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10 Bad Copywriting Examples: Avoid these Common Copywriting Mistakes at All Costs

Jan 20, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
common mistakes


As a beginner copywriter, I made countless “newbie” mistakes.

Some were as obvious as snow in July, while others took me a while to uncover the error of my ways.

To help you leapfrog these common pitfalls…

I’m going to share 10 bad copywriting examples with you and give you insider tips on how to fix them FAST.

But first…


What is Bad Copywriting?

woman giving thumbs down

The goal of copywriting is to drive results (sales, leads, etc.)

Therefore, bad copywriting is any project you create that fails to deliver desirable results for your clients.

There are a million ways to write bad copy.

In this post, I’m going to cover 10 painfully common, yet disastrous mistakes…

1. Lack of Clarity

Copy that lacks clarity often fails to convey a clear message or purpose. Ambiguous language, vague statements, or convoluted ideas can leave the audience confused and disengaged.

2. Ignoring Your Target Audience

When copywriters neglect to understand their target audience, the messaging may not resonate with the intended demographic. Failing to address the specific needs, preferences, and pain points of the audience leads to ineffective communication.

3. Jargon

The excessive use of technical or industry-specific language (jargon) can alienate the audience, making the message difficult to understand. Effective copy should communicate clearly and directly, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

4. Lack of a Clear Value Proposition

Without a compelling value proposition, copy may fail to articulate the unique benefits or advantages of a product or service. Vague or generic statements without concrete reasons for the audience to engage can result in disinterest.

5. Misleading Claims

Copy that makes unrealistic promises or exaggerates benefits can lead to skepticism and distrust. Misleading claims undermine credibility and may result in disappointed customers.

6. Neglecting Proof and Testimonials

Failing to provide social proof, such as customer testimonials or reviews, can impact the trustworthiness of the copy. Evidence of positive experiences from others adds credibility and reassures potential customers.

7. Ignoring Grammar and Spelling

Poor grammar and spelling mistakes diminish the professionalism of copy. A lack of attention to language mechanics can erode the credibility of the brand and distract readers from the intended message.

8. Excessive Use of Exclamation Marks

Overusing exclamation marks may make the copy seem overly enthusiastic or insincere. Proper punctuation usage is essential for conveying excitement without resorting to excessive punctuation.

9. Focusing Solely on Features, Ignoring Benefits

Copy that lists product features without explaining the corresponding benefits can be less persuasive. Effective copy should connect features to real-world advantages, showing customers how the product or service meets their needs.

10. Weak or Unclear Call-to-Action (CTA)

A vague or weak CTA can leave the audience unsure of the next steps. A lack of direction in encouraging specific actions, such as making a purchase or signing up, can hinder conversion rates.


10 Examples of Bad Copywriting (and Tips for Fixing Them ASAP)

Mugshot of a dog 

1. Vague Value Propositions

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Our product is the best."

How many times have you seen ads like this?

This type of vague statement provides no real information to its audience.

What makes the product the best?

Is it the quality, the features, or something else?

Without specifics, potential customers are left in the dark, and the message lacks credibility and impact.

To fix this, be explicit about what sets your product apart – highlight its unique features, benefits, or any awards it has received.

Remember, customers want to know what's in it for them.

Use concrete language that communicates value, making it easy for them to understand why your product or service is worth their time and money.


2. Overusing Jargon


Bad Copywriting Example:

"Revolutionary synergistic solutions for optimal productivity."

Jargon-filled copy can alienate your audience, leaving them scratching their heads instead of nodding in agreement.

The use of overly complex or technical language can create a barrier between your message and the reader.

No bueno…

To fix this, simplify your language.

Use simple, everyday language.

Use short words, sentences and paragraphs.

Opt for straightforward language that conveys your message without causing confusion.

Keep in mind that effective communication is about being understood, not showcasing an extensive vocabulary. Your goal is to connect with your audience, not impress them with complex terminology.


3. Ignoring the Target Audience

man ignoring woman

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Everyone needs this."

This generic statement assumes that the product or service is universally appealing, which rarely holds true.

Ignoring the nuances of your target audience can lead to ineffective communication.

To address this, conduct thorough market research and create buyer personas.

Tailor your copy to address the specific needs, preferences, and pain points of your ideal customers.

By personalizing your message, you create a stronger connection and resonate more with the people who matter.

The key here is relevance.

Your copy should speak directly to the audience you want to reach, making them feel like the product or service was designed just for them.


4. Excessive Exclamation Marks

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Buy now and transform your life!!!"


Excessive exclamation marks scream scam.

Use exclamation marks sparingly and strategically.

Focus on crafting compelling content that genuinely conveys the excitement or benefits of your offer.

Let the strength of your message do the talking rather than relying on punctuation marks to create urgency.

Remember, less is often more.

Use exclamation marks where they truly add value and emphasize key points, ensuring your enthusiasm is conveyed authentically.


5. Lack of Clarity

Confused man

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Get started without hassle."

This vague statement lacks clarity about what "hassle" means in this context.

Potential customers may wonder what steps are involved or if there are any potential challenges.

To address this issue, be specific and provide clear instructions or details.

Instead, say, "Begin your journey effortlessly with our user-friendly setup – no complicated steps, just a seamless experience."

Clarity is crucial in copywriting.

Your audience should have a clear understanding of what's expected or what they'll gain.

Avoid ambiguity to build trust and ensure your message hits home.


6. Misleading Claims

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Lose 10 pounds in one week – guaranteed!"

Making unrealistic or misleading promises can damage your credibility and destroy trust with your audience.

While it may attract attention initially, it can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Instead, focus on truthful and achievable claims.

Transparency is key.

Set realistic expectations, and your audience will appreciate your honesty, leading to stronger long-term relationships.


7. Neglecting Proof and Testimonials

5 star review

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Our product is amazing – trust us!"

Simply stating that your product is great without providing evidence can be a major turnoff for skeptical consumers.

To remedy this, incorporate social proof such as customer testimonials, reviews, or endorsements.

Real experiences from satisfied customers add credibility and help build trust.

Share success stories that showcase the positive impact your product has had on others.

Customers often rely on the experiences of their peers when making decisions.

By highlighting positive testimonials, you provide valuable reassurance and address potential objections.


8. Ignoring Grammar and Spelling

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Get your pet's accesories here!"

Poor grammar and spelling mistakes not only make your copy appear unprofessional but can also undermine the credibility of your brand.

Always proofread your copy before publishing.

Correct grammar and spelling contribute to a polished and trustworthy image.

Use tools like grammar checkers to catch any overlooked errors.

Remember, your copy is a reflection of your brand's professionalism. Clean, error-free content instills confidence in your audience.


9. Ignoring a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Bad Copywriting Example:

"Learn more."

A weak or unclear call-to-action leaves your audience unsure about what steps to take next.

Strengthen your CTA by being specific and directive.

Instead of a generic "Learn more," try "Explore our exclusive offers now!" or "Sign up for a free trial today."

Make it crystal clear what action you want your audience to take.

The CTA is the bridge between your persuasive copy and conversion. Ensure it guides your audience seamlessly toward the desired action.


10. Focusing Solely on Features, Ignoring Benefits


Bad Copywriting Example: "Our new smartphone has a quad-core processor, 64GB storage, and a 20MP camera."

While listing features is essential, focusing solely on them can leave your audience questioning the real value.

ALWAYS highlight the benefits of these features.

Features provide necessary information to justify a purchase, but it's the benefits that resonate with customers and sell.

Help your audience understand how your product or service improves their lives and addresses their needs.


25 Common Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid

To be honest…

There are hundreds of common copywriting mistakes that beginners make.

Few months ago, I created a guide for overcoming 25 common copywriting mistakes. Read it here: 25 Common Copywriting Mistakes (And How to Fix Them in Seconds!)



Are you making any of these copywriting mistakes?

If so, fix em FAST.

By constantly fixing mistakes and improving your skills, you’ll be well on your way to earning more this year.

Want more daily copywriting tips? Enter your email below:


What is Freelance Copywriting? (Ultimate Guide for Beginners)

Jan 19, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
santa typing on laptop at beach

“What is freelance copywriting?”

“How much do freelance copywriters make?”

“What the heck do copywriters ACTUALLY do all day?”

“How can I become a freelance copywriter with no experience?”

All of these questions ran through my newbie brain in 2019.

Fast forward 4 years…

I’ve written for hundreds of freelance clients and have enjoyed the freelancer lifestyle – earning good money and doing what I love, while working in my pajamas.


If you dream of escaping the smelly 9-5 rat race and writing for brands you love, then you’re in the right place.

In this ultimate guide for beginners, I’m going to answer your most burning questions and give you a proven 5-step roadmap for breaking into freelance copywriting ASAP – so you can start earning maximum income, in minimum time.


What is Copywriting?

"words have power" on blocks

A quick online search will reveal a fiasco of conflicting explanations.

Let’s set the record straight…

Copywriting is nothing more than salesmanship translated into written form.

Rather than relying on traditional face-to-face sales methods, copywriting thrives in the digital realm, allowing you to connect with your audience through the power of words.

However, copywriting has one HUGE advantage over traditional selling.

You can “sell” to 10 times (or much more) as many people simultaneously. PLUS, you only have to create your sales presentation ONCE.


The primary objective of copywriting is to craft compelling and persuasive content that drives your readers to take specific actions—typically, making a purchase or subscribing to an email list.


The versatility of copywriting extends across a multitude of platforms, including:

  • Social media posts
  • Blogs
  • Online & offline advertisements
  • Scripts for YouTube videos
  • Direct mail pieces
  • Website content
  • And a plethora of other channels


What is Freelance Copywriting?

Typing on beach

The primary distinction between freelance copywriting and traditional copywriting lies in the employment structure.

In traditional copywriting, you essentially function as an employee, adhering to the conventional 9-5 work model within a single company.

Now, on the flip side...

Freelance copywriting puts you in the driver's seat.

It transforms into a business venture.

As a freelance copywriter, you are the captain of your own ship, responsible for steering your copywriting business and actively seeking clients to serve.

Freelance copywriting involves more independence, responsibility and a bit more "risk" compared to the somewhat stable environment of a typical 9-5 copywriting position.

Nevertheless, with increased risk, comes a host of rewarding opportunities, including:

1. Free to Work Wherever YOU Want

Work from the serene beach, the comfort of your couch, or even within an RV as you traverse the globe. The beauty lies in the flexibility to write from any corner of the world.

2. Ultimate Control

Embrace the role of being your own boss. Set your working hours according to your preferences. Decide who you want to collaborate with and choose the topics that align with your interests. Freelancing grants you unparalleled freedom in these choices.

3. Earning Potential of 6 Figures (or More)

Unlike the constraints of traditional copywriting, your earning potential as a freelance copywriter knows no shackles.

The only limits are defined by the number of clients you attract, your skillset, your pricing strategy, and the volume of projects you can undertake each year.

4. Can Start ASAP

Unlike the 9-5 underworld…

You don't need a fancy pancy college degree, years of experience to get started or to climb a slow, grueling corporate ladder.

Anyone has the potential to become a successful freelance copywriter.

The key is a willingness to put in the effort and continuously refine your copywriting skills.


Is Freelance Copywriting Still a Good Career in the Era of AI?


Despite the rampant concerns and scary headlines about AI and ChatGPT taking over the world, diving into freelance copywriting is still a FANTASTIC career move.

Here's the reassuring news:

Robots can never replace skilled copywriters.

At its essence, copywriting is a form of salesmanship, and effective selling involves establishing a personal connection with your audience.

It demands empathy, personality, and a profound understanding of human psychology (esp. consumer psychology).

True copywriters will always outshine robots in the realm of persuasion.

As long as you continually enhance your selling and copywriting skills, there's no need to be worried.

More uplifting news:

The demand for copywriters will always be on the rise for as long as humans roam earth.


Copywriting is the lifeblood of business growth.

Companies will always seek assistance in converting more customers, boosting sales and scaling their business.

If you can contribute to achieving these objectives, you'll consistently find yourself in demand, earning mighty paychecks.


What does a Freelance Copywriter ACTUALLY Do? (2 Main Roles)

Running a freelance copywriting business covers two primary sides:

1. The Business Side


This aspect takes precedence and holds greater significance for your success.

It involves activities such as prospecting, lead generation (client acquisition), determining your copywriting rates, cultivating client relationships, managing accounting tasks (taxes, income tracking, invoices, etc.), and much more.


2. The Writing Side


Once you secure clients, and have a steady flow of work on your desk, your daily routine revolves around the writing process, which has three main phases:

1. Research

Widely regarded as the most crucial phase, research consumes the majority of your time.

Effective copy is not written; it is assembled through painstaking research.

Your role is to uncover everything essential for persuasive copy, diving into your client's brand, competition, product, and most importantly, their target audience.

Refer to this comprehensive guide for a detailed understanding of copywriting research: "Your Ultimate Guide to Copywriting Research (Step-by-Step Process + 5 Best Techniques)."

2. Writing

After extensive research, you’ll be ready to write.

This involves creating attention-grabbing headlines, compelling body copy, and persuasive calls to action (CTAs) that drive readers to take the desired action (fulfilling your client's primary objective.)

Explore this detailed guide for insights into writing persuasive copy.

Additionally, freelance copywriters are versatile in writing for various platforms, including social media content, blog posts, landing pages, ecommerce product descriptions, social media advertisements, and much more.

For a deeper understanding of the types of copywriting services to offer, check out this blog post.

3. Editing

Editing represents the final pivotal phase of copywriting.

Thoroughly edit your copy multiple times (I strive for 10 read-throughs, out loud).

The objective is to craft the most persuasive message, using the fewest words.

Chisel your writing into a clear, concise, and digestible sales message.


How Much Do Freelance Copywriters Make in 2024?


According to Zip Recruiter's data in 2024, freelance copywriters command an average rate of around $45 per hour ($90,000 per year).

However, it's crucial to recognize that figures regarding freelance copywriting salaries found online can be somewhat misleading.



As a freelance copywriter…

Your earnings are entirely in your hands.

There are freelancers in this field making 7 figures, 6 figures, 5 figures, and much lower.

Entering the world of freelance copywriting requires a fundamental understanding that you're not just a writer; you're a business owner.

As a business owner, there's virtually no cap on your potential income.

The only limits are set by your own aspirations, determination, and marketing, salesmanship & copywriting skills.

Becoming skilled at marketing yourself, selling your copywriting services, and delivering impressive results for clients can lead to substantial financial rewards.

Freelance copywriters have the potential to earn significantly more than their traditional counterparts working as employees.

Never box yourself into a corner by following salary averages.

You have the capacity to earn as much as you desire IF you're willing to put in the effort and master this life-changing skill.

Curious about how much freelance copywriters charge?

For comprehensive insights into pricing your copywriting fees, refer to this detailed guide: "The Ultimate Guide to Freelance Copywriting Rates in 2024 (How Much Should YOU Charge?)"


How to Become a Freelance Copywriter in 2024 with NO Experience (5 Simple Steps)

building blocks

I've previously penned a comprehensive guide on navigating the path to becoming a successful freelance copywriter in 2024. I strongly recommend reading this post and following the outlined steps for optimal results.

Here's a quick recap of the essential steps:

    1. Master the Fundamentals

      Learn the basics by reading these 10 direct response copywriting books:

        • The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert
        • The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman
        • How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab
        • Scientific Advertising By Claude Hopkins
        • The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy
        • Ogilvy on Advertising By David Ogilvy
        • Tested Advertising Methods By John Caples
        • Cashvertising By Drew Eric Whitman
        • The Copywriter’s Handbook By Bob Bly
        • Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel By John Carlton


      Sharpen your sword by practicing copywriting (daily) through this guide: "How to Practice Copywriting for Free (5 Exercises to Improve Your Skills TODAY)."

      Dedicate at least a month to this crucial phase as it forms the basis for your copywriting skills and sculpts the future of your freelancing success.


        2. Get Clients


        Once you've grasped the basics, move on to acquiring real clients. Refer to my ultimate guide for beginners: "How to Get Copywriting Clients in 2024 With No Experience (Get New Clients TODAY)."

          During your initial months, focus on gaining rapid-fire experience by writing for diverse clients (different industries) and various types of copy.


            3. Niche Down


              After you’ve gotten your fists muddy with real-world experience and have a bunch of samples & testimonials, it's time to narrow down your focus.

              Choosing a specific copywriting niche is crucial for earning a higher income, as specialists are rewarded much greater than generalists.

              My guide, "The 10 Highest-Paying Copywriting Niches in 2024 (How to Pick the Best One for YOU)," provides step-by-step instructions for selecting the ideal niche for YOU.


                4. Create an Impressive Copywriting Portfolio


                  Before attracting dream clients, build an impressive portfolio loaded with testimonials and samples.

                  Use this easy guide to craft a portfolio within 10 minutes: "How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio with NO Experience (In 10 minutes or Less)."


                    5. Grow Your Freelance Copywriting Business

                    rocket launch

                      When you're ready to scale your freelance copywriting business to the sun, explore my blog post sharing the top 3 business-growth strategies: "3 Fastest Ways to Grow Your Freelance Copywriting Business in 2024 (Make 6-figures This Year)."



                      Did I answer your questions about freelance copywriting?

                      If not...

                      Maybe this will…

                      If I could choose one career it’d be freelance copywriting.

                      Even if you end up doing something different, you can use the skills you learn to create a VERY profitable and fulfilling life for yourself (this is why I became a copywriter. Believe it or not, I didn’t enjoy writing at the time, although I LOVE to write now).

                      Want daily copywriting tips from a seasoned copywriter with more than 2 screws loose? Enter your email below:


                      How to Handle Customer Objections in Your Copywriting (Convert More Customers TODAY)

                      Jan 18, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
                      holding red card


                      Imagine this…

                      You've spent DAYS researching, writing and editing a copywriting masterpiece.

                      But as your potential customers read through, objections start popping up in their minds like unexpected hurdles.

                      If you do not effectively handle these objections (as soon as they arise), your readers won’t believe your claims, trust you or purchase your product… no matter how persuasive your copy was otherwise.

                      Whether you're new to copywriting or a seasoned pro, dealing with customer objections (risk reversal) is a skill that can significantly impact your conversion rates.

                      It's the art of not just addressing concerns but preemptively dispelling doubts, creating trust, and guiding your readers towards a resounding "Yes, I want this!"

                      In this blog post…

                      I’m going to uncover why objection handling is crucial to your success, the 5 main customer objections, and 7 explosive tips to handle objections like a copywriting pro so you can boost sales.


                      Why is Objection Handling Important in Copywriting?

                      Warning sign

                      Understand this…

                      Your readers have dozens of objections firing off in their brains as they graze your writing.

                      If you fail to raise and handle their objections, they will not buy from you.

                      Everything else can be flawless, but if you leave unresolved objections sizzling in your reader’s minds, you have failed as a copywriter.

                      For one simple reason…

                      You won’t get desirable results for your clients.

                      And if you fail to get results, you will not be able to charge top rates or repeat clients (the most profitable type of clients).

                      But, that said, you have nothing to worry about.

                      Because I’m going to reveal the most common customer objections and give you insider tips for handling them faster than a lightning bolt.


                      What are the Most Common Customer Objections?

                      women chewing pen

                      Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of handling objections, let's identify the usual suspects – the objections that might be lurking in the minds of your potential customers.

                      1. Price objections

                      One of the most frequent concerns is price objections.

                      They might think, "It's too expensive. Can I really afford this?"

                      Add risk reversal by addressing this by highlighting the value your product provides. Break down the benefits and showcase any cost-saving aspects or long-term value to ease their financial worries.


                      On the other side of the picket fence…

                      “This product is really cheap, it must be a piece of junk.”

                      If your client has low prices, demonstrate the value and load your copy with social proof.

                      2. Trust Issues

                      Trust is as fragile as a newborn puppy.

                      Especially today.

                      We are bombarded with thousands of ads each day. Most of these ads make ridiculous claims and are extremely unbelievable.

                      Because of this…

                      Customers are more skeptical than ever before.

                      They are always thinking “Yeah, right!” whenever they hear fluffy, hyped-up claims.

                      Customers may hesitate, asking, "Is this product legit? Can I trust this company? Is this too good to be true?"

                      To overcome this objection, leverage social proof. Feature customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies prominently in your copy. Highlight any industry certifications or awards your business has earned to reinforce credibility.

                      3. Uncertainty About Value

                      "What's in it for me?”

                      “Will this really solve my problem?"

                      If your potential customer is unsure about the value your product brings, address this by clearly outlining the core benefits (what it will DO for your customer… how it will solve their problems, improve their lives, etc.)

                      4. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice

                      We all have this fear…

                      "What if I regret this decision?”

                      “Are there better options out there?"

                      Ease this common objection by offering a no-risk guarantee.

                      Assure your customers that you stand by your product, and if they're not completely satisfied, there's an easy way out.

                      This builds confidence and minimizes the perceived risk of making a purchase.

                      5. Lack of Information

                      Sometimes, objections arise simply due to a lack of information.

                      Customers might wonder, "Is this all I need to know?"

                      Address this by providing comprehensive details about your product or service.

                      Answer frequently asked questions, offer tutorials, and ensure that your copy is informative and leaves no room for ambiguity.

                      Knowing and addressing these 5 common objections preemptively in your copy positions you as a trustworthy and customer-focused brand, increasing the likelihood of turning curious visitors into satisfied customers.


                      How to Handle Customer Objections like a Pro Copywriter

                      dart board

                      Now, let's get to the good stuff – how to handle objections and turn skeptics into satisfied customers.

                      1. Anticipate and Address

                      Don't wait for objections to pop up; tackle them head-on.

                      Take a step back and think like your customer.

                      The key to finding common objections your customers may have is research.

                      Make sure you spend time finding the common objections your target audience likely has (do this for every new client you write for).

                      The best ways to find common objections are in product reviews (like on

                      If you know price is a concern, highlight the value your product delivers in relation to its cost.

                      If trust is an issue, showcase customer testimonials and reviews to build credibility.

                      By proactively addressing objections within your copy, you show your customers that you understand their concerns and are ready to provide solutions.


                      2. Use Empathy

                      passing heart shaped paper to another

                      Empathy is your secret weapon.

                      Put yourself in your customer's shoes and walk for a few miles.

                      Acknowledge their concerns genuinely and show them that you understand them.

                      For example, if they express hesitation about the price, you might say, "I get it, investing in [product] is a big decision. However, let me share why it's worth every penny."

                      Demonstrating empathy in your copy builds a connection and eases resistance.


                      3. Provide Clear Information

                      Clear communication is key.

                      Be crystal clear about what your product or service offers.

                      Address potential doubts by providing detailed information, features, and benefits.

                      If there are specific concerns, create dedicated sections in your copy to tackle them.

                      The more transparent you are, the more trust you'll build, and the more objections you'll overcome.


                      4. Offer Solutions


                      As a copywriter, your main role is to be a problem-solver.

                      Achieve risk reversal by turning customer objections into opportunities.

                      If price is a concern, consider offering a limited-time discount or a flexible payment plan.

                      If trust is an issue, provide a money-back guarantee to ease worries.

                      Offering solutions not only addresses objections but also adds value to your offer, making it even more enticing for your potential customers.


                      5. Create a Sense of Urgency

                      Encourage action by creating a sense of urgency.

                      Limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or bonuses for early birds can push hesitant customers to make a decision NOW.

                      Use phrases like "Act now for a special discount" or "Limited stock available" to motivate your readers to take the next step.

                      A well-crafted sense of urgency can tip the scales in your favor.


                      6. Comparison and Differentiation

                      Address objections by comparing your product or service to alternatives in the market.

                      Highlight what sets you apart.

                      If customers are unsure about choosing your product, make it clear why it's the superior option.

                      This helps in minimizing doubts and showcasing the unique value you bring to the table.


                      7. Highlight Success Stories

                      success stories

                      Share success stories or case studies of customers who initially had objections but ended up satisfied.

                      Real-life examples resonate with potential customers and provide concrete evidence of your product's effectiveness.

                      By incorporating these additional tips into your objection-handling toolkit, you'll be well-equipped to navigate customer concerns and guide them towards a positive decision.

                      Remember, objections are not roadblocks; they're opportunities to showcase the strength and value of your offer.



                      You now have everything you need to raise and handle customer objections.

                      Use the tips in this guide to turn skeptics into happy buyers.

                      Want more copywriting tips? Enter your email below:


                      10 Copywriting Tips from the Best Copywriters of All Time (Improve Your Writing Fast)

                      Jan 17, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
                      card says "boost your sales"


                      Want to quickly improve your copywriting skills?

                      One of the best ways is to study the best copywriters of all time.

                      This is what I did as a raw beginner.

                      I spent 3 months studying the best copywriters. Devouring their books and writing their ads out by hand.

                      In this post…

                      I’m going to share 10 valuable copywriting tips I’ve learned from 10 of the best copywriters on the planet.

                      Each tip is designed to be consumed & applied ASAP so you can experience desirable results.

                      Let’s get it on like Donkey Kong…


                      10 Copywriting Tips from Famous Copywriters to Explode Your Income

                      rocket launch

                      #1 Copywriting Tip: Gary Halbert's A-Pile vs B-Pile

                      Gary Halbert is probably the most successful copywriter who’s ever lived.  

                      He launched his copywriting career in the 60s as a direct response copywriter.

                      He’s sold billions worth of products through his advertisements and sales letters. Including, The Coat of Arms Letter, the most mailed ad in HISTORY.

                      Gary was famous for his direct mail ads.

                      To boost response, he came up with an Einstein way to get his mail delivered and read by more customers.


                      He reverse engineered the process people go through when receiving mail.

                      Gary realized how most people open their mail next to a trash bin and sort their mail into 2 piles.

                      B-pile: blatant advertisements they quickly toss in the trash.

                      A-pile: personal-looking letters they save for later.

                      Gary boosted his sales by writing direct mail that looked personal – like a relative was writing to you (from the outside cover to the inside message)

                      You can use this concept to boost results on ANY platform you write for (Google Ads, YouTube, blogs, etc.)

                      Here’s how…

                      Reverse engineer the exact process your target audience goes through on whatever platform you’re writing on.

                      Before you write, spend some time-consuming content on this media.

                      While you do…

                      Ask yourself:

                      What content gets you to stop scrolling and read more?

                      What makes you quickly ignore posts and scroll right past them?  

                      Does any content entice you to click a link? Why?  

                      Break down your reader’s process.

                      Figure out what type of content gets people to stop scrolling, read and click on, then… model after it.

                      If you do, I can almost guarantee you will experience shocking results.


                      #2 Copywriting Tip: Claude C. Hopkin's Curiosity

                      Claude Hopkins

                      Claude Hopkins is the founding father of direct response advertising.

                      He worked for a handful of big advertising agencies like Swift & Company and Lord & Thomas.

                      Claude taught how advertising’s sole purpose is to sell.

                      Not to be clever, humorous or entertaining.

                      Instead, ads should be measured by scientific tests and justified by their results.

                      Claude C. Hopkin’s data-driven approach transformed advertising & copywriting as we know it.

                      He single-handedly created a crystal clear system for advertising success through scientific tests.

                      In his famous book, Scientific Advertising, Claude explained the importance of curiosity.

                      Believe it or not…

                      Curiosity is the single most persuasive technique you can use in your writing.

                      Fun fact:

                      Did you know people will buy a product, they had no intention of buying, solely because they were curious?

                      It’s true.

                      Curiosity creates a furious itch on our buying glands.

                      If you sprinkle curiosity throughout your copy, you will effectively grab attention, engage your readers and make it virtually impossible NOT to buy from you.


                      #3 Copywriting Tip: Eugene Schwartz's Alarm Clock

                      eugene schwartz

                      Eugene Schwartz is one of the best copywriters who’s ever lived.

                      He started his c career at an advertising firm – Huber Hoge & Sons – as a messenger boy and quickly worked his way up to head copy chief.

                      In 1954, Eugene went into business for himself and was very successful because of his advanced copywriting skills.

                      The 33.33-Minute Productivity Hack

                      Eugene revealed his secret for writing EXTREMELY fast.

                      Here it is…

                      Whenever Eugene wrote copy, he set a 33.33-minute timer.

                      During these 33.33 minutes, he worked like a mule.

                      When his timer went off, he stopped writing and took a short break.

                      Then, once his break was up, he’d start the process over again.

                      He repeated this until he was done with whatever he was writing.

                      How did this help him write faster?

                      Work expands the time given.

                      When you give yourself strict deadlines, you’ll automatically work faster.

                      Whenever I write, I set a timer (The time I set varies for what I’m writing. For example, 7-minute timer for emails.)

                      The next time you write, set a 33.33-minute timer. You’ll double your writing speed (if not more). 


                      #4 Copywriting Tip: Joe Sugarman's Headline Hack

                      Joe sugarman

                      Joseph Sugarman was a direct response advertising legend.

                      He founded JS&A Group, a company recognized for innovative products (such as BluBlocker sunglasses).

                      The ONLY Purpose of Your Headline

                      Headlines are VERY important.

                      So much so, that it can be very stressful to create a “winning” headline.

                      However, this tip will make your job a LOT easier

                      In Joe Sugarman’s book, The Adweek Copywriting Handbook, he revealed the true purpose of your headline.

                      It only has ONE goal…

                      To get your readers to read the first sentence.

                      Simple, huh?

                      Never forget this.

                      It will help you tremendously when writing headlines.


                      #5 Copywriting Tip: Victor O. Schwab's Emotions vs Logic Secret

                      victor schwab

                      Victor O. Schwab was one of the most successful & influential direct response copywriters of all time. He was one of the first copywriters to use scientific principles in advertising.

                      Sell on emotion, justify purchase with logic

                      2 elements go into a sale.

                      Emotion & logic.

                      Victor Schwab was one of the first copywriters to clearly articulate that people buy off emotion and justify their purchase with logic.

                      These two “sales” forces work together in harmony.

                      Logic backs emotion so that we can justify our spending to friends and family.


                      Emotion backs logic because the stronger the emotional appeal is presented, the more readily your proof material (logic) will be believed.

                      Every time you write copy, tap into your reader’s core emotions through stories, image words and painting a bright vision of their problems, wants, desires, and all relevant emotions.

                      Then, back up all your emotional claims with logic – testimonials, case studies, specific details, credentials, stats and all that good stuff.


                      #6 Copywriting Tip: Doug D'anna's Copywriting Treat

                      Doug D’Anna is one of the best copywriters. He has an impressive track record of direct response copywriting success.

                      His writing has generated $100+ million in sales for companies, including Agora, Forbes, Boardroom and Men’s Health.

                      Would you like to know how to instantly boost sales through your writing?

                      I’m going to reveal one of the simplest ways.

                      I learned this secret weapon while listening to an interview between Ben Settle and Doug D’anna.

                      Doug told Ben how copywriters make selling WAAAY too complicated.



                      You’re at your friend’s house.

                      He has a dog.

                      And you want his dog to come to you, instead of your friend.

                      How would you achieve this?


                      Hold up a yummy treat.

                      Believe it or not, this simple concept applies to selling to humans too.

                      The treat?

                      Find out what your ideal reader wants most.

                      Then, simply mention it throughout your copy.

                      Emphasize its benefits, how easy it is to obtain, how they must act fast before it’s gone, and all that yummy stuff (copywriting 101).


                      #7 Copywriting Tip: Mel Martin's Fascination Bullets


                      Mel was a mail-order advertising legend.

                      After Eugene Schwartz (mentioned above) helped Marty Edelston build the foundation for Boardroom (multi-million dollar publishing company), it was Mel Martin’s copywriting that launched it into a $100 million per year beast.

                      Mel Martin is celebrated for his “fascination” bullets.

                      He’s labeled “the best fascination copywriter you've probably never heard of".

                      Here's 3 of my favorite bullets he’s written:

                      • What never to eat on an airplane
                      • Bills it’s okay to pay late
                      • What credit companies don’t tell you

                      If you want to become a better copywriter, study Mel’s bullets and write them out by hand.

                      Here are a bunch of bullets to get you started:




                      #8 Copywriting Tip: John Carlton's Copywriting Hooks

                      fish hook

                      “The most ripped-off writer on the Web” is an infamous copywriter.

                      Carlton started as a freelance copywriter.

                      He was the secret sales weapon behind many companies (ad agencies would “sneak” him in through the back door to do the selling that their employees couldn’t do).

                      John Carlton’s One-Legged Golfer ad is probably the most ripped-off ad of all time (especially by online marketers).

                      For one simple reason…

                      The unique hook he used in the headline:

                      Amazing Secret Discovered By
                      One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards
                      To Your Drives Eliminates Hooks
                      and Slices… And Can Slash Up To
                      10 Strokes From You’re Game
                      Almost Overnight!

                      Carlton was a master at finding unique hooks to display in his headlines and base their overall themes around.  

                      To learn more about how to write attention-grabbing hooks, see this ultimate guide I created: The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting Hooks (#1 Way to Write Killer Headlines)


                      #9 Copywriting Tip: Gary Bencivenga's Proof Sandwhich

                      gary bencivenga

                      Gary Bencivnga is widely considered to be “the greatest living copywriter in the world.

                      He is one of the most famous copywriters in the financial direct mail niche. He has sold billions worth of products through his writing.

                      Nowadays, we are bombarded by ads and pounded with their cringe hype and unbelievable claims.

                      Gary realized this and used it to his advantage.

                      He revealed that when you add proof to your claims, you make them far more believable.

                      This is a MUST.

                      For readers to buy from you, they must BELIEVE what you’re saying is true BEFORE they pull out their wallets.

                      The best way to make your claims more believable is to “sandwich” proof elements between them.

                      Proof elements:

                      • Social proof
                      • Scientific studies
                      • Awards won
                      • Years of experience
                      • Testimonials

                      Make sure you lace your copy with proof and that your claims are never bigger than your proof elements.


                      #10 Copywriting Tip: Robert Collier's Conversation

                      robert collier

                      Collier was a successful author of self-help books. His book The Secret of the Ages sold 300,000+ copies. Collier wrote about the practical psychology of abundance, desire, visualization, and personal development. His book, "The Robert Collier Letter Book," emphasized the importance of persuasive writing in direct response copywriting.

                      Whenever writing copy, you want to enter the conversation your prospect is already having inside their mind.

                      Here’s how:

                      Picture yourself as your prospect…

                      You are bored.

                      You’re mindlessly scrolling through social media (or whatever platform you’re writing for)….

                      What’s the ONE thing you could read that would get you to stop scrolling?

                      Find this out, through research, and place it in your headline.

                      If you do, you will instantly boost response.



                      You now possess something very valuable.

                      10 proven copywriting tips to explode your writing skills and help you boost your income.

                      Study these 10 best copywriters and read any ads, books and information you can find online.

                      Want daily copywriting tips to help you accelerate your success? Enter your email below:

                      How to Edit Copy: The Ultimate Guide to Copy Editing for Beginners (Improve Your Copywriting FAST)

                      Jan 16, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
                      Edit writing

                      This may shock you…

                      Writing is only a small chunk of copywriting.

                      The 3 main phases of copywriting include:

                      1. Research
                      2. Writing
                      3. Editing

                      All steps are essential to writing knockout copy that boosts results for your clients.

                      In this post, I’m going to cover the editing phase.

                      After reading, you’ll know exactly how to copy edit after writing your 1st draft.

                      I’m going to share my own personal process of editing copy and give you 5 quick editing tips to improve your writing FAST.

                      Let’s get to it!


                      What is Copy Editing?

                      Street signs say "final draft"

                      Copy editing is the last step in the copywriting process.

                      Before submitting work to clients, you’ll need to edit your writing.

                      To turn your clunky draft into a clear, concise and persuasive sales message.

                      The overall goal is to write the most persuasive message, using the least number of words.

                      Every word serves a purpose.

                      If it doesn’t?

                      Remove it.

                      You’ll want to copy edit for grammar, “flow” and ensure it is as persuasive as possible to your target audience and related to what you’re selling.


                      Why is Copy Editing Important to Your Success?

                      holding trophy

                      Without editing, your writing would be unreadable gibberish.

                      Often, my first draft is GARBAGE.

                      This is a good thing though…

                      When writing your first draft, you just want to just let errr rip.

                      Let all your ideas, thoughts and feelings flow out of your head, onto your paper.

                      Do not edit.

                      But then…

                      After you’ve done this…

                      You want to edit your writing.

                      Joseph Sugarman explained how his first few drafts are often unreadable trash.

                      But after editing?

                      He creates copywriting masterpieces that destroy competition and sell millions worth of products.

                      The real magic happens after you revise your copy, several times.

                      By spending the time to edit your copy, you will create a very persuasive message, that is clear concise and easy to read for your target audience.

                      Which will boost results for you and your clients.

                      The Best Way to Edit Your Copywriting (How to Copy Edit & Improve Your Writing TODAY)

                      Trending up

                      I’ve got something very special for you.

                      I’m going to break down the copy editing process and share the exact technique I use to edit my copy before submitting it to clients.

                      I learned this copy editing technique from Ben Settle.

                      I have refined it and added my own “spin.”

                      Here it is:

                      After my first draft…

                      I read my writing 10 times, out loud.

                      Every time I trip over bumps (long-winded sentences, misspellings, unclear language… anything that slows the reading process), I smooth them out.


                      In between readthroughs (every other readthrough), I’ll review my market research notes.


                      To make sure that I’ve included every main selling point: emotional triggers, benefits, handle objections, etc.


                      The main goal of copy editing is to convey your sales message in the most powerful way, using the least number of words.

                      After reading aloud 10x, your copy will read as smooth as a baby’s head.

                      It’s amazing how much of a difference the 1st draft and last draft are.

                      After I’ve read through my copy 10 times, I’ll copy and paste everything into

                      Grammarly is an easy-to-use app for editing grammar.

                      I only edit the obvious misspellings (underlined in red).

                      However, I do NOT pay attention to any other suggestions it provides.


                      Because Grammarly gives terrible advice for copywriters.

                      Their advice is not helpful for writing persuasive, conversational copy.

                      I strongly advise you do NOT follow it’s advice… only use it to edit major spelling errors.


                      Sometimes, I’ll copy and paste everything into the Hemingway App.

                      I only use the grade level feature (strive to have writing readable at a 5th grade level).

                      Good copy should be readable at a 5th grade level. If not, it’s too complicated and may confuse readers.

                      This app gives tips to help you achieve the 5th grade level.


                      5 Copy Editing Tips to Edit Faster

                      Fast typer

                      1. Put Your Copy Under The “So what?” Microscope

                      Your readers only care about what’s in it for them.

                      So, to keep them reading your copy, put your copy under the “So what?” microscope.

                      As you read your claims, benefits, features… ask yourself - “so what?"

                      Do this for every sentence you write.

                      If you edit this way, you will create VERY persuasive copy.


                      2. Easy to Understand

                      If you want to persuade your readers to act, you gotta make your message super easy to understand.

                      Your writing should be readable at a 5th grade level.

                      3 tips to make your writing easy to understand:

                      • Use short sentences, paragraphs and words
                      • Use everyday language – do not use jargon or try to sound sophisticated
                      • Break up your copy – vary your sentence/paragraph length. I.E. one-word sentence. Then 11-word sentence. A few 3-5 sentence paragraphs, followed by a 3-word paragraph, etc.

                      The easier it is for readers to grasp your message (at a glance), the easier it is for you to persuade them.


                      3. Talk As You Write

                      You do this tip when writing. However, it’ll make the editing process MUCH easier.

                      The fastest way to write conversational copy is to talk out loud as you write.

                      Whenever I write, I talk out loud as I type.

                      This has several benefits:

                      • Increases writing speed – it’s much faster to write when you’re talking. The words just flow right off your tongue.
                      • Eliminates 80% of the editing process – when you talk as you write, you will naturally have MUCH less gibberish to edit.
                      • Reads like a 1:1 conversation – because you are talking, instead of “writing.”


                      4. Use Contractions 

                      An extremely easy way to trim your copy is to use contractions.

                      Use contractions like "I'm," "you're," and "we're" to make your writing sound more conversational and reduce unnecessary words.


                      5. The Sole Purpose of Your First Sentence

                      The only purpose of each sentence is to get your readers to read the FOLLOWING SENTENCE.

                      That’s it.

                      By keeping this in mind while editing, you will make every word and be able to trim fat fast.



                      Follow this “how to copy edit” guide (and the copy editing 5 tips) the next time you edit your writing.

                      The more time you spend trimming, refining and simplifying your message, the more effective it’ll be at driving results.

                      Want daily copywriting tips to help you explode your income this year? Enter your email below:


                      The #1 Freelance Copywriting Course for Beginners in 2024 (Everything You Need to Earn 6-Figures this Year)

                      Jan 15, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
                      Women holding money


                      In 2020, I became a freelance copywriter.

                      I spent 3 months learning copywriting (the basics).

                      Then, grew my freelance copywriting business VERY FAST.

                      I gained over 50 paying clients within 3 months

                      Secured 2 freelance contract positions with companies within my first year…

                      And have written copy for hundreds of freelance clients over the last 3 years.


                      I started WITHOUT any experience, portfolio or writing skills.

                      You can too.

                      If you’re interested in becoming a freelance copywriter, this free freelance copywriting course will show you exactly how.

                      I’ll cover everything you need to get started down the right path.


                      What freelance copywriting is, what a freelance copywriter does, how much you can expect to earn in 2024 (and beyond), how to price your freelance copywriting fees and a quick 5-step blueprint to go from complete beginner to securing high-paying freelance copywriting clients within a few short months.


                      What is Copywriting?


                      If you search online, you’ll find a bunch of contradictory answers.

                      Don’t be fooled.

                      Copywriting is nothing more than salesmanship in print.

                      Instead of traditional sales, you are selling primarily online through the words you write.

                      This has a BIG advantage over face-to-face selling.


                      Copywriting is salesmanship multiplied.


                      You are able to sell to 10x more people, at the same time, than you would with traditional sales.

                      The goal of copywriting is to write in a persuasive and engaging way that motivates your readers to take a specific action (usually to purchase a product or opt-in to an email list).


                      There are TONS of mediums to write for.


                      • Google Ads
                      • Social media posts
                      • Blog posts
                      • YouTube video scripts
                      • Direct mail pieces
                      • Website copy
                      • And a ho’ bunch more


                      What is Freelance Copywriting? How is it Different from Traditional Copywriting?


                      Copywriting is copywriting is copywriting.

                      The main difference between freelance copywriting vs traditional copywriting is that with traditional copywriting you are essentially an employee.

                      You work for one company in a traditional 9-5 styled position.

                      On the other toe…

                      With freelance copywriting, you are your own boss.

                      It’s a business.

                      You are running a copywriting business and it’s up to you to find clients to write for.

                      Freelance copywriting comes with more responsibilities and “risk” than a typical 9-5 copywriting position.

                      However, with greater risk, comes greater reward, including:

                      Man climbing steps to success

                      1. You can work from anywhere

                      The beach, your couch, in an RV while traveling the world.

                      You can write from ANYWHERE you fancy.

                      2. You have TOTAL freedom

                      You are your own boss.

                      You set your own hours.

                      You choose WHO you want to work with.

                      You choose what topics you write about.

                      Only freelancing allows you this much freedom.

                      3 You can earn 6 figures (or more)

                      Unlike traditional copywriting, there really is no limit to your earning potential.

                      The only limit is how many clients you can get, your prices and how many projects you can complete each year.

                      4. YOU can become a freelance copywriter TODAY

                      You don’t need to go to college…

                      You don’t need “2 years of experience” just to get your foot in the door…

                      You don’t need to climb greasy corporate ladders…

                      Anyone can become a successful freelance copywriter.

                      You just have to be willing to put in the work and constantly improve your copywriting skills.


                      Is Freelance Copywriting Still a Good Career Despite AI?

                      Robot typing on laptop

                      Despite all the fear-mongering news surrounding AI and ChatGPT…

                      Copywriting is still a FANTASTIC career to jump into. 

                      The good news…

                      Robots will NEVER replace good copywriters.

                      Copywriting is salesmanship at its core.

                      And salesmanship requires communicating to your audience on a personal level. It requires empathy, personality and a deep understanding of human psychology. Robots will never beat true copywriters in the selling arena. If you constantly improve your selling/copywriting skills, you have nothing to worry about.

                      More good news…

                      Copywriting will also ALWAYS be in demand (even a thousand years in the future, if humans still exist).


                      Because copywriting is the fuel to business growth.

                      Companies will always need help converting more customers, selling more products and growing their business.

                      If you can help them achieve this, then you will ALWAYS be in demand and earn hefty paychecks.


                      What Do Freelance Copywriters Do?


                      There are two main sides to running a freelance copywriting business.

                      1. The writing side
                      2. The business side

                      The business side comes first.

                      It’s much more important to your success.

                      You’ll be spending your time prospecting and generating leads (getting clients), pricing your copywriting rates, maintaining relationships with clients, doing all the accounting stuff (taxes, keeping track of your earnings, invoices, etc.) and much more.

                      For the writing side…

                      After you have clients to write for, this is what your day will look like…

                      The 3 main phases of copywriting:

                        1. Research

                          This is the most important phase of writing copy.

                          Spend the majority of your time on this phase.

                          Good copy is assembled, not written. Everything you need to write effective copy already exists. Your job is to find it through research. You’ll spend a lot of time researching your client’s brand, competition, product and target audience (most important). To learn all about copywriting research, see this detailed guide: "Your Ultimate Guide to Copywriting Research (Step-by-Step Process + 5 Best Techniques)"

                            2. Writing

                              After you do enough research, you’ll be ready to write.

                              You’ll need to write attention-grabbing headlines, interesting body copy and persuasive call to actions (ctas) to motivate readers to buy from you (or whatever your client’s main objective is). To learn all about how to write persuasive copy, see this detailed guide.


                              Freelance copywriters can write for a bunch of different platforms like social media content, blog posts, landing pages, ecommerce product descriptions, social media advertisements and so on.

                              To learn more about the types of copywriting services to offer, see this blog post.

                                3. Editing

                                  Editing is the last main phase of copywriting. You’ll want to edit your copy several times (I usually edit at least 10 times per project).

                                  The goal is to write the most persuasive message, using the least number of words.

                                  You want to chisel your writing into a clear, concise and easy-to-read sales machine.


                                  How Much Dough Can You Realistically Make as a Freelance Copywriter?


                                  According to Zip Recruiter…

                                  In 2024, freelance copywriters earn around $45 per hour ($90,000 per year).


                                  Freelance copywriting salaries you see online are very misleading.

                                  How come?

                                  As a freelance copywriter, it’s 100% on you how much you earn.

                                  There are freelance copywriters earning $1,000,000 each year…. $100,000…. and… less than $1,000.

                                  If you want to get into freelance copywriting, it’s really important to understand that you are a business owner.

                                  As a business owner, there’s really no limit to how much money you can make.

                                  The only limit is your own goals, determination, and marketing, salesmanship and copywriting skills.

                                  If you become a wizard at marketing yourself, selling your copywriting services and getting impressive results for clients, you can get paid like royalty.

                                  Freelance copywriters can make a lot more money than traditional copywriters (working as an employee).

                                  Never limit yourself to averages.

                                  You CAN earn as much as you desire…. IF you put in the work and become a master at this life-changing skill.

                                  How much do freelance copywriters charge?

                                  To learn all about how to price your copywriting fees, see this detailed guide: "The Ultimate Guide to Freelance Copywriting Rates in 2024 (How Much Should YOU Charge?)"


                                  How to Become a Successful Freelance Copywriter (5 Simple Steps)

                                  Happy woman

                                  I’ve already written a comprehensive guide on how to become a successful freelance copywriter in 2024.

                                  Read this post and follow the steps I’ve outlined to a capital T.

                                  However, here is a quick recap of the steps you’ll want to take:

                                    1. Master the Fundamentals

                                      Read these 10 direct response copywriting books:

                                      • The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert
                                      • The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman
                                      • How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab
                                      • Scientific Advertising By Claude Hopkins
                                      • The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy
                                      • Ogilvy on Advertising By David Ogilvy
                                      • Tested Advertising Methods By John Caples
                                      • Cashvertising By Drew Eric Whitman
                                      • The Copywriter’s Handbook By Bob Bly
                                      • Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel By John Carlton


                                      Practice your copywriting skills by following this guide – How to Practice Copywriting for Free (5 Exercises to Improve Your Skills TODAY).

                                      I spent 3 months on my copywriting education. Learning the core fundamentals, principles and frameworks, from the best copywriters on the planet.

                                      I recommend dedicating at least a month to this phase.


                                      It's all about being able to provide your clients value.

                                      This is REAL secret to earning 6-figures and beyond.

                                      The more results you produce for clients, the more you can charge for your copywriting services.


                                        2. Get Clients

                                          After learning the basics…

                                          You’ll be ready to write for real clients.

                                          I've created an ultimate guide for beginners looking to land their first bunch of clients: "How to Get Copywriting Clients in 2024 With No Experience (Get New Clients TODAY)"

                                          You’ll learn my 10 favorite ways for securing new freelance copywriting clients.


                                          As a beginner…

                                          For your first few months of writing for clients, the goal is to gain rapid-fire experience.

                                          You want to write for a variety of clients, niches, and different types of copy (emails, social media, blog posts)—as you'll leverage your experience in the following steps…


                                            3. Niche Down

                                              After you've gained real-world experience and collected a ton of samples & testimonials, you’ll be ready to select a copywriting niche.

                                              This is important because you'll earn more as a niche freelance copywriter (specialists are always paid greater than generalists).

                                              My comprehensive guide, "The 10 Highest-Paying Copywriting Niches in 2024 (How to Pick the Best One for YOU)," offers step-by-step instructions on choosing the perfect copywriting niche for you.


                                                4. Create an Impressive Copywriting Portfolio

                                                  Before you can attract dream clients, you'll need to create a portfolio filled with impressive testimonials & samples.

                                                  It’s easy!

                                                  Use this guide to create a portfolio within 10 minutes: How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio with NO Experience (In 10 minutes or Less)


                                                    5. Grow Your Freelance Copywriting Business

                                                      This blog post shares the top 3 strategies for growing your freelance copywriting business: "3 Fastest Ways to Grow Your Freelance Copywriting Business in 2024 (Make 6-figures This Year)"

                                                      Read it when you're ready to scale your freelance copywriting business to 6-figures and beyond!



                                                      Freelance copywriting is one of the best careers in 2024.

                                                      Follow this step-by-step blueprint and read the guides listed throughout this post to shortcut your success in this exciting field.

                                                      If you do, I can almost guarantee you can achieve a long and profitable freelance copywriting business.

                                                      Want daily copywriting tips from a battle-tested freelance copywriter? Enter your email below:


                                                      For Copywriters: The Only Guide on "Tone of Voice in Copywriting" You’ll Ever Need (Bond with Readers in Seconds!)

                                                      Jan 14, 2024 by Jeremy Mac

                                                      Man screaming into microphone


                                                      Struggling to find the right voice to use in your writing?

                                                      I used to be so confused about how to write in a “brand’s voice”

                                                      The main reason:

                                                      There are so many different blog posts, YouTube videos and tips covering this subject.

                                                      Unfortunately, 99% are COMPLETE and utter garbage.

                                                      The truth?

                                                      There is only ONE type of voice you should ever use in your writing.

                                                      Hint: it’s usually NOT your client’s “brand voice.”

                                                      In this blog post, I’m going to reveal the simplest way to master the tone of voice in copywriting, so you can effortlessly grab your reader’s attention, pique their interest and boost more sales for your clients.


                                                      What is Tone of Voice in Copywriting?


                                                      Tone of voice in copywriting is simply “how” a brand communicates with its audience through written content (on social media, advertising, blog posts, etc.)

                                                      Pay special attention to the word “audience.”

                                                      This is VERY important.

                                                      Everything you write should be written to your ideal reader.

                                                      And only them.

                                                      Their language, their slang, their way of expressing things, etc.

                                                      When you are able to speak your “reader’s language”, you will instantly write engaging, interesting and persuasive copy – TO THEM.

                                                      Who is your ideal reader?

                                                      Your client’s target audience (more specifically… their customers).


                                                      Why is Tone of Voice Copywriting Important to YOUR Success?

                                                      Woman holding dog

                                                      Tone of voice in copywriting is EVERYTHING.


                                                      It’s simple.

                                                      The goal of copywriting is to get results.

                                                      And the only way to get results is to motivate your readers to take action (click a link, purchase a product, sign up for an email newsletter and so on).

                                                      How do you motivate your readers?

                                                      By applying the direct response fundamentals and writing in a way that speaks to your readers on a personal and emotional level.

                                                      The tone of voice you want to use is your readers.

                                                      It all has to do with them and ONLY them.

                                                      Many brands do not understand this.

                                                      They try to sound quirky, funny, sophisticated or clever. They only think of themselves and not of their customers.

                                                      But it’s their customers who are putting dough in their pockets.

                                                      And the only way to get paid handsomely as a copywriter is to get results for your clients.

                                                      You do this by tapping into your readers’ minds and hearts and tailoring everything you write toward what THEY want, need and desire.


                                                      How to Effortlessly Improve Tone of Voice in Your Writing

                                                      Smiling woman

                                                      Now that you know the real secret of who you are writing to and how you write to them, I’m going to show you exactly how to uncover your ideal reader’s language.

                                                      So that you can effortlessly write copy that resonates with them on a personal level, builds trust and ultimately boosts sales.

                                                      Here’s how:

                                                      Mastering tone of voice in copywriting all has to do with what you do BEFORE writing.

                                                      I’m talking about research.

                                                      During the research phase, you will spend a LOT of time researching and studying your target audience (who you are writing for).

                                                      I’ve created a detailed guide on how to do copywriting research, you can read it here.

                                                      Also, you’ll want to send your clients a detailed copywriting brief.

                                                      This is where you ask a lot of questions related to their target audience, product, competition, etc.

                                                      Steal the exact copywriting brief I’ve used over the last 4 years: "Free Copywriting Brief Template For Copywriters (The Secret to Writing Better Copy)"

                                                      In this brief, I spend the most time focusing on my client’s target audience.

                                                      Here are a bunch of questions to ask them:




                                                      Marital status:


                                                      Education level:

                                                      Annual income:


                                                      State of market awareness [highlight most relevant]

                                                      1. Most aware
                                                      2. Product aware
                                                      3. Solution aware
                                                      4. Problem aware
                                                      5. Completely unaware

                                                      Emotional questions about your market (most important)

                                                      1. What keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up their esophagus, eyes open, staring at the ceiling?
                                                      2. What causes them pain?
                                                      3. What humiliates them?
                                                      4. What are they afraid of?
                                                      5. What makes them mad?
                                                      6. What do they worry about most?
                                                      7. What 3 things frustrate them most each day?
                                                      8. What do they want most?
                                                      9. What make them feel insecure?
                                                      10. What is the #1 most URGENT problem they are desperately trying to solve?
                                                      11. What FEELINGS are they experiencing when they’re doing a Google search about the big problem they need solved?
                                                      12. What do they COMPLAIN about to their friends over a drink?
                                                      13. What do they dislike about products available?
                                                      14. What do they like about products available?
                                                      15. What do they want more of from products?
                                                      16. How do you want the visitor to FEEL when they arrive on your website
                                                      17. Why do they NEED what you are selling?
                                                      18. Why should they buy NOW?
                                                      19. What are their VALUES like?
                                                      20. What trends are occurring and will occur in their business or lives?
                                                      21. Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? (Example: engineers = exceptionally analytical.)
                                                      22. Do they have their own insider language?


                                                      You can also find the answers to most of these questions online.

                                                      My favorite sites to use are Facebook groups and Reddit forums.

                                                      Simply type in relevant keywords.

                                                      For example: “real estate agents”.

                                                      In seconds, you’ll find communities of your target audience gathered together and communicating with each other.

                                                      These groups are so valuable to you because your target audience will share everything that’s on their mind – what’s bothering them, what they want most, their burning questions and all that good stuff.


                                                      In these groups & forums, they speak unfiltered.


                                                      They’ll share what’s REALLY on their minds – without holding back.

                                                      After studying these forums for a while, you’ll pick up on your ideal reader’s language, tone and all the psychological and emotional elements you’ll need to write interesting and persuasive copy (for them).



                                                      You now have everything you need to master tone of voice in copywriting for every client you write for.

                                                      Simply study their target audience, and you will never struggle to write engaging copy again.

                                                      Want more copywriting tips? Enter your email below:


                                                      How to Become a Successful Sales Copywriter in 2024 (Ultimate Guide for Beginners)

                                                      Jan 13, 2024 by Jeremy Mac
                                                      woman throwing money


                                                      Interested in sales copywriting?

                                                      If so, I’ve got terrific news for you…

                                                      Sales copywriting pays a fortune and will ALWAYS be in red-hot demand (even during the “AI takeover”)

                                                      Here’s why:

                                                      Companies will ALWAYS need help converting more customers and selling their products/services.

                                                      If you can help them do this, then the sky’s the limit to your success.

                                                      In this post…

                                                      I’m going to cover what sales copywriting is, what a sales copywriter does, how much you can earn in 2024 and 5 simple steps to become a successful sales copywriter… in the shortest amount of time possible.


                                                      What is Sales Copywriting?

                                                      writing on laptop

                                                      Sales copywriting is the process of creating written content, known as sales copy, with the primary goal of persuading readers to take a specific action (usually to purchase a product).

                                                      Good sales copy is engaging, persuasive and interesting to its TARGET AUDIENCE. Plus, it highlights the emotional benefits of using a product, handles potential objections, creates a sense of urgency, and establishes a deep connection with readers.

                                                      Sales copy can be found in various forms, including website content, product descriptions, email campaigns, advertisements, and landing pages.


                                                      What Does a Sales Copywriter Do?

                                                      pondering woman

                                                      As a sales copywriter, your main goal is to drive results for your clients.

                                                      You’ll spend the majority of your time researching, writing sales copy and collaborating with marketers, sales teams and graphic designers.

                                                      The primary responsibilities of a sales copywriter include:

                                                      1. Understanding your target audience

                                                      To write effective copy, you MUST gain a deep understanding of your target audience. You want to focus on emotional and psychological aspects like, their needs, wants, desires, interests, pain points, fears, etc. This knowledge helps you create persuasive copy that resonates with your audience and motivates them to take desired actions.

                                                      2. Research

                                                      Research plays a BIG role in a copywriter’s life. In fact, it’s the MOST important step in the writing process. Good copywriters spend 80% of their time researching, and only a small chunk writing. Everything you’ll need to write killer copy is found during the research phase. You’ll research things like: the company you’re writing for, their customers, competition, USP, brand voice and so on.

                                                      Writing persuasive copy

                                                      Your main task is to write sales copy that persuades and convinces your readers to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting more information. To learn the nitty gritty on how to write copy that sells, see this blog post.

                                                      Highlighting Benefits

                                                      One of the most important aspects of copywriting is to highlight the emotional benefits of your product/service. You want to discover what benefits your prospects care about most and what these benefits will DO for them (I.E. how their lives will improve, what problems they’ll overcome, etc.). Then, emphasize these benefits in the most attractive and persuasive way.

                                                      Creating a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

                                                      Identifying and highlighting what makes your product or service unique compared to competitors is essential to your success as a sales copywriter. This helps you make your offer compelling and gives your readers a reason why they should choose it over all the other options available.

                                                      Building Emotional Connection

                                                      Successful sales copy appeals to your reader’s core emotions. You sell by tapping your readers’ emotions. Sales copywriters use language that connects with the emotions of their audience, making their message more memorable and persuasive.

                                                      Addressing Objections

                                                      Anticipating and addressing common objections or concerns that your readers have is crucial. This helps you build trust, bypass skepticism and overcome barriers to conversion.

                                                      Implementing SEO Strategies

                                                      For online copy, you’ll need to incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to ensure that your content is discoverable by search engines. Read this post to write SEO-optimized copy like a true pro.

                                                      Creating Various Types of Content

                                                      Sales copywriters work on different types of content, including website copy, promotional emails, social media advertisements, sales pages and much more. While your message remains the same – copywriting 101 – you’ll need to follow each platform’s unique rules, regulations and best practices. However, it’s usually very quick to learn and apply best practices once you understand how to craft persuasive messages.

                                                      Testing and Optimization

                                                      Copywriting is results-driven. Running tests is the only way to tell if your copy was successful or not. You’ll spend time running A/B split tests and analyzing performance metrics to determine the effectiveness of your copy. Then, optimize your writing based off what the data tells you.

                                                      Staying Updated on Industry Trends

                                                      To be an effective sales copywriter, you’ll need to stay informed about industry trends, consumer behavior, and changes in marketing strategies.


                                                      How Much Does a Sales Copywriter Make? (2024 Sales Copywriter Salary)

                                                      office worker holding money

                                                      According to…

                                                      In-house sales copywriters (working for a company) take home around $40,000 to $55,000 per year as an entry-level copywriter.

                                                      For senior sales copywriters?

                                                      Around $85,000+ per year.


                                                      Salary averages for sales copywriters are misleading.


                                                      There is virtually NO LIMIT to how much a sales copywriter can earn… as long as they meet these 2 requirements….

                                                      1. You’re a freelance sales copywriter
                                                      2. You can turn words into sales

                                                      As long as you run your own freelance business and can get desirable results for your clients, you can earn as much money as your big heart desires.

                                                      If you constantly work on improving your sales copywriting skills, you will always be in demand and be able to charge top-tier rates.


                                                      How to Become a Sales Copywriter in the Shortest Amount of Time Possible (5 Simple Steps)


                                                      I've put together an in-depth crash course outlining the path to becoming a successful freelance sales copywriter in 2024.

                                                      This comprehensive guide delves into the specific steps I took to quickly launch my copywriting career and score hundreds of freelance clients.

                                                      You can read it here:

                                                      How to Become a Successful Freelance Copywriter in 2024 (Ultimate Guide for Beginners)

                                                      However, here are the key 5 steps you should consider:

                                                        1. Master the Fundamentals

                                                          Start your copywriting journey by reading these 10 sales copywriting books:

                                                          • The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert
                                                          • The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman
                                                          • How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor O. Schwab
                                                          • Scientific Advertising By Claude Hopkins
                                                          • The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy
                                                          • Ogilvy on Advertising By David Ogilvy
                                                          • Tested Advertising Methods By John Caples
                                                          • Cashvertising By Drew Eric Whitman
                                                          • The Copywriter’s Handbook By Bob Bly
                                                          • Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel By John Carlton

                                                          Besides reading these books, practice your copywriting skills by following this guide – How to Practice Copywriting for Free (5 Exercises to Improve Your Skills TODAY).

                                                          I invested three months in this learning phase before taking on client projects.

                                                          I recommend dedicating at least a month to this phase.


                                                          It's all about delivering value.

                                                          Gaining a good grasp of the copywriting basics and feeling confident in your skills allows you to offer significant value to your clients.

                                                          This is the true key to amassing wealth as a sales copywriter.

                                                          The better results you can achieve for clients, the more they'll be willing to pay for your services.


                                                            2. Secure Clients


                                                              After learning the basics and practicing your skills, it’s time to get paid to write.

                                                              Finding sales copywriting clients online can be overwhelming for beginners.


                                                              Let me simplify it for you…

                                                              I've compiled an ultimate guide for beginners looking to land their first set of clients: "How to Get Copywriting Clients in 2024 With No Experience (Get New Clients TODAY)"

                                                              In this post, I uncover my top ten methods for securing freelance sales copywriting clients.


                                                              As a beginner, aim to gain rapid-fire experience by writing for various clients, niches, and different types of copy (emails, social media, ads, etc.)—as you'll leverage this swift experience in the following 3 steps…


                                                                3. Select a Niche


                                                                  Once you've collected real-world experience and accumulated numerous samples & testimonials, it's time to choose a niche.


                                                                  You'll earn significantly more as a niche sales copywriter (specialists are always compensated more than generalists).

                                                                  My comprehensive guide, "The 10 Highest-Paying Copywriting Niches in 2024 (How to Pick the Best One for YOU)," offers step-by-step instructions on selecting a sales copywriting niche you'll enjoy.

                                                                  You can specialize within sales copywriting.

                                                                  For instance:

                                                                  You can become the go-to sales copywriter for health brands.

                                                                  The possibilities are limitless.

                                                                  And so is your earning potential when you become the expert for an underserved, high-paying copywriting niche.


                                                                    4. Develop an Outstanding Portfolio

                                                                      Before attracting high-paying niche clients, you'll need an impressive portfolio filled with sales copywriting testimonials & samples.

                                                                      Create a portfolio within 10 minutes by following this detailed blog post: How to Create a Copywriting Portfolio with NO Experience (In 10 minutes or Less)


                                                                        5. Expand Your Sales Copywriting Business to New Heights

                                                                          This blog post unveils the top 3 methods to grow your freelance sales copywriting business, allowing you to surpass "6-figures" as smoothly as possible: "3 Fastest Ways to Grow Your Freelance Copywriting Business in 2024 (Make 6-figures This Year)"

                                                                          Read it when you're ready to scale your freelance business.



                                                                          Sales copywriting is one of the highest-paying and most in-demand skills you can gain.

                                                                          Follow the tips in this post (and the accompanying guides) to quickly launch your sales copywriting career.

                                                                          Want daily copywriting tips to help you achieve your BIG goals? Enter your email below:


                                                                          Jeremy Mac

                                                                          Shows aspiring & struggling copywriters how to break into copywriting, feel confident in their copywriting skills and get a steady stream of high-paying clients - WITHOUT the confusion, hassle or guesswork

                                                                          Want Daily Tips to Help YOU Become A 6-FIGURE COPYWRITER?

                                                                          Enter your primary email address below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his popular paid membership – Copy Kings

                                                                          Become a “Copy King” TODAY!

                                                                          Discover why hundreds of copywriters are raving about my popular monthly membership – Copy Kings

                                                                          Copy Kings Membership

                                                                          Jeremy Mac

                                                                          Shows aspiring & struggling copywriters how to break into copywriting, feel confident in their copywriting skills and get a steady stream of high-paying clients - WITHOUT the confusion, hassle or guesswork

                                                                          Want Daily Tips to Help YOU Become A 6-FIGURE COPYWRITER?

                                                                          Enter your primary email address below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE audio training straight out of his popular paid membership – Copy Kings

                                                                          Struggling to Gain Clients?

                                                                          This 3.5 hr video course shows beginners how to attract a FLOOD of new clients - in as quick as 24 hours - WITHOUT a portfolio or experience. Check it out 👇


                                                                          Hear From These Thriving Copywriters Who Are Now Living Like Kings & Queens... Will YOU Be Next?

                                                                          ❝I can't recommend Copy Kings enough! It gave me the skills, the confidence, and THE CLIENTS to become a successful copywriter.❞

                                                                          Kevin Davis

                                                                          ❝If you're a budding copywriter, this is your secret weapon. I've landed clients I only dreamed of thanks to this membership!❞

                                                                          Alex Rodriguez

                                                                          ❝As someone who knew nothing about copywriting, this membership turned me into a pro! Seriously, like within the 1st month of joining. Highly recommended!❞

                                                                          Benjamin J

                                                                          ❝Incredible value! This program has opened up new doors for my copywriting career.❞

                                                                          Ethan Ramirez

                                                                          ❝Top-notch content and support. It's like having a mentor by your side. I refer to the resources whenever I feel stuck.❞

                                                                          Franklin Nguyen

                                                                          ❝One new client and it pays for itself 10x over. Already closed 5 new clients since enrolling in this membership!❞

                                                                          Isaiah Patel

                                                                          ❝This copywriting membership is a must-have for any copywriter looking to grow their business. I love how Jeremy provides detailed insights into the psychology of what makes people buy. He offers a TON of actionable tips to apply to your own business in each training.❞

                                                                          Quentin James

                                                                          ❝This membership is worth THOUSANDS. I’ve already made back AT LEAST 20x the monthly cost.❞

                                                                          Thomas P

                                                                          ❝Joining was the best decision of my life. It's the best investment I've made in my career as a copywriter.❞

                                                                          Xavier Boseman

                                                                          ❝I was initially skeptical about yet another copywriting course, but this continues to blow me away. It's not just about theory; it's a hands-on, results-driven approach from a real expert who gets it.❞

                                                                          Ulysses F

                                                                          ❝I love how Jeremy really focuses on the importance of relationship-building with clients. Almost no 1 is teaching this sort of stuff. Some of the tips and knowledge he gives away are truly MIND OPENING. I can’t wait to start applying the tips from last week's vid into conversations with clients.❞

                                                                          Vincent Martin

                                                                          ❝I had my doubts, but this membership genuinely overdelivered. The practical and real-world advice exceeded my expectations.❞

                                                                          Patrick McMullin

                                                                          ❝His enthusiasm for copywriting and marketing is contagious. It makes all his content very engaging and enjoyable to listen to. I usually go through his teachings several times to really dig out all the gold. I love listening while on my morning runs.❞

                                                                          Michaela Meyers

                                                                          ❝SO MANY options for getting clients. He wasn’t joking when he said you can choose the ones that you enjoy most. I found a few that work best for me and my personality. These are NOT the same ol lead generation tips. He gives advanced tips on all the newest strategies from his “in the trenches” experience with getting clients and they are practical and easy to use not just generic advice or puffy theory.❞

                                                                          Jonathon Gold

                                                                          ❝Jeremy covers so much more than just copywriting. He gives away tons of actionable tips on marketing, sales, lead gen, customer relations and overall business growth strategies.❞

                                                                          Liam Williamson

                                                                          ❝He provides practical examples and tips that I never would have thought of on my own. It opened my eyes to new and VERY PROFITABLE copywriting strategies.❞

                                                                          Jacob Thompson

                                                                          ❝I love the bite-sized weekly lessons, which makes it easy to fit into my busy schedule. There’s no fluff at all, only how-to advice that anyone can benefit from.. like tomorrow!❞

                                                                          Tomas Henderson

                                                                          ❝I really liked how a bunch of lessons focus on the importance of follow-up and building relationships with clients. This is crucial for long-term success in copywriting and Jeremy gave great insider tips on how to build long-term relationships and get referrals from them.❞

                                                                          Harrison peppers

                                                                          ❝The membership provides actionable steps and easy to use worksheets to help me apply the copywriting strategies to my writing. This made it easy to implement the strategies in a practical way.❞

                                                                          Brianna Carter

                                                                          ❝No theory, all actionable advice from real-world experience. Jeremy’s a master copywriter and teacher. I learned so much from his insights and tips.❞

                                                                          Aaliyah Jackson

                                                                          ❝The program really highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to yourself in your marketing efforts. This is crucial for building trust with clients and makes freelancing much more enjoyable and comfortable.❞

                                                                          Camille Green

                                                                          ❝This membership was a great investment. I saw an immediate improvement in my writing after implementing the new strategies.❞

                                                                          Jasmine Thomas

                                                                          ❝I was concerned that this program might not be tailored to my specific niche, but it turned out to be adaptable and beneficial for all copywriters.❞

                                                                          Latoya Washington

                                                                          ❝Jeremy provided great tips for leveraging social media platforms for lead generation. This was particularly helpful for me, becuz I was unsure how to effectively use social media to promote my freelance business.❞

                                                                          Dominique Sanchez

                                                                          ❝As an experienced copywriter, I thought I knew it all. But this program brought new tips and ideas to my attention, making it a worthwhile investment even for seasoned pros.❞

                                                                          Gabrielle Adams

                                                                          ❝I now have clear goals and expectations for business. This helped me focus my efforts and achieve better results. I feel very confident now about copywriting career and just know my business will thrive!❞

                                                                          Beatriz Flores

                                                                          ❝I had reservations about the ROI claims he made, but I've already seen a significant increase in my income.❞

                                                                          Ana Chavez

                                                                          ❝Initially, I wondered if the cost was justified. But the copywriting and business-building skills I gained here are already paying off tenfold. Worth every penny!❞

                                                                          Carolina Green

                                                                          ❝The strategies taught are so practical and easy to implement. Really enjoying it so far!❞

                                                                          Isabella Perez

                                                                          ❝As a copywriter, I've taken a lot of courses, but this is by far the best. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to copywriting, marketing, and getting clients. Stuff that no copywriter or guru talks about.❞

                                                                          Sophia Wilson

                                                                          ❝If you're struggling to break into copywriting, this membership is a must-have. It will change the way you write and do business.❞

                                                                          Ava Brown

                                                                          ❝I learn so much from each lesson, I’ve already implemented some of the gold nuggets and seen VERY impressive results.❞

                                                                          Mia Adams

                                                                          ❝I questioned whether I could really get clients as a newbie, but this program breaks it down into manageable steps. It's changed my perspective completely!❞

                                                                          Aiden Kim

                                                                          ❝I used to think copywriting courses and memberships were just a waste of money, but this one completely changed my mind. It's practical, results-driven, and worth every cent.❞

                                                                          Danial Chen

                                                                          ❝At first, I thought, 'Why should I pay for something I can learn online for free?' But the insider tips and expert guidance are unmatched. I've already made my money back in spades.❞

                                                                          Connie Chinburg

                                                                          ❝I questioned whether this could really help me land clients, but the client acquisition strategies and networking tips it provides are a game-changer.❞

                                                                          Esther Zhang

                                                                          ❝I'm so glad I invested in this subscription. It's already paid off BIG TIME.❞

                                                                          Harper Twinsly

                                                                          ❝This is perfect for copywriters of all experience levels. It provided me so many new insights on copywriting and sales, even though I've been in this business for years.❞

                                                                          Caitlin Wilson

                                                                          ❝Each lesson is so informational and entertaining. Jeremy keeps my attention throughout. I never feel bored or overwhelmed.❞

                                                                          Giselle Davis

                                                                          ❝The membership was a great investment. It provides a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to grow my copywriting business.❞

                                                                          Peter W.

                                                                          ❝His trainings are filled with practical tips and tricks that I never would have thought of on my own. Literally no one else is teaching this stuff.❞

                                                                          Tracy Berkshire

                                                                          ❝I thought I could figure it out on my own, but this has streamlined the learning process, saving me valuable time and effort.❞

                                                                          Lauren Parker

                                                                          ❝Since joining, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of clients and projects I am getting.❞

                                                                          Erin P

                                                                          ❝The knowledge and expertise in Copy Kings are unparalleled. It's a copywriter's dream come true!❞

                                                                          Davis N.

                                                                          ❝I was scared of enrolling in this program due to all the scammers out there but Jeremy is the real deal. I have been blown away by the results. I’ve already seen a significant increase in the number of clients I am generating. I recommend to any copywriter whose struggling with getting clients or looking to take their business to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!❞

                                                                          Fiona Brown

                                                                          ❝One of the most valuable benefits of joining has been the significant reduction in rejection I have experienced from prospects. He's taught me how to attract more qualified leads who are already interested in my services. This has resulted in waaaay less rejections and more successful conversions.❞

                                                                          Peyton P.

                                                                          ❝Before joining, I was constantly struggling to generate leads and get work, which left me feeling burnt out and extremely stressed. This has helped me achieve a better work-life balance and reduce burnout while still growing my business.❞

                                                                          Rebecca Anderson

                                                                          ❝I am now more confident than ever in my writing ability! I am super confident I will succeed!❞

                                                                          Sara Ortiz

                                                                          ❝This program turned me from a novice into a copywriting expert. I'm amazed!❞

                                                                          Mike Vega

                                                                          ❝This has really given me an unfair advantage over my competition! The expert advice has given me the power to stand out in a VERY crowded market.❞

                                                                          Jake Upton

                                                                          ❝Before Copy Kings, I often felt intimidated by my competition and feared losing out on potential clients. However, Jermey has taught me how to differentiate myself from other writers and leverage my unique strengths to attract more business. I now feel much more confident in my copywriting ability. I am excited to see the results in the upcoming months.❞

                                                                          William Foster

                                                                          ❝I used to struggle with crippling imposter syndrome and fear of rejection, which held me back from pursuing really going all in with copywriting and growing my business. However, this membership has shot me with confidence. I no longer have imposter syndrome with my writing and feel confident in building a more successful business and a much more fulfilling career.❞

                                                                          Taylor Bradberry

                                                                          ❝The step-by-step guidance and mentorship are what every aspiring copywriter needs.❞

                                                                          Jason Kim

                                                                          ❝This membership has had a TREMENDOUS impact on the quality of my clients and my overall business. Before joining Copy Kings, I often found myself working with difficult clients who did not respect my time or expertise. But jeremy has shown me how to attract higher-quality clients who are more likely to value my services and treat me with respect. As a result, I now work with AMAZING clients who are a better fit for my business and who are more likely to refer me to others in their professional network.❞

                                                                          Nick Smith

                                                                          ❝Completely transformed the way I write copy! I no longer feel stuck. I know exactly what to say and how to say it. It's like magic!❞

                                                                          Heather Mackenzie

                                                                          ❝I'm in awe of the results I've achieved with the help of this membership.❞

                                                                          Ken Burke

                                                                          ❝I can confidently say this has been one of the best investments I've made in my copywriting career.❞

                                                                          Nicole Orlando

                                                                          ❝If you're serious about a copywriting career, this program is your launchpad to success!❞

                                                                          Brett T.

                                                                          ❝I used to struggle with writer's block, but not anymore. Like seriously, it's gone! Jeremy has unlocked my true copywriting potential!❞

                                                                          Brooke White

                                                                          ❝Prior to joining, I was extremely burnt out and lost my fire. I struggled to generate leads and find success as a freelancer. But not anymore! I now enjoy my career again, feel very passionate and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.❞

                                                                          Yvette Rodriguez

                                                                          ❝I used to struggle HARD at building strong relationships with my clients because it was hard for me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs and concerns. Since joining Copy Kings, I’ve been able to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with my clients, and I feel great about helping them achieve their business goals.❞

                                                                          Giannas P.

                                                                          ❝My income has doubled since joining. I can't thank Jeremy enough!❞

                                                                          Rachel Garret

                                                                          ❝From raw beginner to copy GOD, this program caters to all levels. It's an all-in-one copywriting solution.❞

                                                                          Olivia Smith

                                                                          ❝I’ve taken on over 12 HIGH QUALITY clients since joining, resulting in a 50% increase in income compared to last year. These numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of this membership.❞

                                                                          Bobby C.

                                                                          Hear From These Thriving Copywriters Who Are Now Living Like Kings & Queens... Will YOU Be Next?

                                                                          ❝I can't recommend Copy Kings enough! It gave me the skills, the confidence, and THE CLIENTS to become a successful copywriter.❞

                                                                          Kevin Davis

                                                                          ❝If you're a budding copywriter, this is your secret weapon. I've landed clients I only dreamed of thanks to this membership!❞

                                                                          Alex Rodriguez

                                                                          ❝As someone who knew nothing about copywriting, this membership turned me into a pro! Seriously, like within the 1st month of joining. Highly recommended!❞

                                                                          Benjamin J

                                                                          ❝Incredible value! This program has opened up new doors for my copywriting career.❞

                                                                          Ethan Ramirez

                                                                          ❝Top-notch content and support. It's like having a mentor by your side. I refer to the resources whenever I feel stuck.❞

                                                                          Franklin Nguyen

                                                                          ❝One new client and it pays for itself 10x over. Already closed 5 new clients since enrolling in this membership!❞

                                                                          Isaiah Patel

                                                                          ❝This copywriting membership is a must-have for any copywriter looking to grow their business. I love how Jeremy provides detailed insights into the psychology of what makes people buy. He offers a TON of actionable tips to apply to your own business in each training.❞

                                                                          Quentin James

                                                                          ❝This membership is worth THOUSANDS. I’ve already made back AT LEAST 20x the monthly cost.❞

                                                                          Thomas P

                                                                          ❝Joining was the best decision of my life. It's the best investment I've made in my career as a copywriter.❞

                                                                          Xavier Boseman

                                                                          ❝I was initially skeptical about yet another copywriting course, but this continues to blow me away. It's not just about theory; it's a hands-on, results-driven approach from a real expert who gets it.❞

                                                                          Ulysses F

                                                                          ❝I love how Jeremy really focuses on the importance of relationship-building with clients. Almost no 1 is teaching this sort of stuff. Some of the tips and knowledge he gives away are truly MIND OPENING. I can’t wait to start applying the tips from last week's vid into conversations with clients.❞

                                                                          Vincent Martin

                                                                          ❝I had my doubts, but this membership genuinely overdelivered. The practical and real-world advice exceeded my expectations.❞

                                                                          Patrick McMullin

                                                                          ❝His enthusiasm for copywriting and marketing is contagious. It makes all his content very engaging and enjoyable to listen to. I usually go through his teachings several times to really dig out all the gold. I love listening while on my morning runs.❞

                                                                          Michaela Meyers

                                                                          ❝SO MANY options for getting clients. He wasn’t joking when he said you can choose the ones that you enjoy most. I found a few that work best for me and my personality. These are NOT the same ol lead generation tips. He gives advanced tips on all the newest strategies from his “in the trenches” experience with getting clients and they are practical and easy to use not just generic advice or puffy theory.❞

                                                                          Jonathon Gold

                                                                          ❝Jeremy covers so much more than just copywriting. He gives away tons of actionable tips on marketing, sales, lead gen, customer relations and overall business growth strategies.❞

                                                                          Liam Williamson

                                                                          ❝He provides practical examples and tips that I never would have thought of on my own. It opened my eyes to new and VERY PROFITABLE copywriting strategies.❞

                                                                          Jacob Thompson

                                                                          ❝I love the bite-sized weekly lessons, which makes it easy to fit into my busy schedule. There’s no fluff at all, only how-to advice that anyone can benefit from.. like tomorrow!❞

                                                                          Tomas Henderson

                                                                          ❝I really liked how a bunch of lessons focus on the importance of follow-up and building relationships with clients. This is crucial for long-term success in copywriting and Jeremy gave great insider tips on how to build long-term relationships and get referrals from them.❞

                                                                          Harrison peppers

                                                                          ❝The membership provides actionable steps and easy to use worksheets to help me apply the copywriting strategies to my writing. This made it easy to implement the strategies in a practical way.❞

                                                                          Brianna Carter

                                                                          ❝No theory, all actionable advice from real-world experience. Jeremy’s a master copywriter and teacher. I learned so much from his insights and tips.❞

                                                                          Aaliyah Jackson

                                                                          ❝The program really highlighted the importance of authenticity and being true to yourself in your marketing efforts. This is crucial for building trust with clients and makes freelancing much more enjoyable and comfortable.❞

                                                                          Camille Green

                                                                          ❝This membership was a great investment. I saw an immediate improvement in my writing after implementing the new strategies.❞

                                                                          Jasmine Thomas

                                                                          ❝I was concerned that this program might not be tailored to my specific niche, but it turned out to be adaptable and beneficial for all copywriters.❞

                                                                          Latoya Washington

                                                                          ❝Jeremy provided great tips for leveraging social media platforms for lead generation. This was particularly helpful for me, becuz I was unsure how to effectively use social media to promote my freelance business.❞

                                                                          Dominique Sanchez

                                                                          ❝As an experienced copywriter, I thought I knew it all. But this program brought new tips and ideas to my attention, making it a worthwhile investment even for seasoned pros.❞

                                                                          Gabrielle Adams

                                                                          ❝I now have clear goals and expectations for business. This helped me focus my efforts and achieve better results. I feel very confident now about copywriting career and just know my business will thrive!❞

                                                                          Beatriz Flores

                                                                          ❝I had reservations about the ROI claims he made, but I've already seen a significant increase in my income.❞

                                                                          Ana Chavez

                                                                          ❝Initially, I wondered if the cost was justified. But the copywriting and business-building skills I gained here are already paying off tenfold. Worth every penny!❞

                                                                          Carolina Green

                                                                          ❝The strategies taught are so practical and easy to implement. Really enjoying it so far!❞

                                                                          Isabella Perez

                                                                          ❝As a copywriter, I've taken a lot of courses, but this is by far the best. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced. This guy really knows his stuff when it comes to copywriting, marketing, and getting clients. Stuff that no copywriter or guru talks about.❞

                                                                          Sophia Wilson

                                                                          ❝If you're struggling to break into copywriting, this membership is a must-have. It will change the way you write and do business.❞

                                                                          Ava Brown

                                                                          ❝I learn so much from each lesson, I’ve already implemented some of the gold nuggets and seen VERY impressive results.❞

                                                                          Mia Adams

                                                                          ❝I questioned whether I could really get clients as a newbie, but this program breaks it down into manageable steps. It's changed my perspective completely!❞

                                                                          Aiden Kim

                                                                          ❝I used to think copywriting courses and memberships were just a waste of money, but this one completely changed my mind. It's practical, results-driven, and worth every cent.❞

                                                                          Danial Chen

                                                                          ❝At first, I thought, 'Why should I pay for something I can learn online for free?' But the insider tips and expert guidance are unmatched. I've already made my money back in spades.❞

                                                                          Connie Chinburg

                                                                          ❝I questioned whether this could really help me land clients, but the client acquisition strategies and networking tips it provides are a game-changer.❞

                                                                          Esther Zhang

                                                                          ❝I'm so glad I invested in this subscription. It's already paid off BIG TIME.❞

                                                                          Harper Twinsly

                                                                          ❝This is perfect for copywriters of all experience levels. It provided me so many new insights on copywriting and sales, even though I've been in this business for years.❞

                                                                          Caitlin Wilson

                                                                          ❝Each lesson is so informational and entertaining. Jeremy keeps my attention throughout. I never feel bored or overwhelmed.❞

                                                                          Giselle Davis

                                                                          ❝The membership was a great investment. It provides a wealth of knowledge and actionable steps to grow my copywriting business.❞

                                                                          Peter W.

                                                                          ❝His trainings are filled with practical tips and tricks that I never would have thought of on my own. Literally no one else is teaching this stuff.❞

                                                                          Tracy Berkshire

                                                                          ❝I thought I could figure it out on my own, but this has streamlined the learning process, saving me valuable time and effort.❞

                                                                          Lauren Parker

                                                                          ❝Since joining, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of clients and projects I am getting.❞

                                                                          Erin P

                                                                          ❝The knowledge and expertise in Copy Kings are unparalleled. It's a copywriter's dream come true!❞

                                                                          Davis N.

                                                                          ❝I was scared of enrolling in this program due to all the scammers out there but Jeremy is the real deal. I have been blown away by the results. I’ve already seen a significant increase in the number of clients I am generating. I recommend to any copywriter whose struggling with getting clients or looking to take their business to the next level. You won’t be disappointed!❞

                                                                          Fiona Brown

                                                                          ❝One of the most valuable benefits of joining has been the significant reduction in rejection I have experienced from prospects. He's taught me how to attract more qualified leads who are already interested in my services. This has resulted in waaaay less rejections and more successful conversions.❞

                                                                          Peyton P.

                                                                          ❝Before joining, I was constantly struggling to generate leads and get work, which left me feeling burnt out and extremely stressed. This has helped me achieve a better work-life balance and reduce burnout while still growing my business.❞

                                                                          Rebecca Anderson

                                                                          ❝I am now more confident than ever in my writing ability! I am super confident I will succeed!❞

                                                                          Sara Ortiz

                                                                          ❝This program turned me from a novice into a copywriting expert. I'm amazed!❞

                                                                          Mike Vega

                                                                          ❝This has really given me an unfair advantage over my competition! The expert advice has given me the power to stand out in a VERY crowded market.❞

                                                                          Jake Upton

                                                                          ❝Before Copy Kings, I often felt intimidated by my competition and feared losing out on potential clients. However, Jermey has taught me how to differentiate myself from other writers and leverage my unique strengths to attract more business. I now feel much more confident in my copywriting ability. I am excited to see the results in the upcoming months.❞

                                                                          William Foster

                                                                          ❝I used to struggle with crippling imposter syndrome and fear of rejection, which held me back from pursuing really going all in with copywriting and growing my business. However, this membership has shot me with confidence. I no longer have imposter syndrome with my writing and feel confident in building a more successful business and a much more fulfilling career.❞

                                                                          Taylor Bradberry

                                                                          ❝The step-by-step guidance and mentorship are what every aspiring copywriter needs.❞

                                                                          Jason Kim

                                                                          ❝This membership has had a TREMENDOUS impact on the quality of my clients and my overall business. Before joining Copy Kings, I often found myself working with difficult clients who did not respect my time or expertise. But jeremy has shown me how to attract higher-quality clients who are more likely to value my services and treat me with respect. As a result, I now work with AMAZING clients who are a better fit for my business and who are more likely to refer me to others in their professional network.❞

                                                                          Nick Smith

                                                                          ❝Completely transformed the way I write copy! I no longer feel stuck. I know exactly what to say and how to say it. It's like magic!❞

                                                                          Heather Mackenzie

                                                                          ❝I'm in awe of the results I've achieved with the help of this membership.❞

                                                                          Ken Burke

                                                                          ❝I can confidently say this has been one of the best investments I've made in my copywriting career.❞

                                                                          Nicole Orlando

                                                                          ❝If you're serious about a copywriting career, this program is your launchpad to success!❞

                                                                          Brett T.

                                                                          ❝I used to struggle with writer's block, but not anymore. Like seriously, it's gone! Jeremy has unlocked my true copywriting potential!❞

                                                                          Brooke White

                                                                          ❝Prior to joining, I was extremely burnt out and lost my fire. I struggled to generate leads and find success as a freelancer. But not anymore! I now enjoy my career again, feel very passionate and am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.❞

                                                                          Yvette Rodriguez

                                                                          ❝I used to struggle HARD at building strong relationships with my clients because it was hard for me to connect with them on a deeper level and understand their needs and concerns. Since joining Copy Kings, I’ve been able to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with my clients, and I feel great about helping them achieve their business goals.❞

                                                                          Giannas P.

                                                                          ❝My income has doubled since joining. I can't thank Jeremy enough!❞

                                                                          Rachel Garret

                                                                          ❝From raw beginner to copy GOD, this program caters to all levels. It's an all-in-one copywriting solution.❞

                                                                          Olivia Smith

                                                                          ❝I’ve taken on over 12 HIGH QUALITY clients since joining, resulting in a 50% increase in income compared to last year. These numbers are a testament to the effectiveness of this membership.❞

                                                                          Bobby C.

                                                                          GET PAID LIKE A KING TO WRITE FOR BRANDS YOU LOVE - TODAY!

                                                                          The "King of Copy" is Giving Away Tips for Becoming a Top Paid Copywriter Right Now

                                                                          Enter your email below to open Jeremy's daily email tips and a FREE video training straight out of his exclusive paid membership – Copy Kings