Nguyen

                                          ❝One new client and it pays for itself 10x over. Already closed 5 new clients since enrolling in this membership!❞

                                          Isaiah Patel

                                          ❝This copywriting membership is a must-have for any copywriter looking to grow their business. I love how Jeremy provides detailed insights into the psychology of what makes people buy. He offers a TON of actionable tips to apply to your own business in each training.❞

                                          Quentin James

                                          ❝This membership is worth THOUSANDS. I’ve already made back AT LEAST 20x the monthly cost.❞

                                          Thomas P

                                          ❝Joining was the best decision of my life. It's the best investment I've made in my career as a copywriter.❞

                                          Xavier Boseman

                                          ❝I was initially skeptical about yet another copywriting course, but this continues to blow me away. It's not just about theory; it's a hands-on, results-driven approach from a real expert who gets it.❞

                                          Ulysses F

                                          ❝I love how Jeremy really focuses on the importance of relationship-building with clients. Almost no 1 is teaching this sort of stuff. Some of the tips and knowledge he gives away are truly MIND OPENING. I can’t wait to start applying the tips from last week's vid into conversations with clients.❞

                                          Vincent Martin

                                          ❝I had my doubts, but this membership genuinely overdelivered. The practical and real-world advice exceeded my expectations.❞

                                          Patrick McMullin

                                          ❝His enthusiasm for copywriting and marketing is contagious. It makes all his content very engaging and enjoyable to listen to. I usually go through his teachings several times to really dig out all the gold. I love listening while on my morning runs.❞

                                          Michaela Meyers

                                          ❝SO MANY options for getting clients. He wasn’t joking when he said you can choose the ones that you enjoy most. I found a few that work best for me and my personality. These are NOT the same ol lead generation tips. He gives advanced tips on all the newest strategies from his “in the trenches” experience with getting clients and they are practical and easy to use not just generic advice or puffy theory.❞

                                          Jonathon Gold

                                          ❝Jeremy covers so much more than just copywriting. He gives away tons of actionable tips on marketing, sales, lead gen, customer relations and overall business growth strategies.❞

                                          Liam Williamson

                                          ❝He provides practical examples and tips that I never would have thought of on my own. It opened my eyes to new and VERY PROFITABLE copywriting strategies.❞

                                          Jacob Thompson

                                          ❝I love the bite-sized weekly lessons, which makes it easy to fit into my busy schedule. There’s no fluff at all, only how-to advice that anyone can benefit from.. like tomorrow!❞

                                          Tomas Henderson

                                          ❝I really liked how a bunch of lessons focus on the importance of follow-up and building relationships with clients. This is crucial for long-term success in copywriting and Jeremy gave great insider tips on how to build long-term relationships and get referrals from them.❞

                                          Harrison peppers

                                          ❝The membership provides actionable steps and easy to use worksheets to help me apply the copywriting strategies to my writing. This made it easy to implement the strategies in a practical way.❞

                                          Brianna Carter

                                          ❝No theory, all actionable advice from real-world experience. Jeremy’s a master copywriter and teacher. I learned so much from his insights and tips.❞

                                          Aaliyah Jackson

                                          ❝The program really highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to yourself in your marketing efforts. This is crucial for building trust with clients and makes freelancing much more enjoyable and comfortable.❞

                                          Camille Green

                                          ❝This membership was a great investment. I saw an immediate improvement in my writing after implementing the new strategies.❞

                                          Jasmine Thomas

                                          ❝I was concerned that this program might not be tailored to my specific niche, but it turned out to be adaptable and beneficial for all copywriters.❞

                                          Latoya Washington

                                          ❝Jeremy provided great tips for leveraging social media platforms for lead generation. This was particularly helpful for me, becuz I was unsure how to effectively use social media to promote my freelance business.❞

                                          Dominique Sanchez

                                          ❝As an experienced copywriter, I thought I knew it all. But this program brought new tips and ideas to my attention, making it a worthwhile investment even for seasoned pros.❞

                                          Gabrielle Adams

                                          ❝I now have clear goals and expectations for business. This helped me focus my efforts and achieve better results. I feel very confident now about copywriting career and just know my business will thrive!❞

                                          Beatriz Flores

                                          ❝I had reservations about the ROI claims he made, but I've already seen a significant increase in my income.❞

                                          Ana Chavez

                                          ❝Initially, I wondered if the cost was justified. But the copywriting and business-building skills I gained here are already paying off tenfold. Worth every penny!❞

                                          Carolina Green

                                          ❝The strategies taught are so practical and easy to implement. Really enjoying it so far!❞

                                          Isabella Perez

                                          ❝As a copywriter, I've taken a lot of courses, but this is by far the best. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to copywriting, marketing, and getting clients. Stuff that no copywriter or guru talks about.❞

                                          Sophia Wilson

                                          ❝If you're struggling to break into copywriting, this membership is a must-have. It will change the way you write and do business.❞

                                          Ava Brown

                                          ❝I learn so much from each lesson, I’ve already implemented some of the gold nuggets and seen VERY impressive results.❞

                                          Mia Adams

                                          ❝I questioned whether I could really get clients as a newbie, but this program breaks it down into manageable steps. It's changed my perspective completely!❞

                                          Aiden Kim

                                          ❝I used to think copywriting courses and memberships were just a waste of money, but this one completely changed my mind. It's practical, results-driven, and worth every cent.❞

                                          Danial Chen

                                          ❝At first, I thought, 'Why should I pay for something I can learn online for free?' But the insider tips and expert guidance are unmatched. I've already made my money back in spades.❞

                                          Connie Chinburg

                                          ❝I questioned whether this could really help me land clients, but the client acquisition strategies and networking tips it provides are a game-changer.❞

                                          Esther Zhang

                                          ❝I'm so glad I invested in this subscription. It's already paid off BIG TIME.❞

                                          Harper Twinsly

                                          ❝This is perfect for copywriters of all experience levels. It provided me so many new insights on copywriting and sales, even though I've been in this business for years.❞

                                          Caitlin Wilson

                                          ❝Each lesson is so informational and entertaining. Jeremy keeps my attention throughout. I never feel bored or overwhelmed.❞

                                          Giselle Davis

                                          ❝The membership was a great investment. It provides a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to grow my copywriting business.❞

                                          Peter W.

                                          ❝His trainings are filled with practical tips and tricks that I never would have thought of on my own. Literally no one else is teaching this stuff.❞

                                          Tracy Berkshire

                                          ❝I thought I could figure it out on my own, but this has streamlined the learning process, saving me valuable time and effort.❞

                                          Lauren Parker

                                          ❝Since joining, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of clients and projects I am getting.❞

                                          Erin P

                                          ❝The knowledge and expertise in Copy Kings are unparalleled. It's a copywriter's dream come true!❞

                                          Davis N.

                                          ❝I was scared of enrolling in this program due to all the scammers out there but Jeremy is the real deal. I have been blown away by the results. I’ve already seen a significant increase in the number of clients I am generating. I recommend to any copywriter whose struggling with getting clients or looking to take their business to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!❞

                                          Fiona Brown

                                          ❝One of the most valuable benefits of joining has been the significant reduction in rejection I have experienced from prospects. He's taught me how to attract more qualified leads who are already interested in my services. This has resulted in waaaay less rejections and more successful conversions.❞

                                          Peyton P.

                                          ❝Before joining, I was constantly struggling to generate leads and get work, which left me feeling burnt out and extremely stressed. This has helped me achieve a better work-life balance and reduce burnout while still growing my business.❞

                                          Rebecca Anderson

                                          ❝I am now more confident than ever in my writing ability! I am super confident I will succeed!❞

                                          Sara Ortiz

                                          ❝This program turned me from a novice into a copywriting expert. I'm amazed!❞

                                          Mike Vega

                                          ❝This has really given me an unfair advantage over my competition! The expert advice has given me the power to stand out in a VERY crowded market.❞

                                          Jake Upton

                                          ❝Before Copy Kings, I often felt intimidated by my competition and feared losing out on potential clients. However, Jermey has taught me how to differentiate myself from other writers and leverage my unique strengths to attract more business. I now feel much more confident in my copywriting ability. I am excited to see the results in the upcoming months.❞

                                          William Foster

                                          ❝I used to struggle with crippling imposter syndrome and fear of rejection, which held me back from pursuing really going all in with copywriting and growing my business. However, this membership has shot me with confidence. I no longer have imposter syndrome with my writing and feel confident in building a more successful business and a much more fulfilling career.❞

                                          Taylor Bradberry

                                          ❝The step-by-step guidance and mentorship are what every aspiring copywriter needs.❞

                                          Jason Kim

                                          ❝This membership has had a TREMENDOUS impact on the quality of my clients and my overall business. Before joining Copy Kings, I often found myself working with difficult clients who did not respect my time or expertise. But jeremy has shown me how to attract higher-quality clients who are more likely to value my services and treat me with respect. As a result, I now work with AMAZING clients who are a better fit for my business and who are more likely to refer me to others in their professional network.❞

                                          Nick Smith

                                          ❝Completely transformed the way I write copy! I no longer feel stuck. I know exactly what to say and how to say it. It's like magic!❞

                                          Heather Mackenzie

                                          ❝I'm in awe of the results I've achieved with the help of this membership.❞

                                          Ken Burke

                                          ❝I can confidently say this has been one of the best investments I've made in my copywriting career.❞

                                          Nicole Orlando

                                          ❝If you're serious about a copywriting career, this program is your launchpad to success!❞

                                          Brett T.

                                          ❝I used to struggle with writer's block, but not anymore. Like seriously, it's gone! Jeremy has unlocked my true copywriting potential!❞

                                          Brooke White

                                          ❝Prior to joining, I was extremely burnt out and lost my fire. I struggled to generate leads and find success as a freelancer. But not anymore! I now enjoy my career again, feel very passionate and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.❞

                                          Yvette Rodriguez

                                          ❝I used to struggle HARD at building strong relationships with my clients because it was hard for me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs and concerns. Since joining Copy Kings, I’ve been able to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with my clients, and I feel great about helping them achieve their business goals.❞

                                          Giannas P.

                                          ❝My income has doubled since joining. I can't thank Jeremy enough!❞

                                          Rachel Garret

                                          ❝From raw beginner to copy GOD, this program caters to all levels. It's an all-in-one copywriting solution.❞

                                          Olivia Smith

                                          ❝I’ve taken on over 12 HIGH QUALITY clients since joining, resulting in a 50% increase in income compared to last year. These numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of this membership.❞

                                          Bobby C.

                                          GET PAID LIKE A KING TO WRITE FOR BRANDS YOU LOVE - TODAY!

                                          The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

                                          Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings